Anonymous ID: 9e1d07 Jan. 29, 2020, 1:07 p.m. No.7957303   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7328 >>7333 >>7343 >>7440

Q has doomed you to idleness and inaction while your government is fully corrupted with your knowledge and consent.


so this shit show we are watching is worth the pain it's causing the US citizens and dividing family and friends all to not expose all the crimes of our leaders so you will have faith in the newly reformed leaders who control the most powerful military in all of history and we call it inspired by God in fact God already won, yet during God's victory we are overrun with lies, propaganda, killing, blackmailing and the same or equal actions of the admitted bad government (same as the new government) but wink wink trust us not them.


and BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM we will wake up one day soon (3 years and counting) just reelect us (help consolidate power) so we can prove it to you, but wait, no that does not mean we will ever tell you all that was wrong, it will affect other countries, never mind that they hate us for what we have already done to them?


please explain where I have this all wrong?

Anonymous ID: 9e1d07 Jan. 29, 2020, 1:14 p.m. No.7957376   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I agree

try that argument on Q, Q+

you will get a very different answer

Q/Q+ want you as divided as the worlds elite do

new devil new name just the same old game

except the new game won't pretend that you have any rights or a constitution

Anonymous ID: 9e1d07 Jan. 29, 2020, 1:21 p.m. No.7957448   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Q is not here for justice

their will be no arrests

it's all a show

even if an arrest occurs, you die, hide in some underground bunker

hello OWO

you sat idle and gave consent just like you did with the previous evils

you (US citizens) are the problem

you think God put you here, no you asked to be here cause you thought you would be different, you are not

lazy comfortable no concern for the world around you

you claim you love your neighbor, yet you don't even know his name

how many of your family members have you shut out because they don't agree with you?

Anonymous ID: 9e1d07 Jan. 29, 2020, 1:38 p.m. No.7957606   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7629 >>7662


yes I am trying from my little corner to reach those who claim they care, IRL I have no luck meeting true patriots, who would risk one thing let alone all things to stand up for the rights you are letting (Q encouraged) slip away.

I got to be comfy with Q, then when nothing apparent to public was happening had to reexamine, didn't like what I saw, especially the bullying of newfags who asked questions and the division it caused

Im in a deep blue state yet live rural, and these so called republicans would't stand up to be counted until d day.

the problem with that is d day is to late, when it arrives, it will be started because it was the next step of the plan to usher in OWO

so you can hate me, I know I am asking for people to act, they are just to comfortable to act.

I did this in 2007 before our republic didn't vet Obama, and his + same Bush DS attacked and destroyed my life.

I am on a homestead and come in contact with very few, but I talk and ask everyone I run into, just none care or could be bothered, and 98% don't even know what I am talking about.

so insults from strangers don't make me turn from what I do to reach others

I know their will be a day when you remember my voice, and regret not taking action when action was what was required (peaceful assembly and political involvement)

no amount of work or family excuses will matter, you will have neither when we arrive at Q's final destination>

I am glad you care though, wish more did, to accept the responsibility of love and care

good luck to you and yours, I rather Q be true but if not > then what?

Anonymous ID: 9e1d07 Jan. 29, 2020, 1:45 p.m. No.7957680   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7752


yes evil is very good at pretending good because it fools most

look at most 501 c3's they pretend to be good, yet do more harm than good, and part you you from your money because it was easier to let someone else do good than you, it's just so hard to be good

why be good when suckers are born every day and pretending to be good is much easier

God like goodness isn't performed with evil acts, Q is using the same tactics the enemy is using, they are no better, just asking you to look away why the change the locks and key holders