Anonymous ID: 5200ec Jan. 29, 2020, 6:12 p.m. No.7960432   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Timely mention of Sheryl Attkisson. She discovered during a previous epidemic hoax that the CDC was faking the numbers by failing to reveal that cases of "swine flu" were not actually "swine flu" according to lab results. Instead they just continued to report "cases". Jon Rappoport has some compelling ideas about this on his blog.

Anonymous ID: 5200ec Jan. 29, 2020, 6:48 p.m. No.7960789   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Chlorine dioxide is not "bleach" such as Clorox. The MSM is confusing and misleading people. You can get chlorine dioxide water treatment for camping uses.


As for colloidal silver, it seems you would have to take huge amounts to notice skin discoloration. MSM lies.


I've been off of all prescription pharmaceuticals for about 4 years. Amazingly, people self dosing on Vitamin supplements does not result in deaths, while prescription drugs kill about 100,000 of us a year.


Same scenario with measles and measles vaccine (MMR).

Anonymous ID: 5200ec Jan. 29, 2020, 7:07 p.m. No.7960969   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Get vaccinated!?? Are you insane??


The screen grab refers to a study showing that flu vaccine increases your risk of getting other respiratory infections. Now, you may be thinking that you'd be happy to just get a coronavirus vaccine.


However, stop and think. Scott Gottleib was one of the authors of a WSJ editorial today that seriously suggested that one way to protect yourself from coronavirus is to get a flu shot. If former guardians of public health can get it so backwards as to recommend a flu shot which is likely to increase your risk of contracting coronavirus, do you honestly believe that getting any government recommended vaccine is a good idea.


I've done a pretty deep dive on vaccines and I can tell you truthfully that they are being used to drive man made epidemics of chronic disease. Which in turn result in epic profits for the companies that sell us treatments for their deliberately caused chronic condituons.


Vaccines produce cash cows for the "Pharm".