Anonymous ID: 9e557e Jan. 29, 2020, 3:42 p.m. No.7958731   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Compromised 5G: US Intelligence Presented Germany With Huawei Dossier "Smoking Gun"


Germany's leading business daily Handelsblatt dropped a Huawei bombshell Wednesday morning which resulted in an immediate vehement denial from the Chinese telecoms giant. “Huawei Technologies has never, and will never, do anything to compromise the security of networks and data of its customers,” the Chinese company insisted in response.


The German newspaper claims to have seen a "smoking gun" classified document in possession of the Federal Foreign Office which definitively links Huawei's 5G efforts with Chinese state intelligence operations to compromise Europe's security. Specifically, the leaked foreign ministry internal document cites intelligence shared by US State Department intel officials which is represented as "smoking gun" proof that Huawei remains an unsafe partner for Berlin.


“At the end of 2019, intelligence was passed to us by the U.S., according to which Huawei is proven to have been cooperating with China’s security authorities,” the leaked document says, according to Handelsblatt.

Anonymous ID: 9e557e Jan. 29, 2020, 3:47 p.m. No.7958777   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8831

Lives in the Balance

Jackson Browne


I've been waiting for something to happen

For a week or a month or a year

With the blood in the ink of the headlines

And the sound of the crowd in my ear

You might ask what it takes to remember

When you know that you've seen it before

Where a government lies to a people

And a country is drifting to war

There's a shadow on the faces

Of the men who send the guns

To the wars that are fought in places

Where their business interests run

On the radio talk shows and TV

You hear one thing again and again

How the USA stands for freedom

And we come to the aid of a friend

But who are the ones that we call our friends

These governments killing their own

Or the people who finally can't take anymore

And they pick up a gun or a brick or a stone

And there are lives in the balance

There are people under fire

There are children at the cannons

And there is blood on the wire

There's a shadow on the faces

Of the men who fan the flames

Of the wars that are fought in places

Where we can't even say the names

They sell us the president the same way

They sell us our clothes and our cars

They sell us everything from youth to religion

The same time they sell us our wars

I want to know who the men in the shadows are

I want to hear somebody asking them why

They can't be counted on to tell us

Who our enemies are

But they're never the ones to fight or to die

And there are lives in the balance

There are people under fire

There are children at the cannons

And there is blood on the wire

Anonymous ID: 9e557e Jan. 29, 2020, 3:57 p.m. No.7958862   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How Government and Media Are Prepping America for a Failed 2020 Election


Russia, China and Iran are already being blamed for using tech to undermine the 2020 election. Yet, the very technologies they are allegedly using were created by a web of companies with deep ties to Israeli intelligence.


15 minute read very detailed use link

Anonymous ID: 9e557e Jan. 29, 2020, 4:01 p.m. No.7958903   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How Viral Pandemic Benefits The Globalist Agenda


The world today suffers from highly fragile economic and geopolitical conditions. This is not news to most people in the liberty movement that have been tracking the downward spiral for years, but it is news to a majority of average Americans who rarely venture to get in-depth information on any issue. The fact of the matter is, even though there are millions of us who are aware of the danger, we are still in a minority.


This creates a serious set of frustrations. When the common citizen is oblivious to the existence of a threat, trying to explain to them the source of that threat becomes a waste of time. How can they see the root of the problem if they don’t even know the problem is there?


Yes, the world is on the verge of a violent sea-change, but this is not the most important issue. The most important issue is that this precarious situation is not the product of random chance, simple greed, base human frailty or an “overly complex” system as mainstream experts will predictably claim; it is a deliberately engineered chaos box designed to serve the interests of a select few.


The globalist agenda is complicated in design but simple in its goals: Order out of chaos. Create or exploit every crisis to manipulate the public into consenting. But consent for what?


As Richard N. Gardner, former deputy assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations under Kennedy and Johnson, and a member of the Trilateral Commission, wrote in the April, 1974 issue of the Council on Foreign Relation’s (CFR) journal Foreign Affairs (pg. 558) in an article titled ‘The Hard Road To World Order’:


“In short, the ‘house of world order’ will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great ‘booming, buzzing confusion,’ to use William James’ famous description of reality, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.”


