Q post 658 & 659 regarding FREEDOM DAY
appear to be 2 year Delta for this Friday re: Brexit & Impeachment
If you're at 01/31/2020 (looking backward thru mirror)
the mirror of those event dates (thru 2 year delta) be Q Post #658/659 date Jan 31 2018
If we find more 2018 Q Posts with 2 year Deltas coming to fruition
Q Posts prior to 658/659 are still to come
(Mirror: First posts = last events to happen)
Until we hit a Zero Delta Post/Big Event happening
(This would be the mirror location)
Can we posit Q Post #1 (Oct 28th 2017) would be a 3 year Delta?
Meaning his post about Hillary's arrest could really 3 years out
going with a October 30th 2021 date??