The marble is demonic for sure.
I could see the Republican senators voting to impeach Trump. The next thing I see is war, citizens against all authority backed by God. .
Bengazi fail.
Alex Jones job was to make the Bohemian Grove look like a frat party not the multiple child rape sacrifice that it is.
I hope you're right.
Trump will make a deal with anyone if they join his battle.
A group of rag tag friends and I prayed dead drowned teen back to life. Anything is posable with God.
I spent a moonless night in the mohave desert with no light pollution. It changed my life. We are so small.
Alex Jone's job was to make the Bohemian Grove look like a frat party not the whore raping multiple child rape human sacrifice ritual that it is.
A neighbor I grew up who is a witch catered there and her husband who I used to surf with in high school did landscaping for them.
either way it starts wit CIA.
Q are there any good folks in the CIA?
It sounds Italian and Italians have funny names.
My dad worked for the police department of one of the biggest cities in the US . I've heard they had CIA training. He had a one shot cigarette lighter gun and did drunken weekends with the Jesuits and was a pan sexual. Also spent a night with The Beetles the first time they came to the US.
I was put in one of their University baby experiments, my mom said they said
'ld make a good warrior. I'm a pacifist.