Anonymous ID: 75a7d1 Jan. 30, 2020, 4:37 p.m. No.7971263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1276 >>1564

New York City Police Warn of Antifa Threat for Friday During ‘F-ck the Police’ Protest


The New York City Police Benevolent Association has issued a warning about a threat posed by Antifa, who are calling for an anti-cop protest on Friday.


Antifa has called for a “J31,” January 31, anti-cop protest that they are calling “F-ck the Police 3.”


“We encourage you to link up with your friends, your family, and think of the ways you can move in affinity to build and f-ck shit up on J31 all day long,” a masked Antifa militant says in the video posted by the PBA.


The group says that they will be posting a location for everyone to meet in the evening so that groups can converge and “move together.”


The militant leftists are not only planning to protest police, but also subway fares.


“The mood for J31 is simple: f-ck your $2.75. No cops in the MTA. Free transit. No harassment, period, and full accessibility,” the masked thug continues. “We hope that you come through and move with us on J31. F-ck the police.”


In their warning, the PBA wrote “New Yorkers should pay close attention: this is true endgame of the anti-police movement, an end of all policing & destruction of public order. Our members have spent their careers — and in some cases given their lives — to bring public safety back to NYC. We can’t go backwards.”


Previous FTP protests called by the same group have seen thousands of people in the streets and vandalism at train platforms.

Anonymous ID: 75a7d1 Jan. 30, 2020, 4:38 p.m. No.7971268   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1286

The Oil Industry’s Radioactive Secret


That quote comes from a blockbuster investigation by Justin Nobel writing in Rolling Stone, who has spent more than a year and a half researching and reporting on radioactivity in fracking waste.


When a well is drilled, it produces a ton of brine, a salty substance that comes out of the ground. Shale wells can produce as much as ten times more brine than they do oil and gas. While hydrocarbons prove to be useful, the brine needs to be hauled somewhere for disposal. Often it is reinjected into disposal wells, or, in some cases it is sent to water treatment plants.


The problem is that the brine can be radioactive. As Nobel writes in Rolling Stone, radioactive brine may be dramatically increasing the cancer risk for people who come in contact with it. The workers who handle the waste are most obviously at risk. But there are plenty of others. The brine is used for de-icing roads, so municipalities are essentially spreading radioactivity all over roads in various parts of the country.


Old oilfield equipment is also repurposed. Rolling Stone spoke with a Louisiana inspector who saw a child sitting on a fence that was so radioactive that someone might receive a full year’s radiation dose in a single hour.

Related: Hydrogen Costs Could Be Set To Plunge By 50%


The oil and gas industry dismisses the risk of radioactivity in the brine, which is naturally occurring, as not something that anybody should be worrying about. However, some of the experts that Nobel interviewed argue otherwise. First of all, the notion that just because something exists naturally in the world somehow makes it benign, is odd. “Arsenic is completely natural, but you probably wouldn’t let me put arsenic in your school lunch,” one nuclear-forensics scientist told Rolling Stone.


Second, the industry is barley regulated, if at all, when it comes to handling radioactive substances. Officials at EPA and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission sounded perplexed when Nobel presented questions to them about the risk, each indicating that they were not responsible for regulating radioactivity in the oil and gas industry.


Nobel profiled several people who have come in contact with brine and have suffered from an array of worrying health problems. “The workers are going to be the canaries,” Raina Rippel of the Southwest Pennsylvania Environmental Health Project, told Rolling Stone. “The radioactivity issue is not something we have adequately unpacked. Our elected leaders and public-health officials don’t have the knowledge to convey we are safe.”


This is not just an environmental story or a public health story, but it could also be a financial one. This is a whole aspect of the oil and gas industry that is mostly unregulated, underreported and largely unknown to the public. And it could yet turn into a massive liability for the industry if local, state or the federal government ever decided to get serious about it.


The industry would be directly impacted if it had to pay for remediation somehow, or even if the standards on the disposal of toxic brine were tightened up. It could spell financial “disaster” for oil and gas drillers if the EPA began regulating brine as a hazardous waste, one legal scholar told Rolling Stone. Reckoning with the public health fallout from radiation is not something anybody seems willing to take on at the moment.

