Anonymous ID: f8c713 Jan. 29, 2020, 10:41 p.m. No.7962519   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2530 >>2538 >>2550 >>2553 >>2602 >>2879 >>2925 >>2971

Huge Meteor Breaks up over CA


Anons, I just saw a huge meteor (or even a satellite) over southern California sky. Wifeanon and I were outside for a puff and witnessed it. Happened right around 10:20pm local time (pacific). Went from north to south, basically passing right through Orion's belt from right to left.


I thought it was a low plane or helicopter at first because it was bright white and moving pretty fast but not as fast as normal meteors. If it hadn't been completely silent I might've mistaken it for an aircraft breaking up because it just kept going and going and was still burning as it went over the horizon. I got a decent look at it as it went by though and it must've been a meteor or space junk burning up. It lasted like 2x or 3x longer than most of the ones I've seen captured on outdoor cameras though, just not long enough to whip out my phone and get a vid of it myself. I'm sure this one will show up on lots of other cams out there though and get posted somewhere. I'll be watching twitter for it and try to post one if I find one that looks like what I saw.


Enjoying the Show