Anonymous ID: e792ca Jan. 29, 2020, 11:48 p.m. No.7962771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2779 >>2781 >>2803 >>2805 >>2823 >>2847 >>2907 >>2925 >>2971

Q & A Peach Mint Highlights: Wed Jan 29 2020: page 8

Peach Mint Highlights: Wed Jan 29 2020

>>7957050 page 1, >>7957159 page 2, >>7958547 page 3, >>7958548 page 4, >>7958872 page 5, >>7960987 page 6, >>7961001 page 8



Q: Sen from MN to House mgrs: In a recent judge's impeachment trial there were 26 witnesses, why no witnesses for POTUS' trial?

A: Schiff: there is no difference…..[S goes back to muh Russia in 2016 and muh China, muh Ukraine for 2020]. The case for witnesses for a POTUS is more compelling than for a LA judge. 6:35 PST


Q:' Sen from MT to POTUS team: 8 judges have been removed but never a POTUS; how different?

A: Dershowitz: POTUS IS the executive. POTUS runs for office every 4 yrs unlike judges. POTUS serves at the pleasure of the voters.


Q: Sen from DE to POTUS team: POTUS has said he would listen to info from foreigners that would help him in an election, isn't this illegal?

A: Philbin: involvement of foreigners: mainly applies to contributions, not information. 6:43 PST




7:08 PST

Q: Sen from GA to POTUS team: As a fact witness coordinating with the whistleblower, did Mgr Schiff's handling of impeachment inquiry create a material due process issue for the POTUS to have a fair trial?

A: Philbin: Yes. Lack of authorization; lack of basic due process protections; consulting with whistleblower (staff). Hasn't been probed, all attempts to find out were shut down. There were indicators of political bias. Was w involved in Burisma situation? BC Mgr Schiff was involved, creates a major due process defect. 7:12.


Q:' Sen from Mi to House mgrs: Does an impeachable abuse of power require that a corrupt plan actually succeeds?

A: Lofgren. No. Like attempted murder…..he continues to act in this manner, Rudy continued this scheme.


Q: Sen from WY to POTUS team: Can the Senate convict a sitting Pres. of obstruction of Congress?

A: Philbin: No. Obstruction of Congress charge presumes that President [must give them what they want wo/resistance] or he's obstructing Congress–and that it's impeachable. Separation of Powers means there's friction between the branches.


Q: Sen from CT to House mgrs: Isn't it true that accepting info from a foreign power is a violation of law? Isn't it foreign interference?

A: Schiff: muh Russia lies about 2016 election; he's claiming it's not collusion but a criminal conspiracy. That's why Mueller didn't address. Everything the POTUS wants to do is ok, as long as it leads to his election


Q:' Sen Collins from ME to House mgrs: House mgrs claim that POTUS committed certain criminal offenses but there aren't cited in the articles. Why not included?

A: Jeffries: [They are basically included in the "corruption" change….tries to make a quid pro quo again.]


Q: Sen from NY to House mgrs: How it this hold different from others & how's it supposed to work?

A: Crow: Not a routine withholding, didn't go thru that routine process. Says Obama notified Congress of holds unlike Trump. No legit policy reason for that.


Q: Sen from MI to POTUS team: What does the super-majority say about the std of proof and type of case to be brought?

A: Dershowitz: Senate was seen as more mature/sober. Plainly designed to avoid partisanship. To get 2/3, you move beyond partisanship.


Q:' Sen from CT to POTUS team: Will you make a commitment not to appeal any decisions made by the Chief Justice?

A: Sekulow: No, bc it's not part of the Constitutional design. First surrender your rights, then we'll [make concessions]


Q: Sen from MS to Dershowitz: What specific danger does this impeachment pose to our country?

A: Dershowitz: Most divisive time in our history now. Extraordinarily dangerous times. If POTUS is removed today, the decision would not be accepted by many people. Such vague (etc) criteria. Would be the first in a recurring weaponization of impeachment.


Q: Sen from AZ to POTUS team: Unlike other holds, with this hold, POTUS didn't notify Congress or notify Ukraine of the steps needed to resolve the hold, why not?

A: Philbin: Wasn't being done to send a signal, POTUS wanted to understand what was going on (mainly whether there was corruption). Ukraine was always making progress.



Anonymous ID: e792ca Jan. 30, 2020, 12:01 a.m. No.7962826   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2839


i did notes on Sat too.


Actually worse today bc focusing on what Schiff and those guise say makes you sick. I've been not so good but was better then wham.

>Note taking

Note taking is something a little different than other stuff–why some anons stick to note-taking. Not everyone likes to do it. Different skill set than baking per se.

Anonymous ID: e792ca Jan. 30, 2020, 12:04 a.m. No.7962839   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Wasn't very coherent in my last response, meant to say when you bake, there's two skill sets: baking and note-taking. And they are different. I like note-taking but was absolutely terrified of baking; other bakers like the excitement/stimulation of baking but find note-taking less appealing.

Anonymous ID: e792ca Jan. 30, 2020, 12:10 a.m. No.7962867   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>gyb should be here soon

gyb is also beat

but i'll try to gather up some notes at least

would be really helpful if you could mark NOTABLES and include a title do i can scoop them up

got to get off this computer for a break

the faster the better

will post notes and then depart

baker assuming responsibility

Anonymous ID: e792ca Jan. 30, 2020, 12:18 a.m. No.7962888   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2925 >>2971







>>>7962620 Dumb MSM picks up Sommer story about anons drinking bleach to ward off corona

>>>7962624 Dec 16 2019 Q, Pienka & Flynn

Anonymous ID: e792ca Jan. 30, 2020, 12:31 a.m. No.7962925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2938

Notables @395

>>7962519, >>7962550, >>7962602, >>7962879 Huge meteor breaks up over Calif

>>7962620 Dumb MSM picks up Sommer story about anons drinking bleach to ward off corona

>>7962624 Dec 16 2019 Q, Pienka & Flynn

>>7962694 Protesters Interrupt LA District Attorney Debate Over Police Misconduct

>>7962731, >>7962888 Schiff accidentally leaks name of Ciaramella in Bill Taylor's transcript

>>7962763 Corona update

>>7962765 1.7 Million Q Anons Are The News

>>7962771 Q & A Peach Mint Highlights: Wed Jan 29 2020: page 8

>>7962907 Q & A Peach Mint Highlights: Wed Jan 29 2020 BUN

>>7962893 Americans More Satisfied With Economy, Security, Race Relations After Three Years of Trump


anything missing?

Anonymous ID: e792ca Jan. 30, 2020, 12:46 a.m. No.7962971   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3028 >>3284

Notables #10191 @440

>>7962519, >>7962550, >>7962602, >>7962879, >>7962961 Huge meteor breaks up over Calif

>>7962620 Dumb MSM picks up Sommer story about anons drinking bleach to ward off corona

>>7962624 Dec 16 2019 Q, Pientka & Flynn

>>7962694 Protesters Interrupt LA District Attorney Debate Over Police Misconduct

>>7962731, >>7962888 Schiff accidentally leaks name of Ciaramella in Bill Taylor's transcript

>>7962763 Corona update

>>7962765 1.7 Million Q Anons Are The News

>>7962771 Q & A Peach Mint Highlights: Wed Jan 29 2020: page 8

>>7962907, >>7962938, >>7962959 Q & A Peach Mint Highlights: Wed Jan 29 2020 bun, capp & pastebin

>>7962893 Americans More Satisfied With Economy, Security, Race Relations After Three Years of Trump


Any bakers around for handoff?

Will need to ghost soon