Why does Starbucks hire MENTALLY ILL people?
Gender Dysphoria is a mental illness. No Transgender should be serving food in any kind of establishment unless they have arecent (within 6 months) certificate from a psychiatrist
Why does Starbucks hire MENTALLY ILL people?
Gender Dysphoria is a mental illness. No Transgender should be serving food in any kind of establishment unless they have arecent (within 6 months) certificate from a psychiatrist
Watch the water
Bay Watch
Pamela Anderson
Who exposed the pedo network within H wood? (Q drop #19)
>Have any recent [shooters] received therapy in the past?
That is the key question because it turns out that all of them had.
Where? With who?
Answer those two questions and you will find the rehab or therapy clinics where MKUltra mindsplitting is being done, and who are the programmers who do it. Programming is done by experienced psychotherapists. They may have help from ex-military psyops people for the initial torture stage but the most time and effort goes into programming.
The torture stage requires privacy and soundproofing which many therapy clinics have. Also they do that at night or in a more remote satellite location.
But the rest of the programming looks no different from psychotherapy to the untrained observer. After stabilizing the subject lots of it can be done with regular therapy visits.
Find where the lone wolf shooters got therapy and you have almost certainly found an MKUltra operation. And look around the area because you may have found a CIA nest like McLean VA or Broward County FL
You might want to get in touch with the SRA support people who are working on techniques to recover lost memories (they are not erased, just hidden) and in general to heal from the MKUltra and similar programming. They work with some psychiatrists who have written self help guides for people with DID.
SRA = Satanic Ritual Abuse which is the forerunner of MKUltra and is the lifelong system used by the Illuminati on their own offspring.
Q is not a leader. In fact Q is a group of people less than 10 who provide hints to us to find info hiding in plain site. It is all done in crypto puzzle form because there are 5-10 ways to interpret anything and the CIA analysts end up running around in circles with the complexity.
This board has some autists who are FREE AGENTS WITH NO BOSS HASSLING THEM FOR RESULTS so we can use the tips from Q to dig up lots of info on the black hats, They are sloppy drunk drug addicts who arrogantly think they are above the law, therefore they make a lot of mistakes.
Our mistake, on the other hand, just give the CIA lots of more bogus leads to chase. We really don't ever figure out anything secret until it has already happened.