You would be wrong. Before the awakening telling the truth about the Jews was probably not wise. Because normies had been conditioned to believe the Jews are the tribe with the worst luck in the world. That many different races and peoples and countries would always hate the Jews. It was just odd how it happened and showed the inherant intolerance of man.
But now the waking up anon is aware there is a great deception. The anon is motivated to find the truth. This is not the place for the clowns to put up anti jew shit to scare the normies away. Those that are here are not normies. They will try to figure something out. If they do enough research in the Jewish Question they will be left with some disquieting issues. They will find the odds that it is the Jews behind it is higher than the other.
There are normie Jews that know nothing. But the Jews as a tribe, a group are being led around by the nose. They are the most brainwashed of any of us. They believe they are victims and not aggressors they believe their parents stories…because their parents didnt know either. The first and most important brainwashing in on the Jews themselves.
A little pogrom or two is good for the Luciferian leadership of the Jews. It keeps the Jews clannish and scared of others. It is easy to convince such brainwashed people that the other peoples are out to get them for no reason. Hiding the first big lie….that THEIR leaders are out to get everyone else on earth.