Global pandemic, whether a natural event or deliberately engineered, actually serves the purposes of the globalist establishment in a number of ways. First and foremost, it is a superb distraction. The general public, overcome with fears of an invisible force of nature that can possibly kill them at any moment, will probably forget all about the much bigger threat to their life, liberty and future – the subsequent collapse of the massive ‘Everything Bubble’ and the globalist “solution” that a pandemic can trigger.


The coronavirus is only a moderate threat in comparison to economic crisis. That said, I want to confront a few issues concerning the virus itself before we get to the economic question.

Anonymous ID: 9e557e Jan. 29, 2020, 4:34 p.m. No.7959238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9274

Pompeo: If Palestinians unhappy with plan, they should present ‘counter offer’


US secretary of state warns that Trump proposal could be last opportunity for Palestinian state, says critics are same people ‘who have failed for 70 years’


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Wednesday urged Palestinians who rejected President Donald Trump’s Middle East peace plan to come up with a “counter-offer” that could win Israeli support, as he headed to Britain on a five-nation tour.


Palestinian leaders were “free to come up with a counter offer if that’s what they think is appropriate,” Pompeo told reporters traveling with him. “I know the Israelis would be prepared to sit down and negotiate on the basis of the vision that the president laid out,” he said.


The Palestinians reacted angrily to Trump’s plan after it was announced Tuesday and many critics called it unrealistic. It reportedly included no Palestinian input and grants Israel much of what it has sought in decades of international diplomacy


Pompeo said the misgivings were coming from “the same critics who have failed for 70 years.”


In an interview with Israel’s Channel 12 news, Pompeo said the Palestinians had a clear path to statehood under the plan: “It grants the Palestinians a state that’s conditional on some really simple things, right, like stopping terrorism, acknowledging Israel as the Jewish state,” he said. “These are basic things for peace and prosperity in the region.”


Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas firmly rejected the plan calling it the “the slap of the century.”


Abbas addressed the plan in a speech to senior Palestinian leaders, including representatives of the Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror groups, at the PA presidential headquarters in Ramallah.


“We say a thousand times: No, no and no to the ‘deal of the century,’” Abbas said, adding that the US plan “will not come to pass” and that “our people will send it to the dustbins of history.”


The plan does not include some key demands by Palestinians, such as the Temple Mount in Jerusalem being part of their capital, the return of Palestinian refugees to live in Israel, and the removal of Israeli settlements in the West Bank. It also allows for broad Israeli annexation moves. It provides for a future Palestinian state subject to a series of conditions and limitations, with Israel retaining overall security control of the area.


In a separate Channel 13 interview, Pompeo cautioned the Palestinians that this may be their last chance for a state. This “may even be one of the last opportunities, and this should be clearly stated,” he said.


“This is the first time that there is a real proposal that includes a map that the Israelis have agreed to,” he added.

Anonymous ID: 9e557e Jan. 29, 2020, 4:37 p.m. No.7959266   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9316 >>9386

Eurocrat: EU’s Lesson from Brexit Is to Take Away MORE National Sovereignty


Senior Member of European Parliament Guy Verhofstadt has made the extraordinary assessment that the lessons to be learnt from Brexit is for Brussels to push for ‘More Europe’ and to take away even more democracy from nation-states.


Speaking ahead of the European Parliament’s vote on the UK-EU withdrawal deal on Wednesday, Mr Verhofstadt rejected the notion that the lesson to be learnt from Brexit is to devolve power back to the nation-state but to give more power to Brussels.


The former Belgian prime minister said: “This lesson, dear colleagues, is not to undo the union, as some are arguing. The lesson is to deeply reform the union. To make a real union in the coming years.


“That means a union without opt-ins, opt-outs, rebates, exceptions, and above all without unanimity rules and veto rights.”


The MEP and European Parliament’s Brexit coordinator has long been in favour of reducing the democratic input of individual countries in order to grant more power to Brussels and in effect create a European superstate.


Two such rights still held by EU countries are the veto and unanimity voting, the latter of which meaning that all countries in the European Council must agree on a proposal before it is adopted. Without unanimity or vetos, the EU could ram through reforms without the agreement of the democratically-elected representatives and force its decisions onto the diverse European nations across the bloc.


