Anonymous ID: 41d969 Jan. 30, 2020, 7:32 p.m. No.7973532   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3558 >>3589


I dated someone like Schiff once…literally believed all the lies he told…he actually believed he was the all knowing all powerful expert on everything….I really repel Schiff and now I know why…someone somewhere has to be sitting in front of their television who knows shit about him that can take him down….it just has to be so…cause watching him is fucking torture…..

Anonymous ID: 41d969 Jan. 30, 2020, 7:52 p.m. No.7973736   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Who is Patrick Philbin?


Patrick Philbin, a deputy White House counsel, has quickly emerged as one of President Trump’s leading defenders on the Senate floor, jumping up to answer some of the most pointed questions from senators. His last name quickly drew jokes about whether Mr. Trump, with his love of television, confused the lawyer with the television host who shares the same surname — but his background is in fact far more significant.


After clerking for Justice Clarence Thomas, Mr. Philbin worked at the Justice Department, where he advised President George W. Bush that he could establish military tribunals at Guantánamo Bay to prosecute detainees there, a practice that was criticized for its lack of due process rights.


Mr. Philbin also found himself enmeshed in a standoff in 2004 at a hospital bedside over the renewal of the warrantless wiretapping program known as Stellarwind.


ames B. Comey, the former F.B.I. director, told the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2007 that Mr. Philbin was among the Justice Department colleagues with him when he rushed to the hospital bed of John Ashcroft, the attorney general at the time, in an attempt to prevent him from signing an extension for the warrantless domestic eavesdropping program.


In a bid to prevent Mr. Ashcroft, who was gravely ill, from being persuaded to renew the program, Mr. Comey enlisted another familiar name who ended up in the same hospital room as Mr. Philbin: Robert S. Mueller III, then the F.B.I. director.