It's Jean-Claude Juncker, not Junkers. We're gonna need some sauce for your Luftwaffe comment to back up your claim.
This. Fucking harpies indeed.
Snerflerk Nowfag is snerflerking in a Nowfag stylie, Nowfagging bigly.
Thanks Anon. O7
Nowfags and critical thinking skills are mutually exclusive. Don't try to reason with them, because feels.
Sorry, we don't have Emo Jima or Supermegatransgendertrons to keep you happy. Go and watch adverts if that's your span of attention.
I miss Freddy.
You are bored after Billy Graham shuffled off his coil, aren't you? Do you have a branch of the Samaritans that you can phone and moan to?
No wonder Chubbles is thicker than two planks. Apples don't fall far from the tree.
'Done in 30 days' - Q