Who care how many or who's cock Obama sucked 10 years before he was elected?
America sees right through the Lefts feigned Outrage
Who care how many or who's cock Obama sucked 10 years before he was elected?
America sees right through the Lefts feigned Outrage
I only quick filtered 5 id;s of bread pics and read writing
It then got compfy real fast
pick one get compfy filter a few and dig
asking stupid questions opens you up to idiots answering
I'mafag included
sweet dreams cupcakefag
I have an associates degree in counseling degenerates and the emotionally immmature and disturbsed…. that goes for you self*medicaters too…
What can we help you with?
Let's start by you showing us where the mean lady touched you
I think anyone that snivels in a shrill voice like you are is a socialist feigning to be a real Anon that fights for the Q cause and country
Go to be, grow some balls or just keep sniveling which will prove youre a socialist fake.
anyone directing everyone else is doing it for divisionary purposes
(((They))) are very predictable and always stay on "Narrative" it's great fun to tell them what defense mech they'll attempt next… it shuts 'em down and they always revert to the name calling theyve memorized….I love chanting those with them until they just slink away