Anonymous ID: 90d0d4 Jan. 30, 2020, 12:32 p.m. No.7968285   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q&A impeachment trial

>blackmailing of house managers to introduce key aspects requiring further review has been successful

>PDJT team has stayed clean and concise, let the D's do the dirty work

>Acquittal is the end of this process with no witness heard, investigations seeded, 5 D's will vote to acquit

>the cat & mouse game will continue and speed up, crescendo

>qresearch is going to go crazy as some use this delay as proof its bullshit or disagree

>qresearch loyalist, true believers will get insulted/offended as challenging posts grow in anger and division

>Q will need to come back often like today to re commit or provide momentum to anons for a build up of faith before major steps back (like acquittal w/ no visible evidence D's Boom day)

>The Great Division will continue with peaks at 3-22-2020 and 4-10-2020

>then peter out for the election season / leave hanging no arrests or charges revealed, we will have to reelect PDJT and hope we weren't played, even then we will have to wait till 2023 before you will see any governmental corrections or changes for the narrow window of 2024 OWO introduction and entrance of the UN into USA for quelling the civil unrest and martial law assistance

> as long as patriots stay in this QUEUE our Republic will be lost forever