Anonymous ID: 7bd45c Jan. 29, 2020, 7:50 p.m. No.7961358   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1363 >>1626



>they turn around and they point and laugh at the huge "elephant in the room"


Except the "elephant" wasn't in the car… it was on the roof above.


Ele Ph ant

What does an ant do?

It carries much bigger and heavier food above it's body.

What does you hand to to Kermit? (pic related)

It "eats" his ass out and controls the body above it (think ant food carried/controlled above it).

an t

an tee

anus tee (think what a golf tee does to the ball held above it)


I could break down "ElePh" too but let's focus on w



Pineal chair/seated

Ph sounds like F (F/6 letter/number of man)

Ph is phony man because Pineal is projected out/seated elsewhere. Just like an Elephants trunk reaches way out to grab a Peanut. Peanut is Pineal. Think Avatar movie. Kobe's consciousness may have been aboard his helicopter clone body when the helicopter crashed. I'm guessing the tech is such that he could Quantum Leap out just prior or maybe after… I dunno how this shit works.


The little Asian girl (as AI in) has the peanut (Pineal) the elephant is reaching out for. At the end, the car is empty (presumedly representing when the helicopter crashes?).

Elephant above, Pineal out of car, Kobe out too.


Ant pic: Apple/AP pull

Astral/Ass troll Projection pull

"he's got a bug up his ass" expression.

ant/anus tee supports APple/AP pull/Astral Projection pull into the consciousness seat/body


NYC is the BIG Apple

NYC: iN Y-head Copy/C=see/vision/eyes-on (think Janus/J Anus logo)

B IG is B-version of you, IG is General Intelligence/Clone/Drone/meatsuit, and APple is the Astral Projection pull from your natural man to an offshoot.


Ele Ph ant above seems to break down multiple ways, all leading to same symbolism.






all "containers"… the "L" sound means "container/pocket"

Electric container? Electric you?

Ph balance associated with water. (Ph balance)

Is water involved in Pineal chair seating? I've certainly seen enough symbolism to say YES. Row you boat gently down the stream…Romans were Row mans? Refer to movies such as The Abyss (truth drop?). (gif related) What's going on at the local Water Works in your city (Sit E)? Or hospital basement? (is this where the "swamps" are on a local level?


This was quite a ramble.

Anonymous ID: 7bd45c Jan. 29, 2020, 8:25 p.m. No.7961626   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Wrong gif. Face poking thru is kinda important.


What does watch the water mean?

Waters above?


Sky is a giant clock?

Does time pause in the waters?

An apostrophe often replaces "o" (hole/container/completed circle/pot/body) with a small "high-up" letter "i" and it's pronounce "a pause trophy" or "a pause/Piece Of Shit Tee-row Ph E/fee."


Are "TPTB" "edging" between life and death to achieve this stuff? Pretty sure they are. Is that what "ice" does? Lowers body temp in water to achieve out of body experience? Movie Flatliners-ish? Why all the "dog" references? The dog is looking in reverse as she rows the boat (pic related). Dog's are on a leash and reverse spell "god." Your off-shoot (you) is on a leash (refered to as "Silver Cord" I think?). I think "draiin the swamp" means literal water. I think "Think Tanks" involve ACTUAL tanks and combined mental power by some sort of perverse linking of bodies.


I hate being at this "in between" stage of comprehension but still feeling like I get it so very abstractly, in a limited/incomplete/guesswork sorta fashion.


Post >>6199999 (pb) (pic related) was "Watch the Water" (very level, flat-earthy) on 4/16/19 at 13:17:17. 19=AI, Gene 19 clones, Stream? I think the post was meant to convey that water is used "2 Q/17:17" the "M" (13) which is W/double-you upside down/mirrored. Is thirteen/M "turd tee-in"? Is an "M" a "V" splitting an "I"? An arrow poking into i? Hence, "turd tee-in" and hands up puppet's asses.


Why do "Cats have 9 Lives"? Why a "FeLine"? Fe=Iron. "I R on a line out to C at." ???


Check the similarity between #6199999 and the cover of the NYT Mag promoting the 1619 project. Related? Obvious numbers and image correlation. Juneteenth is 6-19. Slavery freedom. We are slaves on a level we don't quite understand. Is the real us located elsewhere and we don't even know it? That NYT Mag article was 8-18…RR. What's an 'R'? I am, you R. It's something outside of/off-shoot from our personal bubble.




emerge in-see (eyes on?)

Emergency room patients can have NDE's (Near Death Exp) and leave their body. "Emerge 'n see/C Y-head" Of course "911" is the number, I K (I one… K two ones/eleven…K looks like a tee coming out of an I). T-off, tee props something UP.


I'm rambling again. Hopefully this will help someone put some pieces together. Don't get me started on the spelling of a thousand other shit I've analyzed (good X am pull).