Nice try, shill. Trying to up your game?
We could have one bread for FE, clown shills, Jew haters, and so on. And the other bread for everyone else.
Protocols are a proven forgery. Read about them on Wikipediaโthey list where it was lifted from and when.
It's not about logic. Either they're incapable of logical thinking and totally gullible to fall for obvious forgeries like the Protocols, or else they are hostiles trying to spread disinformation in order to compromise.
Read these on Wikipedia and see what you think.
You might enjoy participating in the Delta Anon boardโthe anons in there do a lot of work on things like you've done here. You might also share it with them.
Not every legend is true. If it was, we'd all be living on a flat earth with Pleiadians amongst us. And worshipping Goddess Diana.
You have to study in order to be able to sort out fact from fiction.
If the Bible is true, then the Merovingen legends are not. Because they disagree.
I think the other bread is sort of dying on the vine. This will be finished much sooner. If you pre-bake the next loaf, maybe the two loaves will converge.