Anonymous ID: 69cae2 Jan. 29, 2020, 7:32 p.m. No.7961201   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Twitter to Enact New Policy Allowing Users to Report Accounts for Misleading Voter Information or Suppression


Twitter, which earlier decided to not accept political advertising for this election cycle, is now enacting a new policy allowing users to report accounts for allegedly posting misleading voter information or voter suppression.


Will the new Twitter policy be used to censor or take down President Trump’s account?


On the surface the new policy appears a benign effort to prevent misleading voters about the fundamentals of voting–date, place, deadlines and to protect them from hoax accounts, however reporting tools are routinely abused by liberals to silence conservative accounts with the help of sympathetic moderators at the liberal dominated big tech firms.


Twitter Safety posted Wednesday night, “We’re turning on a tool for key moments of the 2020 US election that enables people to report misleading information about how to participate in an election or other civic event.”

Anonymous ID: 69cae2 Jan. 29, 2020, 7:34 p.m. No.7961214   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1258 >>1384

2005 VIDEO: Adam Schiff Says John Bolton suffers a “Lack of Credibility”


Oh, this sideshow just keeps getting better and better…


For the past week Adam Schiff and Democrats have called for John Bolton to testify


Tonight video surfaced of Adam Schiff attacking John Bolton for “lack of credibility.”

Anonymous ID: 69cae2 Jan. 29, 2020, 7:35 p.m. No.7961228   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1253 >>1289

Coronavirus Attention "Way Overblown", Dr. Ron Paul Warns Real Danger Is Fed "Doesn't Have Control"


Dr. Ron Paul appeared Wednesday on the Quoth the Raven Podcast to speak with host Chris Irons about the coronavirus, Fed policy and gold prices heading into the election.


To start, Dr. Paul claimed that he thought fears about the virus were overblown. He said the virus is being reported on "way out of proportion with the amount of attention people should be giving it."


"The danger is way overblown. There's no way what I'm saying is perfectly clear, I'm just going by my best and what's happened in the past," he said.


When asked about the origins of the virus and whether he thought it could have been human-made, he said:


"About whether or not it came from a laboratory or was produced deliberately, I just don't think so."


"It's all a gimmick, probably to try and sell more vaccines," Dr. Paul commented when asked about whether or not he believed China's data about the virus.


Dr. Paul said he didn't believe just as he doesn't believe the U.S. when it came to China's macroeconomic data. From there, Dr. Paul talked about the addiction to money printing the Fed currently has.


"It's the middle class that suffers" when the Fed destroys the money, Dr. Paul said. And when asked about whether or not its possible to even gauge risk anymore, given the amount of money printing that has taken place in the U.S., he replied that he didn't think it was possible.


When speaking about the Trump administration's policy of continuing to print money, Dr. Paul said there are "short-term benefits" but that ultimately, "the Fed doesn't have control" of what happens in the long term.


"They don't have control and it just drives them nuts," Dr. Paul says.


"The markets are more powerful."


When asked about what he thought the price of gold would do heading into the November election, Dr. Paul commented: "The gold price is going up. Spending is excessive and it's going to get worse. And it will be monetized."


"There's always an excuse for gold to jump $100," Dr. Paul concluded.

Anonymous ID: 69cae2 Jan. 29, 2020, 7:37 p.m. No.7961248   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1343 >>1435 >>1619

Lindsey Graham Says Has Votes For Witnesses, "There's A Tsunami Of Evidence" Of Biden's Inappropriate Ukraine Links


Despite Democrats constant proclamations that Hunter Biden, who was - unarguably - paid millions to serve on the board of a Ukrainian gas company, is irrelevant to the impeachment charges against Trump and has no knowledge of the president’s conduct related to Ukraine, GOP Senator Lindsey Graham vehemently disagrees.


In a brief press conference this evening, Graham went 'scroched earth' blasting that:


"…there's not a scintilla of evidence that the Bidens' connection to Ukraine was inappropriate, there's a tsunami of evidence."


Graham added that while the House managers claimed this was "debunked," the White House counsel "made a damning indictment" of what Hunter and Joe Biden allowed to happen and predicted that all 53 Republicans would vote to call Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden as a witness if Democrats get enough votes to subpoena any witnesses.


“The only thing I know for sure, that if we call one witness, there’ll be 53 votes – not 51, not 52, but 53 – to call Hunter Biden because he’s incredibly relevant as to whether or not the president, Trump, had a reason to believe that corruption was afoot in the Ukraine,” said Graham.


Finally the Senator warned that "if we're gonna open this up to further enquiry, we're going to go down the road of whether it was legitimate of the president do believe their was corruption and conflicts of interest on the Bidens' part… and whether there is any credibility to the reports that the DNC met with Ukraine official in 2016."

Anonymous ID: 69cae2 Jan. 29, 2020, 7:49 p.m. No.7961349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1367 >>1390 >>1458


Been thinking this outbreak is about the Fed as the US corporation is about to default on it's loan repayments on purpose, to break the bank and expose it's 100+ year ponzi scheme.


Trump has been spending as he has no intention of paying back shit, he's had the fed pumping markets to make his policy look good and now they are stuck in a trap.


Fucking beautiful


So coronavirus to try and blame