idk who started the bullshit rumor about pics droppin, but it wasn't DJT and it wasn't Q… idk why so many ppl got their hopes up.
we aren't either.
very nice words!
when 2 or 3 come together in prayer…
NOTHING is impossible, anon… know that.
hi will sommers…
how are those impeachment hoax fairytales comin' along?
you found any proofs yet?
I figured you'd get atleast one by now…
since yall are so positively sure theres a back channel comm line somewhere and all…
surely if you REALLY think DJT is colluding with the imfamous hacker 4ch, you'd have some evidence by now… right?
touche, but its good to have the laser pointer focues on the exact hashtags, etc.
it changes daily… TODAY, this deserves to be a notable.
*focused on the exact