Anonymous ID: d8c6da Jan. 29, 2020, 6:11 p.m. No.7960427   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0457 >>0474 >>0479 >>0488 >>0556 >>0637 >>0775 >>0822 >>0843 >>0918 >>0931

The Vote for Impeachment Poem

Twas the vote for impeachment and all through the House,

The Dems called him a liar, a scoundrel, a louse…

The witnesses were questioned, their answers unclear,

But the Dems were incensed and as their end drew near

They made up some stories, and ignored many facts,

Misleading in their words, while planning alternate attacks.

Schiff with his bug eyes, and Nadler with his naps,

Pushed their silly agenda, while looking like saps.

Then Articles were crafted with no criminal base,

And passed by all but 3 Dems in the Place…

The Republicans played a part in this farce as well,

By attending and legitimizing what the Dems tried to sell.

And out on the lawn at a White House presser,

There was a lady reporter, so Trump stood to address her…

He led with a smile, and a gleam in his eye,

Clearly speaking to the press corp, definitely not shy.

He was calm and sincere when he called it a scam.

All he sought was justice as he exposed this Dem sham.

"So on to the Senate, let's see where this leads;

I've done nothing wrong, I've done no misdeeds."

And he smiled, and he waved, & he turned then to leave…

But turning back with a twinkle, tapped his head saying "believe".

Then quick as a flash, the names were there on his lips.

Each with a nickname, now familiar old quips.


Nervous Nancy, Schiffty Pencil-necked Adam, Gutberry Jerry, & Deathknell Val;

$ Laundering Sheila, Explosive Eric, & Mad Maxine, you old gal.

There've been chances for many bills. You could have passed plenty.

But you only ruined your chances for 2020.

So fuck around and find out, let's get this thing done,

But remember this day, then in November after I've won…

It's been a fight for three years & you've landed no blows;

So I can weather five more… I might have to, who knows?

Still history will show, I have accomplished a lot,

Despite the #RESISTANCE your Party has wrought.

So embellish your little stories, cast me as your villain.

I'll just be sitting here in the Oval Office, smilin' and chillin'