Nope. MSM = idiots
anons = people who automatically research anything that seems interesting. Stands to reason we would know about MMS as an alternative to pharmaceuticals
Nope. MSM = idiots
anons = people who automatically research anything that seems interesting. Stands to reason we would know about MMS as an alternative to pharmaceuticals
I'm saying that I am aware of what MSM does and has always done, and I COULDN'T give two shits - or one for that matter - about it. I don't pay attention to much MSM has to say with regard to how I choose to conduct my own affairs.
Therefore, there is no correlation between what MSM chooses to run as stories and what I choose to post on an anonymous message board. But you do you
The only one who can make you look like a dumb ass is you - I can claim no credit for that
if Q cared about optics, Q would not post here
I just use it to wash down the Tide pods