Anonymous ID: b6ec47 Jan. 29, 2020, 8:25 a.m. No.7954435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4455 >>4652


> ^this

This is what they're hiding from us.

Cataclysm occurs cyclically, perhaps every 12,000 years like clockwork. The Earth used to be smaller, therefore gravity used to be much less intense. Dinosaurs and Giants where only possible because the gravity allowed them to grow so large. Nowadays giants die young, their organs can't support the blood flow/pressure to allow healthy function. Most of the world's megafauna died during the Younger Dryas cataclysm 12,000 years ago. North America used to have Mammoth, Camels, Tigers, etc.


If the event is triggered by a micro-nova, the planets would be hit with a shock-wave of ions and solar ejecta. This may push planets off their orbits, causing massive strain on tectonic plates, causing them to buckle, fold, and open up the crust to the magma below. We see fresh magma streaks stretching across the ocean floors. This sudden perturbation would not only cause the Earths crust to expand with centrifugal force, it would unleash the weight of the oceans onto the continents as the Earth's rotation speed adjusted, and the water sloshed around seeking equilibrium.

In conjunction to the physical devastation, we would see electrical discharging as current flows from within the Earth (Tectonic piezo-electrics + Solar current circuit) and violently vaporizes and mineralizes surface features. All the evidence is there for us to see, but it's been suppressed. The moon missions where heavily faked in order to cover this up. They found glass beads all over the surface of the moon that could only come from a micro-nova type eruption.


The severity and suddenness of the cataclysmic potential is what they want to keep the general public from knowing about, because it means everything they're slaving away for is all for nought. [They] build nothing to last, buildings, infrastructure, equipment,…it's all temporary. [they] worship Saturn, because they maintain the secret knowledge of previous cataclysms, and how the solar system used to look in previous iterations.

CO2 based Climate change is a scam so they can bleed us dry of tax dollars to fund their contingency plans. The magnetic poles are shifting, weather manipulation is in full swing. We may have until 2046, according to Vogt.

To TPTB, stop pissing down our backs and telling us it's raining. When the world knows the truth [they] won't be able to walk down the streets. They need to brought to justice for the generations kept in debt/wage slavery, and the psychic torture imposed on all of us, and most of all their crimes against children.