Anonymous ID: 427725 Jan. 30, 2020, 6:23 p.m. No.7972735   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2850 >>3006 >>3010 >>3195 >>3279

Australia Declares Emergency in Canberra as Forecast Warns of Acute Bushfire Threat


The bushfires, which have been ravaging across Australia since September 2019 and have recently intensified, have reportedly claimed around 30 lives, destroyed more than 2,000 homes and killed over one billion animals.


Chief Minister of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Andrew Barr declared Friday the state of emergency, stressing that Canberra was facing the “worst bushfire threat since the devastating fires of 2003”, according to the News.Com.Au media outlet.


“The combination of extreme heat, wind, and a dry landscape will place suburbs in Canberra’s south at risk […] This fire may become very unpredictable. It may become uncontrollable. So given the best advice available to me, I have just made a decision to declare a Territory-wide state of alert for the Australian Capital Territory. This is effective now and will be in place for as long as Canberra is at risk”, Andrew Barr said, cited by News.Com.Au.


The UK Meteorological Office warned earlier this month that the Australian bushfires would likely contribute to one of largest increases in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, predicting that the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide will peak at 417 parts per million in May, and the average for the year will be around 414.2 parts per million.


Earlier, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison was criticized for his tackling effort both the bushfires and their aftermath.


Rae Kwon Chung, a UN climate expert and 2007 Nobel Peace Prize laureate suggested that the bushfires, unprecedented in scale and intensity, could herald a global "climate disaster".


ACT state of emergency declared for Orroral Valley fire


Get the people out leave the DS Gov and let it burn to the ground

Anonymous ID: 427725 Jan. 30, 2020, 6:29 p.m. No.7972812   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2847 >>2850 >>3006 >>3195 >>3279

Elites Have Destroyed a Possible U.S. - Russia Alliance to Contain China


There’s no need to rehash the sordid politics of the U.S.-Russia relationship since 2014. That relationship became collateral damage to gross corruption in Ukraine.


The U.S. and its allies, especially the UK under globalists like David Cameron, wanted to peel off Ukraine from the Russian orbit and make it part of the EU and eventually NATO.


From Russia’s perspective, this was unacceptable. It may be true that most Americans cannot find Ukraine on a map, but a simple glance at a map reveals that much of Ukraine lies East of Moscow.


Putting Ukraine in a Western alliance such as NATO would create a crescent stretching from Luhansk in the South through Poland in the West and back around to Estonia in the North. There are almost no natural obstacles between that arc and Moscow; it’s mostly open steppe.


Completion of this “NATO Crescent” would leave Moscow open to invasion in ways that Napoleon and Hitler could only dream. Of course, this situation was and is unacceptable to Moscow.


Ukraine itself is culturally divided along geographic lines. The Eastern and Southern provinces (Luhansk, Donetsk, Crimea and Dnipro) are ethnically Russian, follow the Orthodox Church and the Patriarch of Moscow, and welcome commercial relations with Russia.


The Western provinces (Kiev, Lviv) are Slavic, adhere to the Catholic Church and the Pope in Rome, and look to the EU and U.S. for investment and aid.


Prior to 2014, an uneasy truce existed between Washington and Moscow that allowed a pro-Russian President while at the same time permitting increasing contact with the EU. Then the U.S. and UK overreached by allowing the CIA and MI6 to foment a “color revolution” in Kiev called the “Euromaidan Revolution.”


Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych resigned and fled to Moscow. Pro-EU protestors took over the government and signed an EU Association Agreement.


In response, Putin annexed Crimea and declared it part of Russia. He also infiltrated Donetsk and Luhansk and helped establish de facto pro-Russian regional governments. The U.S. and EU responded with harsh economic sanctions on Russia.


Ukraine has been in turmoil (with increasing corruption) ever since. U.S.-Russia relations have been ice-cold, exactly as the globalists intended.

Anonymous ID: 427725 Jan. 30, 2020, 6:42 p.m. No.7972967   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2994 >>3004 >>3006 >>3050 >>3195 >>3279

“An Extraordinary Example of the Deep State Protecting Itself” – Tom Fitton Reacts to Chief Justice’s Refusal to Allow Question on Leaker Ciaramella


Earlier this afternoon Chief Justice Roberts played politics and REFUSED TO READ RAND PAUL’S QUESTION on the Anti-Trump whistleblower!


