Anonymous ID: b36ff9 Jan. 30, 2020, 7:16 p.m. No.7973338   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3377

False Flag

The genetically modified (and patented) Coronavirus affecting China is rumored to have been brought there from Canada?

Its too convenient that this huge dump onto the population is done while the impeachment hearings are heating up. The JOB of media is to make us afraid to keep us distracted. What better way to do it than unleash the newest man-made bio-weapon?

The Deep State/pedo elite cabal sent it to China where it was intentionally spread in the seafood market near China's Wuhan research facility, to cast doubt that it may have been mishandled and escaped there. But that's not the case. They are punishing China– China was 'bad' in their eyes, making a trade deal with the US, and this virus was their hard-to-come by ammunition this time.


The Corona Gates Foundation connection, the Corona airplane crash, the PRACTICE drill regarding the virus..we know enough by now to KNOW these are not coincidences, they are communications.


But why not the US this time? yes, they wanted to punish China, and make the world hate on China (which is why the media have published articles saying white westerners are fostering racist views of china over the virus)..but they have to get China in line in other ways. its not being hard enough on Hong Kong. PLUS hitting China instead of in America with a virus..they can afford to kill small numbers of people in the US, but they CAN NOT AFFORD TO LOSE large numbers of urban-oriented blue voters. Another simultaneous reason this false flag virus was not released in the US was because they don't want to kill off numbers of people in city centers..which vote blue. Why it might hit the illegal immigrant population! Cant have that. So the vaccine will miraculously appear within 60 days and the Gates Foundation will distribute it.


False Flag

instill fear

distract from impeachment going belly up

Punish China

message the rest of the world that they still have their reach

release it away from urban center voters in the US that they will need

save everyone in the nick of time

what impeachment?