Occassionalbaker just stopping by after skimming the breads. I see what's happened and humbly offer appreciation Pepe for baker anons and those who call out bad bread. I grabbed all the bloodline posts and graphics for digging too - good work bloodlineanaon.
Anons, we have hit the mark for critical mass to take hold. I posted on FB when I had an account back in early December about the crumbs I had learned (been with Q since Nov. 6). I had friends, a couple, both question me as possibly crazy but said when I returned home from remote job they would give me time to hear me out, that they were curious. I have been home for 2 months now and not spoken to close friends, just worked on home construction. I met with them tonight and they were already several steps ahead of my redpilling due to what they see day-to-day in talk with others. Already new about Antifa Action and Antifascistische Aktion flags and movements. That's the power that this board has. Believe in it, it is very real, jere and now, amonst all of us.
Mememagic at it's finest. You go anon. KEK and a save.
Silence for a reason Checkd
It's been a couple of weeks. I'm going to put my sauceless suspicion theory out there again about possible foster-raised half or whole sisters. Hive mind sharing any similar ideas on this? The more I look, the more this bugs me and I can't place a finger on it.
I'll disregard. Something about this obviously triggered you or you would have STFU and bypassed it. I have enough shit noted in the breads to confirm my eyes are focused enough to see something at least SOME other anons see. Go back to your handler and tell them you need another triggeranon who doesn't cave when you talk shit.