Anonymous ID: e7e578 Jan. 31, 2020, 6:55 a.m. No.7977250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7259 >>7265

Harvard chemist Charles Leiber accused of being Chinese spy.


Strand of Coronavirus suspected to be stolen from Canada and shipped to Chinese Wuhan province. Wuhan formally investigated on this board because of Q posts. Wuhan is hotbed for tech and bio research. Mentioned already thoughts that Coronavirus may be hybrid of technology and biological mating. Think 5G. Test run or counterpunch to Q? I wish Q would give input.


A weaponized virus that can be controlled by frequency modifications? Scary thoughts. Chemtrails and genetically modified food / water make sure our bodies carry the programming code algorithms to support the virus. We become the computers and the viruses.

Anonymous ID: e7e578 Jan. 31, 2020, 7:26 a.m. No.7977434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7454 >>7464 >>7468 >>7497 >>7511 >>7665 >>7891




People here will ridicule you for saying this but the reason we all came here is because we naturally and logically question things that don't make sense. Collectively we try to research, ideas, answers, facts and theories.


Unfortunately it has become another divisional tool. All I here on these sites are screw Democrats, they will be destroyed. Liberals are stupid and immune to facts and logic. Yet Q states together we are strong, dividing us is their plan, WWG1WGA, we don't realize our power together, they fear us united. I don't see many keeping to that. 9/11 was under Bush and Republican watch. Cheney and Rumsfeld created the private server scam that Hillary used, they just did it to hide their dealings, not sell out access. They both destroyed emails and refused subpoenas as well. McCain ran for Republicans and is seen with Graham in photos with AlQueda and ISIS leaders. Charlie Wilson's war documents us training and funding Bin Laden. The Shah of Iran was overthrown by Khomeini after requesting a bigger cut of oil profits for his people. He was friendly with BP and both Britain and the USA yet they ousted him for speaking up. They kept Khomeini in check by installing the Baah party in Iraq who's leader happened to be Saddam Hussein. He started an 18 year war that killed mass amounts of young men from both countries. The religious factions both destroyed education and research sectors in both countries. Nixon took the USA off the gold standard to create the petro dollar and to drop interest of public demands for Fort Knox reserves to be fully audited. JFK was killed under collective operations of government and underworld. Woodrow Wilson implemented the Federal Reserve, League of Nations and huge taxes. Truman and Roosevelt also played along for sure.


It's both sides. It's the elite vs the working classes. They make money out of thin air. Fractional Reserve banking allows it, and once you reach that level you understand that debt is wealth in that system.


Yet we fight amongst ourselves about who is right or wrong. They think of us as sheep or cattle and we ram our horns against each other to validate that.


They control the drugs in this country, that's where they used the stolen gold. The war on drugs was on Cocaine cartels not all drugs, and once they demanded and got their piece of the action, the war went away.