Anonymous ID: 75a7d1 Jan. 30, 2020, 4:47 p.m. No.7971376   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1411 >>1433 >>1710

Busted: John Bolton Took Six Figures From Ukraine Oligarch


Former National Security Advisor John Bolton is back in the news this week after a cherry-picked snippet from his upcoming book magically leaked to the media during the middle of the Senate impeachment trial into President Donald Trump.


While he’s now at the center of the impeachment witch hunt, a new report reveals that Bolton pocketed $115,000 from Ukrainian steel oligarch Viktor Pinchuk’s foundation shortly before entering Trump’s White House as national security adviser.


A financial disclosure shows that Bolton accepted $115,000 from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation for a pair of speeches in September 2017 and February 2018.


At the former speech in Kyiv, Bolton sat on a panel and basically expressed that the national security establishment would not allow Trump to become unconventional on policy, stating, “The notion that [Trump’s presidency] is going to represent a dramatic break in foreign policy is just wrong. Calm down, for God’s sake.”


As the Washington Post noted, Pinchuk has exceeded $10 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation.


A new book written by Bolton is being reviewed by the National Security Council, where portions of it were leaked to the New York Times.


Deep State Resistance types obviously corrupted the review process and leaked a passage of his upcoming book.


In the leaked pieces, Bolton reportedly wrote that President Donald Trump told him personally that he was withholding aid for Ukraine over favors he requested from them.


The timing of the leak is obviously suspicious.


It’s also important to remember that Bolton is also likely still angry with Trump for his public firing and is trying to sell a book, which lends credence to skeptics who say Bolton is saying whatever he can for attention and more money.

Anonymous ID: 75a7d1 Jan. 30, 2020, 4:51 p.m. No.7971434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1454 >>1458 >>1511 >>1710

Boris Johnson Cuts Out Mainstream Media, Will Address Nation via Social Media for Brexit Day


The BBC has reportedly been angered by the Prime Minister cutting out their role in deciding what constitutes news, after Boris Johnson announced he would be addressing the public directly on Brexit day through the medium of social, rather than the mainstream media.


Boris Johnson has already taken some plays out of the President Trump playbook during his time as Prime Minister, reaching out directly to the voting public through viral social media posts as a substitute for briefings with journalists. One such example of this is his weekly People’s Prime Minister’s Questions, a video Livestream where followers can Tweet questions directly to Mr Johnson.


Discussing his plans for Brexit night on Wednesday’s session of the livestream, Mr Johnson revealed he would be addressing the nation via his social media pages on Friday evening. It was later revealed this would take the form of a “fireside chat” with the nation, recorded in the Prime Minister’s official residence, Downing Street.


But the BBC, the British state broadcaster which has long enjoyed a monopoly over such televised events on days of national importance, has reacted with obvious contempt to the change.


While the footage will be placed on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, it will also be shared with broadcasters for free at the same time. Despite this, a BBC source reported by the Daily Telegraph replied haughtily to the suggestion that it wouldn’t even guarantee it would broadcast the words of the Prime Minister on Brexit day at all, and that: “There is a long-established process for recording statements by the Prime Minister at significant times where one broadcaster records it and shares the footage.


“The BBC and the other broadcasters are well used to following this usual process, which respects our independence as broadcasters.


“If Number 10 wants to supply its own footage we will judge it on its news value when deciding whether to broadcast it, as we would with any footage supplied to us by third parties.”


The nominally conservative Daily Telegraph reports the shift in focus on media platforms away from the traditional oligopoly of broadcasters is being pushed by top aide to Mr Johnson, Dominic Cummings. It is understood he wants to break the conventional route for messaging between government and voters, cutting out the mainstream media gatekeepers who have traditionally been able to frame messages according to their own biases.

Anonymous ID: 75a7d1 Jan. 30, 2020, 4:53 p.m. No.7971464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1559 >>1710

Ukraine & the Obama/Biden Grip on Corruption that Was a Silent Counter-Revolution


QUESTION: Hi Mr Armstrong,

I so much appreciate your lifetime of work and dedication to the Truth. I really appreciate so much your history lessons and deep connected objective lessons into the cumulative interconnecting web of this world we live in.


