Anonymous ID: dd2b7c Jan. 29, 2020, 1:18 p.m. No.7957419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7432 >>7531


On a related note, at the height of American slavery, the majority of slave owners where of wealthy Jewish decent (Rothschild cabal)

They used a systematic technique called "Buck-Breaking", where the slave owner would take a defiant Black male, tie them to the ground and rape or sexually humiliate them until they become psychologically fractured and broken. This practice survives in the Masonic Cabal sexual initiation practices. If you want a piece of their pie, you have to submit to sexual humiliation/ degradation.


Regarding Prussia, that territory bordered land occupied to the East by Slavic peoples. Our English word Slave comes directly from the relationship that used to exist between the Germanic (Perhaps also Khazarian) peoples and the Slavs that they subjugated. I would suggest there's a direct lineage of cruelty passed on by the kind of people that would enslave their neighbors, to the people that would enslave Blacks, to the people that now have sought the enslavement of the entire world- Using the same sick psychological torture that [they] have developed for millennia.

Anonymous ID: dd2b7c Jan. 29, 2020, 1:26 p.m. No.7957498   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What's your take here friend?

You reply multiple times to your own post asserting the predominance of Prussian cabal interests, which I haven't debated. Either you're taking irrational exception to my naming of the Jewish element within the same echelon of criminality, or you're just a daft shill.