Anonymous ID: ddab33 Jan. 30, 2020, 8:17 p.m. No.7974032   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4041 >>4138 >>4266 >>4520

Our dreams are their target~

This board is simply too powerful, our enemy must have it completely controlled.


=This MOCKINGBIRD bread=

'satan' exsists as our individual resistances to God. There's no unified entity called as such, yet our individual resistances can be marched to the same tune. Enter MOCKINGBIRD.

'Our Daily Bread' is Gods vital rhythm of our upward growth~

MOCKINGBIRD corrupts it.

We're used as batteries for their poisoned memes, especially children.


The MOCKINGBIRD program is here. Now.

It's run by the IRGC agent(s) behind 'CANNOT THANK', creepbot, 5 picture spamming I.jpg II.jpg III.jpg IIII.jpg poster, govern/key/heal1/2/3.jpg 'programming' poster, sword'anon', 'nightshift', and other masks.


What's posted here bubbles up in our social sphere.

The IRGC uses this as their base premise for assaulting our board

Their 3am dream invasions are a condensed seed of what happens in each bread, and each bread is a condensed version of what's said through each day.

They have it structured out:

Who's in control of our bread?

Who are you forced to trust / love?

Who are you coerced into hating?

What points are 'everyone else' talking about?

What social reinforcements do you see?

What's the chance all this is [currently] organic?

The dream visit plants the seed of their unified resistance in our unconscious minds.

The news/bread waters it.

They found a way of strengthening 'the devil' by force multiplying its pressence. We all 'just happen' to hate/fear the same things, and that gives resistance socially rewarding reinforcement.

Those that aren't marching to that tune, are shamed / rejected from the MOCKINGBIRD'D masses.


Why are MOCKINGBIRD talking points sent out at 4am?

Witching hour is over.

The seed was planted.

Those that plant it give the propagators instructions on watering it.

>Who controls the narrative?

>Why is this relevant?

>What is a spell?

>Who is asleep?


>Attention on deck.

>There is an active war on your mind.


Do you see the weakness?

Their invasion of our dreams~

[Banish /+ Pray before bed]

Without the unconscious seed, we won't seek the water for it.

Our resistances won't be marching to the same tune, thus they don't get rewarded.

We have more in common (per day) in our growth than we do in our resistance.

We all feel the pulse of God.

Only a [dwindling] portion are infected by MOCKINGBIRD. It shrinks more every day~

Unless you let the abusers convince you not to filter+blur images; Not to defend YOURSELF from their abuse.


Welcome to The Great Awakening.


[Sun Scissors Snip Weight]

Push the 3am invader into Sunlight

Snip heavy burden away

They've been doing this for so long..

They just want it over with~


God has greater wrath than what they can come up with.

Fear God. Pity the snipped invader~


Pray before bed.

Pray for protection in your dreams.

We get through this together.

Anonymous ID: ddab33 Jan. 30, 2020, 8:18 p.m. No.7974041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4266


The same ones causing board slowdowns are the ones baking, they flood the beginning of each bread with extra network traffic so that te IRGC are the only ones able to create a bread.


Spokesperson for the MOfA of the IR #Iran:

>“By entering into an alliance with Trump’s terrorist administration and the child-murdering Zionists…"

Wait I've heard that rhetoric before…

…now where could I have heard it…



Do (You) know Thy Enemy?

Q told us who is running the shills/disruptions/attacks against our board~


>[SEC] server re-routes create delays.




Previous usage of [F] was:

>Awan IT scandal


Omar paid [F] agent

>Clinton server > China relay


>[VJ] direct relay > Iran pre/post Iran deal [future marker]

>[Kerry] direct relay > Iran pre/post Iran deal [future marker]


Context = [F]oreign Agent.

Specifically, the Foreign influence of Iran.


Insight gained: Iran is causing the posting delays on our board.

Even with…

>Devices in the same location w/ the same military encrypt w/ the same service yet hitting send spreads an unusual gap (even accounting for pic/non-pic transmit +/- data II).

>Sometimes we get a hit, sometimes we don't.

>We are past that now, correct?


12-Feb-2019 11:43:48 AM EST


So who's causing the "unusual gap"?

The [F]oreign influence of Iran.

If Iran has been causing the posting delays for at least a year…

Who else do they have here?

Which organization would they use against us?

The IRGC are posting in this bread~

They've been baking for years.

> ^^^ this anon gets it! ^^^

Thank you!

Anonymous ID: ddab33 Jan. 30, 2020, 9:08 p.m. No.7974592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4610


Only deities have unity, hence satan who's original Latin name shaitan meant 'adversary', isn't a singular entity. It's the adversarial force we each have in us to one degree or another; Our shadow, if you will.

I agree and implied demons exist, and are the shadow figures that haunt our dreams.

This is advanced Christianity, though I welcome your invitation to talk about it.

Anonymous ID: ddab33 Jan. 30, 2020, 9:18 p.m. No.7974667   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4678 >>4704


Highs field doesn't exist, it's a required patch to make the current paradigm of our cosmos to work.

Neither does dark matter - every experiment has been concluded as "we've confirmed dark matter is not within the measurable restraints of our machine" so much they don't have any room left.

Your drive to boil the universe down to abstract shapes is an indication of your separation from it.


The blood that runs trough your east produces the magnetic field that forms your body.

The birkeland current that runs through the earth produces the magnetic field around it.

The birkeland current that runs through the sun produces the magnetic field - the heliopause - around it.


Energy running through plasma drives our cosmos.

Anonymous ID: ddab33 Jan. 30, 2020, 9:30 p.m. No.7974790   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You're the one jumping around like the schizo you are tonight.

Friends busy threatening senators?

You really didn't like those paratroopers, and you loved the vote in iraq to push out American troops~