Anonymous ID: 989cd8 Jan. 29, 2020, 6:41 p.m. No.7960719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0734 >>0744 >>0753 >>0755 >>0778 >>0806 >>0807 >>0830 >>0868

Has anyone considered that this Bolton thing is a POTUS setup to force witnesses?


How do you introduce evidence?


You know sure as shit that if there is a simple acquittal the Demonrats will continue their lies and impeachment attempts.


POTUS said this "must never happen again"!


The only way to force an enemy to cease and desist is to damage them in a way that brings them to the brink of destruction - get them on their knees! This is war and it will not be won with a simple acquittal in the senate!

Anonymous ID: 989cd8 Jan. 29, 2020, 7 p.m. No.7960881   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0933



I'm not sure I buy into the assumption that all the D players have been comp'd. They are being forced into a corner and they are lashing out like a trapped wild animal. This is normal, not scripted. I think they believe they see a way to force POTUS out of office. Look at Brennan's latest twit. Pure arrogance!


If D's are exuding this confidence then they believe they have the goods - this is not scripted.


This falls back on numerous posts where I indicate the following:


1) Vote will pass regarding additional witnesses

2) Senate votes for POTUS witnesses will fail

3) Senate votes for D witnesses will pass

4) After about 10-15 D witnesses and weeks of DS BS and no or few POTUS witnesses a vote will be held to charge or acquit

5) Vote will be to charge POTUS with Impeachment (REALLY!)

6) Vote will be appealed to Supreme Court

7) Roberts will recuse himself

8) SC will tie 4X4 but POTUS will remain in office.

9) POTUS will file Class Action Lawsuit against Corporate America (what did Q indicate?)

10) Patriots will join in the Lawsuit (Why did Q say archive offline?)

11) Trial will disrupt the election in 2020 and POTUS will remain while the legal battle is in progress.

12) Legal battle will become all consuming on TV/Radio forcing the MSM dweebs to actually report honestly for once due to information saturation.

13) Lucky 13 - Case is won by POTUS and Patriots

14) R & D parties are bankrupt, most of their members in prison or hung

15) Patriots return to a normal life but better off for the knowledge gained!

Anonymous ID: 989cd8 Jan. 29, 2020, 7:07 p.m. No.7960963   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0983



OK - I'm a gay retard.


You are not looking at the totality of what Q has indicated.


POTUS has said several times "Never again!"


How do you resolve that with a simple acquittal?