Mr Verhofstadt concluded: “Only then can we act, only then can we defend our interests, and defend our values. it is the lack of effectiveness that is the problem that we have seen with Brexit.”


Brexit Party MEPs reacted with incredulity that, just two days away from the UK leaving the EU, one of the bloc’s most senior figures has revealed that Brussels had learnt nothing from Brexit.


Belinda de Lucy, MEP for South East England, remarked: “Democracy will not survive the EU. It can’t.”


MEP for North West England Claire Fox said: “Let me tell you, listening to Guy Verhofstadt — he hasn’t learnt a thing. Doubling down on sovereignty (impossible in the modern world) and [taking] issue not with the EU making too few concessions to nation-states, but too many. Full-blown Federalist speech. Even Remainers/Europhiles look uncomfortable.”


While South East England MEP Alexandra Phillips said: “Delusional stuff from the Hof’.”

Anonymous ID: 9e557e Jan. 29, 2020, 4:43 p.m. No.7959339   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9384

Longest Cross-Border Tunnel EVER Discovered in San Diego


SAN DIEGO —After a challenging multi-year, inter-agency investigation, utilizing technology capabilities, intelligence gathering, and community outreach, U.S. Border Patrol San Diego Sector and partners have exposed the longest illicit cross-border tunnel ever discovered along the Southwest border.


“I am thrilled that this high level narco-tunnel has been discovered and will be rendered unusable for cross-border smuggling. I am proud of the tremendous efforts of the Tunnel Task Force and our agents,” said Deputy Chief Patrol Agent Aaron M. Heitke.


The tunnel originates in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico in an industrial area approximately one-half-mile west of the Otay Mesa Port of Entry. Following the discovery in late August 2019, Mexican law enforcement identified the tunnel entrance and members of the San Diego Tunnel Task Force (SDTTF) began mapping the tunnel from Mexico. Concealed by a small industrial building, the tunnel travels north into the U.S. bending slightly west and extending an astonishing 4,068 ft. from the border, with a total length of 4,309 ft.; over three-quarters of a mile. The next longest tunnel in the U.S., discovered in San Diego in 2014, was 2,966 feet long.


“While subterranean tunnels are not a new occurrence along the California-Mexico border, the sophistication and length of this particular tunnel demonstrates the time-consuming efforts transnational criminal organizations will undertake to facilitate cross-border smuggling,” said Cardell T. Morant, Acting Special Agent in Charge of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) San Diego. “This discovery underscores the importance of the partnerships HSI has with the U.S. Attorney’s Office (USAO), United States Border Patrol (USBP), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and other regional agencies, as collaborative investigations and community outreach are key to combating this type of threat.”


SDTTF, an inter-agency unit consisting of agents from USBP, HSI, DEA, and USAO, uncovered the location of the tunnel after months of investigations and tireless law enforcement efforts.


The tunnel, that is approximately five and a half feet tall and two feet wide, has an average depth of 70 ft. from the surface. It includes an extensive rail/cart system, forced air ventilation, high voltage electrical cables and panels, an elevator at the tunnel entrance, and a complex drainage system.


An offshoot from the main tunnel was discovered at approximately 3,529 ft. into the U.S. This offshoot traveled several feet then came to an end without breaching the surface. The main tunnel extended another city block at which point agents discovered several hundred sand bags blocking the suspected former exit of the tunnel in the Otay Mesa warehouse district within the U.S.


No arrests or seizures have been made in light of the discovery of this tunnel.


“As efforts to strengthen security on our Southern Border increase, Mexican drug cartels are forced underground to smuggle their deadly drugs into the United States,” said DEA Special Agent in Charge John W. Callery. “The sophistication of this tunnel demonstrates the determination and monetary resources of the cartels. And although the cartels will continue to use their resources to try and breach our border, the DEA and our partners on the Tunnel Task Force will continue to use our resources to ensure they fail, that our border is secure, and that tunnels like this are shut down to stem the flow of deadly drugs entering the United States.”


Deputy Chief Heitke added, “The investigation continues, and I am confident that our hard work and dedication to uphold the law will lead to future arrests and seizures.”