Anonymous ID: 160504 Jan. 29, 2020, 1:16 p.m. No.7957390   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7420

>>7956388 lb

Relax. The mortality rate is about the same as flu. Bolster your immune system with pro-biotics. Wash your hands and try to stay away from public transportation. It's worse in China because of poor personal hygiene and they're packed into big cities like rats in a cage.When they get sick they all run to the hospitals and spread it even more.They had a weeks warning before the quarantine so the cowardly cunts ran away taking it everywhere they went. I'm more concerned about your concern than the bug. As a bio-weapon it looks like it's designed to kill off the "deadwood" like the young, chronically sick, and/or the old while sparing most of the "productive" members of society. Culling the herd to get rid of the "unnecessary eaters" Not really all that effective. A lot more virulent diseases around. A cabal distraction. Make some popcorn and watch the movie.