Anonymous ID: 8132a1 Jan. 29, 2020, 2:56 a.m. No.7952641   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2650 >>2664 >>2691 >>2732

>>7952258 (lb)


Coherent model…. doesn't exist I dont believe.


We get crumbs, just crumbs. If the most capable of us were able to build a coherent model, so would the cabal. We were told to trust the plan for a reason. If the plan could be deduced, there would be no need in trust.


The hypothesis built from bits of information might give a glimpse of some aspects, but never the exact or whole picture. And there's always the nagging question of what curve ball is yet to come.


The design is to create a fog of war and uncertainty everywhere. Can be frustrating for us, but what do we have to lose? Nothing. We've lived in that world since birth. What does the cabal have to lose? Everything. They no longer have the control and certainty they've wield for ages.


In addition to finding codes and spreading information, I suspect our job is documentation for history as much as anything. We dont need to predict the plan or the future. We just need to collect the evidence, and when the dust settles, truth will win.


I also think we are part of the fog machine. With bits and pieces, we use logic to guess and deduce creating numerous plausible reasons or outcomes and we affect the cabal that lurks…anxiety, fear, confusion and expanding energy and time trying to reason it all. With their lives in the balance, the mass confusion of who to trust, who's turned, what's real what's a head fake, what's next must be exhausting.


I dont think a coherent model exists…and I'm very comfy with that. I don't know what's next, but neither does the cabal and that makes this a whole lot of fun. Kek