There is NO LAW that prevents this anti-Trump CIA leaker’s name from being revealed in the impeachment investigation!


Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts is playing politics and siding with Democrats!!


Senator Rand Paul announced earlier that this afternoon at 1 PM ET he would would insist on his question which reveals the name of the whistleblower.


Chief Justice John Roberts blocked a question from Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on Wednesday from being asked at the Senate impeachment trial.


Senator Paul’s question had to do with the whistleblower’s contact and coordination with Adam Schiff’s office.


Senator Paul was furious for being gagged by Justice Roberts and attempted to ask his question again on Thursday.


On Thursday night Judicial Watch founder and President Tom Fitton joined Tucker Carlson to discuss this outrageous move by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.


Tom Fitton: That was an extraordinary example of the deep state protecting itself.

You have the Chief Justice of the United States making a political decision arguably in its discretion to keep out the name of the alleged whistleblower. And who by the way, because we sued for records about him, he was assigned by the CIA on the Ukraine issue to both the Obama and Trump White House, allegedly worked with Joe Biden. So irrespective to whether he is the whistleblower, what he is doing is of intense public interest. And we’re not even allowed to mention his name. If I mentioned his name and you posted it on YouTube, YouTube would take it down.


Tucker Carlson: Is it against the law to mention his name?


Tom Fitton: No, he’s not a whistleblower legally. Morally he’s not a whistleblower. There’s nothing to protect him rather than buying into this political narrative.


Tucker Carlson: If it’s not against the law then on what grounds is it the Chief Justice whose job it is to interpret the law, on what grounds is he denying it?


Tom Fitton: Schiff has bullied the Chief Justice and the full Senate to keep his name private because to expose it would expose the corrupt formation.

Anonymous ID: 427725 Jan. 30, 2020, 6:49 p.m. No.7973046   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Indiana Man Gets Life Sentence In Child Sex Tourism Case


Indianapolis – United States Attorney Josh J. Minkler announced today the sentencing of Noblesville, Ind. man, Charles Skaggs, Jr., age 53, to life in federal prison after his conviction at trial during July 2019 for sexual exploitation of a minor, possession of child pornography, and concealment of evidence. Skaggs had a prior conviction out of Clark County, Ind. for sexual misconduct with a minor.


“Today’s sentence sends a strong message to those who seek to exploit our minor children that you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, particularly those with prior records of child exploitation,” said Minkler. “Protecting our youth from sexual predators will always remain a top priority of this office and this life sentence will ensure that the public is safe from any future victimization from this defendant.”


This case began in 2015 as an investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) of child sex tourism in Ukraine, including Skaggs’ work with orphanages there. In December 2016, Skaggs was searched at the U.S. Customs area of the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport during his return trip from Ukraine to Indiana. Law enforcement officers recovered thumb drives that contained child pornography, including child pornography that Skaggs’ produced in Indiana.


Skaggs was arrested by the FBI. Prior to his arrest, Skaggs hid a hard drive in the ceiling of a shared laundry room in his residence. During Skaggs’ pretrial detention at the Henderson County Detention Center, law enforcement officers intercepted a note written by Skaggs, which disclosed the location of the hard drive. The hard drive contained, among other things, images of videos of child pornography, including copies of the same pornography found on the thumb drives seized at the airport.


Skaggs had a bench trial before the Honorable Sarah Evans Barker, United States District Judge, Southern District of Indiana, on July 22, 2019 through July 24, 2019. Skaggs was convicted of all nine counts of sexual exploitation of a minor, two counts of possession of child pornography, and one count of concealment of evidence.


This case was investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Homeland Security Investigations (HSI-St. Paul), U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), and the Indiana State Police.


“Children are among the most vulnerable in our society and it is our collective responsibility to protect them from predators such as Mr. Skaggs. His life sentence should send a clear message to those who engage in this conduct – you will be investigated, identified, and prosecuted – and you will go to prison,” said Special Agent in Charge Grant Mendenhall, FBI Indianapolis. “The teamwork between our agents and state law enforcement partners ensured there is one less predator victimizing the most innocent of our communities.”


“Sexual predators, like Charles Skaggs, who think they can avoid U.S. laws by traveling abroad for the purpose of sexually exploiting children will find no safe refuge upon their return to the U.S., said Tracy J. Cormier, Special Agent in Charge of HSI St. Paul. “HSI proudly stands with our law enforcement partners and remains steadfastly committed to doing all we can to stop this heinous practice.”