TY baker!
unlike all those doctors who bought their degrees over seas or are just fakes?
I've always tried to defend JPos so shut up.
Some of us appreciated him and were very hurt when he betrayed us. But we maintained our belief despite so many saying what a jerk Jpos was. And they were right, JPos was a jerk.
but I still care, Jack. I always defended you!
yes, but he's OUR gigafaggot.
that's right Jack, some of us always cared and wanted you back on our side.
but famefags have to be hazed because it's such dangerous business. Hear that Polly? be careful because the scorn is real.
some us say 'no fame fagging' not because we 'hate' the person, but because we know it's dangerous.
a joke:
If he was really what the meme says they assigned him that not to see who was smoking weed but to find out who was gay . . .
it's one of the shills with a new tactic.
the night before during STOU POTUS basically informed all the ones under blackmail that he was in charge and that they were free from it.
ya, Jack is a hot guy!
so fucking what, you jealous?
He's straignt and married so you got no chance with him!
the ones with him in a beard are the ones that the gay guys like the most.
He's fucking sexy as shit in that picture, liquored up a bit. Probably a fun guy to hang around with.
Ah . . . how lucky we are to have such an awesome guy like him on our side!
dude, I'm jsut doing a projack shill to make it less boring.
Seriously the guy is OK.
I am not him so dont' think that.
He' probably doens't enve know people are posting about him here still.
How would you know that is true?
if it were he'd get arrested!
Look, the guy is a bit of grandstanding dork at times, but he's got a good heart. He's a bit of a jerk and jumps to conclusions and hounds for fame, but he's a good guy. If you have sauce on allegations of tht sort bring them to authorities and stop slandering people here. you got nothing, he's a loving caring guy and not what you say. Yes, he's a jerk at times. so is eveyrone.
they didn't forget the i.
it's in the part that is the square root of negative 'shit'
but it's squared so it cancels, that is why it 'got real' but if 'shit' is a complex variable, it might still have an imaginary component.
you want me to cmmit suicide becaue I troll affection for someoen who gets unduely attacked here on a constant basis?
people like other people.
they like 'badboys'
they like 'patriots'
jack is both of those.
and yes, he's a handsome man.
so fucking what. I'm making you situationally aware. Some people like that fucker, and they wanted him to snap out of his shilling here, and he has.
so is that not a good thing?
I'm happy for him.
He's on the FISA list and he was hazed by the Obama administration and he survived it and is still plugging away!
that's a good guy, no matter that he's sometimes a jerk.
how do I answer you with a post like that?
I've been pretty obvious in my way of saying 'stop with the JP hate some people like him and here is why'.
do I say it's rational to think that he's a hot-spy who only larps the bit of 'stupid jerk'?
of course not.
So what he makes me happy.
the real question is why cna't you forgive him and see what's good about him? or be aware of why he keeps popping up.
because he's doing good shit for the future!
you've been given an official fame-fag title by an anon in aother post:
now that you are an official name fag I must ask you to STOP