I ask a large favor .


Could you explain some Ukrainian History and in particular go into the modern history of the economic war with Russia and the US Deep state and explain how the Biden’s , Obama and the Clinton criminal machine along with the entire corrupt web of scum have and continue to infect Ukraine and how you and socrates see the future for Ukraine and our region, please .


So many of our people have been killed, murdered, mutilated, tutored . Very few Americans have even a faintest idea what life is like to just survive here . Suicides everyday.

I would love to somehow expose the Biden’s , Clinton crime family and all those criminal psychopaths.


Our entire one beautiful culture has been forever destroyed by the American MIC . Out men have been destroyed , our best killed, and all that is left is alcoholism !! and now psychopathic old men from America, from Britain come here to use our women as prostitutes !!!


I cry for my country , BUT there is NO justice as America continues to kill millions of our people with their greed, their assassination teams!!. ALL in the name of GREED.

Even in America we see the destruction of the USA.


But at least our people here in Ukraine have morals and a strong spirit as we fight for our freedom .


You Americans (not you Mr. Armstrong, as you are a true Hero and a man of absolute moral fibre and deep honor !!) , but most Americans we see as naive, nascent but worse they are cowards .


Thank you Mr. Armstrong for being the rarest man of honor

Anonymous ID: 75a7d1 Jan. 30, 2020, 4:56 p.m. No.7971512   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1603 >>1647

Fish that can repair their OWN HEART offer clues for millions of heart attack patients after scientists discover an immune cell is involved in its recovery


Scientists are one step closer to understanding how fish can repair their own heart, offering clues for treatment in millions of heart attack patients.


Zebrafish, a Mexican fish, are often the focus of scientific research because they are known to remarkably regenerate their own heart tissue.


University of Oxford scientists were ‘surprised’ to find that immune cells, called macrophages, were involved in the process.


For the first time, they were able to show the macrophages produce proteins called collagen which spur on recovery.


The British Heart Foundation, which funded the research, said the discovery could ‘lead to new ways to enhance the repair after an attack’.


People suffering from heart failure can’t regenerate their damaged hearts, and often the only cure is a heart transplant.


Figures suggest there are 200,000 hospital visits in the UK each year because of heart attacks, which are known as a myocardial infarction with a further 800,000 in the US.


An attack occurs when the supply of blood to the heart is suddenly blocked, causing symptoms of chest pain, shortness of breath and feeling weak and anxious.


After someone has a heart attack, billions of cardiac muscle cells are lost and cannot be replenished.


The human body repairs the organ by forming a thick, permanent scar, which can make it more difficult for the heart to pump blood around the body. The organ could ultimately fail.


Professor Paul Riley and his team have been striving to understand how other animals’ hearts regenerate so well.


Their latest study was on ‘zebrafish’, called tetra fish, and newborn mice which can regenerate its heart up to seven days after being born.


Both animals are believed to have more malleable, temporary scars, allowing their hearts to fully recover quicker and for blood to flow properly again.

Anonymous ID: 75a7d1 Jan. 30, 2020, 4:59 p.m. No.7971547   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mexican Cartel Lord Threatens Civilians with Car Bombs After Girlfriend’s Arrest


A feared cartel lord issued threats of car bombs targeting civilians in Central Mexico one day after authorities arrested his mistress and some associates.


Mexican law enforcement officials confirmed to Breitbart Texas that a series of threats were made by Jose Antonio “El Marro” Yepez Ortiz, the leader of the hyper-violent Cartel Santa Rosa de Lima. He is warning of terrorist-style attacks in Guanajuato.


One of the threats was sent to top officials via electronic message. Breitbart Texas obtained the statement in its entirety:


You wanted to unleash the devil now deal with the consequences, get ready for the war that is coming, let’s see what you do after we attack civilians, we will put car bombs in all Celaya, you won’t keep up with it, lots of deaths. Even if you send Marines, they won’t beat us, you will be next.


The threats are considered credible by Mexican law enforcement agencies now operating in a heightened state of alert. They are checking for suspicious vehicles throughout the region. El Marro and his criminal organization are linked to the use of explosive devices–including some placed outside an oil refinery with threats toward Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.


