So if I'm piecing this together right,
there was virus research in a US lab.
Some false descriptors were put on the
cultures. Some Chinese nationals
at the lab stole the stuff & took it to China.
They believed it would be a bioweapon
they could deploy against USA.
Hence the $1 bills. Easy way to infect multitudes.
However because of the false descriptors,
it turns out this strain is virulent against
specific DNA profiles, i.e. perhaps Asians.
Well that is fantasy (or rather a rumor spouseanon picked up from a website quoting someone on halfchan), but it's one hypothesis running around in muh head lately.
I do not know.
POTUS's statements of friendship with Xi
Negotiation/signing of the Big
China trade deal
Reconcile with
Have bioweapons been used by one country on another?
Then consider the possible financial system reset that may be near
Wish I knew how to fit these pieces all together into one coherent canvas.
Suggest that some major surprises are ahead, the only way all of these bits can reconcile.
>, I dont think it was plain old China behind it (not the actual government), but the same DS that we fight here
Exactly muh next thought.
Unless one knows the language and follows China news from an inside perspective,
how are they going to understand complexities of another society that
likely has its own factions (Deep State), as ours does?