Anonymous ID: 20a811 Jan. 29, 2020, 3:36 p.m. No.7958682   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I think the witness vote that's scheduled on Friday is going to be a win-win for us regardless of the outcome, assuming the white hats are in control.


If they vote against, then we basically know that DJT will be acquitted.


If they vote for, then the rep majority will likely be able to vote in the witnesses that should have been called in the house (biden/son/schitt/whistleblower/etc) and thus introducing evidence legally. Again assuming white hats have the power.


If dems have their way and call pointless witnesses, then this drags on for months but will still end in acquittal.


So either way, once the impeachment trial ends, whether it be next week or months from now, more investigation reports/declass/etc can come to light forcing the senate to have hearings on it anyway, exposing their crimes to the public.