Anonymous ID: 8de622 Jan. 30, 2020, 12:35 a.m. No.7962941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2968 >>3093

Last bread someone mentioned the cabal's practice of sex magick. It's something I've wondered about. We know the cabal does sex magick for total evil, as evidenced by Epstein Island. But what if sex magick can be done for good too? I mean, the most widely recognized sex magick is the magic that creates a new human life. That's not evil, right? But most sex we engage in isn't procreative. In fact, having sex "just to make a baby" must be kind of weird. So other than making a baby is a way to express something or make a connection or just fulfill a very powerful human need. So might there not be other powerful uses of sex magick used for good? I've concluded that the cabal exploits universal laws – they didn't invent these laws, and they didn't invent sex magick. Esoteric just means "secret" and their rites and rituals are "secret" because they didn't want us to know the secrets of magic (i.e., our true spiritual powers and the divine laws that govern them). Under the right circumstances, sex can feel great, but I don't think we actually know what we're doing when it comes to "doign it right." Recreational sex is how most of us see it, and that's just what the cabal sold to us (see the porn industry), and I think that's so we don't learn about the spiritual power in sex. If you believe in prayer, can't sex be like an unspoken prayer? Maybe more powerful for being wordless? Meanwhile organized religion taught us to feel guilty and dirty about sex, while they were secretly doing it non-stop in the most obscene horrifying ways in order to bring about total evil. If "sex magick" was only bad, why did these religious leaders (luciferians) instruct us that sex was sin and that we shouldn't explore it? Geez, I think we have been lied to about everything. And we are all so fucked up for it too. Everyone I know just seems to have spent so much of their life feeling guilty and self-destructive and lost – myself included. We have no idea who we are or why we're here or why we feel what we feel. I have no idea how one does sex magick for good (other than the procreative kind), and I would be a bit concerned about accidentally doing the "wrong thing." I think there's a way to do it that benefits us spiritually though. The easy answer is "when you're in love." But that's hard to define. I mean, you might "think you're in love" but not really be in love. If you truly learn to "love everyone" then sex should be expressive of your love for anyone who wants to share that with you, whether you plan to ever exchange phone numbers or not. Anyhow, might be fun to try to figure it out.

Anonymous ID: 8de622 Jan. 30, 2020, 12:45 a.m. No.7962968   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This is one basic explanation that might be true:


What Is Sex Magic?

First, let me explain what sex magic isn't. Sex magic isn't some sort of kinky parlor game. It's not intended to jazz up a lackluster love life or increase your chances of getting laid on Saturday night. The main purpose isn't even sexual enjoyment or procreation. Having said all that, however, it's quite likely your intimate relationships and sexual satisfaction will improve as a result of practicing sex magic—that just isn't the primary objective.


Sex magic is a means to an end, a way to mobilize the amazing creative power of sexual energy to generate a desired result. Basically, you do sex magic for the same reasons you would do any other type of magic: to cause something you desire to happen. Your goal might be to promote healing or attract money or achieve spiritual enlightenment. When you add sexual energy, you increase the intensity of a magic spell. It's like adding more octane to gasoline.