Anonymous ID: e91cef Jan. 30, 2020, 9:22 p.m. No.7974707   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4783 >>4806 >>4820 >>4834 >>4882
  1. ERIC CIARAM3LLA is involved in much darker things than you can imagine.


Joe Biden, John Brennan, & Barack Obama are also in it.

and Victoria Nuland.


The Ukraine Holocaust

please RETWEET !


  1. in Feb 2014 there was a Coup d'Etat in Ukraine.

a violent Coup.


There was a massacre in the main square of the capital, Kiev.

100 people were killed.


  1. There were SNIPERS at windows of tall buildings surrounding the square.

Strategically placed.

The snipers from the buildings shot both at protestors, both at police officers.

it was a HORRIFIC massacre


  1. 100 people were killed BY THE SNIPERS.

both Ukranian citizens, both police officers.


that was The Ukraine Holocaust.


  1. the SNIPERS were professional mercenaries.

they were hired and paid to do that job.


Their assigned job was to KILL about 100 people.

They had been given precise instructions.


hired and paid BY WHOM?


  1. why 100 people had to be brutally killed?


because the CIA Director John Brennan and Victoria Nuland (State Dept.) wanted 100 people killed.

That would trigger a Coup d'Etat in Ukraine.


which in fact happened.


  1. and WHO organized those SNIPERS in Ukraine, to make this massacre?

WHO hired them?

WHO paid them?




E.C. in this photo with Victoria Nuland:


  1. Eric Ciaramella was assigned that task by the CIA Director John Brennan.

Brennan was the CIA Director at that tme, in 2014.


and Eric Ciaramella was, and is, a CIA Operative.

he was Brennan's CIA point man in Ukraine, in 2014.


  1. Eric Ciaramella is a CIA Operative,

he speaks fluently Ukrainian and Russian.

Ciaramella was the perfect guy for the job. and a Brennan Loyalist


Ciaramella has been many times in Ukraine.

and he flew several times to Ukraine with Joe Biden.


  1. Eric Ciaramella is the guy responsible for the UKRAINE HOLOCAUST

which killed 100 people.


this is why the CIA and the DEEP STATE protects him.


  1. and this is why the DEEP STATE and the CIA do not want Eric Ciaramella's name to be spoken.





This is the reason of the COVER-UP.


COVER-UP also by the Chief Justice John Roberts - who is compromised, blackmailed & OWN by the CIA.


  1. this is why there are GAG ORDERS not to pronounce Ciaramella's name.




the HORRIFIC Truth of what Ciaramella did in Ukraine, cannot be revealed.


  1. ERIC CIARAMELLA hired and paid the SNIPERS,

and organized the Ukraine massacre.

under John Brennan orders.


but WHO authorized Brennan to proceed with the massacre of 100 people in Ukraine?


none other than Barack Hussein O.