The threats come soon after authorities arrested four members of the organization, including his girlfriend, Karina. Officials seized two explosive devices from Karina and her associate. In July, Breitbart Texas published an exclusive photograph of El Marro and Karina. Authorities describe Karina as El Marro’s partner, however, Breitbart Texas was able to confirm she is his mistress, despite his marriage to another woman. Cartel Santa Rosa de Lima focuses more on the theft of fuel rather than the drug trade. It is currently engaged in a fierce turf war with Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion.

Anonymous ID: 75a7d1 Jan. 30, 2020, 5 p.m. No.7971567   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Army advances towards Saraqeb, inflicts heavy losses upon terrorists


Idleb, SANA- Syrian Arab Army units have liberated more villages and towns in Idleb southeastern countryside from terrorism after fierce battles that resulted in the killing and injury of many terrorists, in addition to destroying their equipment and vehicles.


SANA’s reporter said that army units have continued their intensive operations in hunting down the remnants of terrorist organizations which have fled from Ma’aret al-Nu’aman City in the direction of Saraqeb as they engaged in fierce clashes with terrorists inside the towns of Ma’ardibseh and Khan al-Sobul after carrying out artillery bombardments and firing a barrage of shells and destroying their fortifications.


The reporter added that the clashes ended by liberating the villages of Khan Ma’ardibseh and Khan al-Sobul on the two sides of Aleppo-Idleb International Highway amid a state of collapse and chaos among the ranks of terrorists due to the successive victories achieved by the army.


The reporter added that while combing the liberated areas, army units found tunnels and trenches used by terrorists to move around and to hide from the strikes of the army.


Over the past few days, army units have liberated Ma’aret al-Nu’aman City and 28 towns and villages in Idleb southern countryside from terrorism during their military operations which aim at putting an end to the crimes of the terrorist organizations which continue to attack the safe areas, the civilians and the positions of the army with various types of shells.

Anonymous ID: 75a7d1 Jan. 30, 2020, 5:08 p.m. No.7971684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1718 >>1822

Chicago Police Are Using a Facial Recognition Program That Scans Billions of Facebook Photos


The end of privacy as we know it?


Manhattan-based Clearview AI is collecting data from unsuspecting social media users and the Chicago Police Department (CPD) is using the controversial facial recognition tool to pinpoint the identity of unknown suspects, reads a report from the Chicago Sun-Times.


And according to a bombshell New York Times report, it is also being used by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security.


The software’s creator, Hoan Ton-That, maintains that it is purely “an after-the-fact research tool for law enforcement, not a surveillance system or a consumer application.” However, privacy advocates are saying this technology is so intrusive and ripe for abuse its use should be immediately halted. And earlier this month, a lawsuit was filed in federal court seeking to do just that.


Chicago attorney Scott Drury who filed the lawsuit describes CPD’s signing of a two-year, $49,875 contract with Illinois tech firm CDW Government to use Clearview AI’s software as “frightening.”


Conversely, Chicago police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi explains:

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“Our obligation is to find those individuals that hurt other people and bring them to justice. And we want to be able to use every tool available to be able to perform that function, but we want to be able to do so responsibly.”


According to police, some CPD officials at the Crime Prevention and Information Center used the software for two months on a trial basis prior to the signing of the contract in January.


Despite the two month trial and the contract having been signed for approximately one month, CPD spokesman Howard Ludwig has declined to explain if and when Clearview AI has been used by the department thus far. Ludgwig explained:


“Any information about ongoing investigations can only come from cases that have been thoroughly adjudicated. We haven’t had Clearview long enough for any of the cases to have gone through the courts.”


Clearview AI’s database includes three billion photos taken from social media and network platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. The software searches its massive database for matches after users, including CPD, upload a photo of a suspect. The user is then provided with links for each image returned in the search that the company once told Green Bay police to “run wild” with in a marketing email.


Ton-That told the Sun-Times, “Our software links to publicly available web pages, not any private data.” It is clear he doesn’t seem to think the software poses any problems. But just this month, New Jersey’s attorney general Gurbir Grewal “put a moratorium on Clearview AI’s chilling, unregulated facial recognition software.”