Anonymous ID: 5a203c Jan. 31, 2020, 9:16 a.m. No.7978364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8500

Ultimately red pill/blue pill are just another way to keep us divided, keep our attention away from the real enemy.

What I find lacking in all of these discussions (8kun, voat and /pol) are alternatives. We need to imagine what we want our government to look like and put that out there.

The reason Hillary hasn’t been arrested is because arresting her would set off a chain reaction that would result in arresting most everyone in government. Utter chaos. You can’t bring down the house unless you have an alternative in the wings.

We must be careful. There are reasons for the corruption. For example, is C_I drug trafficking propping up the dollar? If so, what happens to the economy if the trafficking is halted? You can’t just hack off a leg of the beast without understanding and compensating for all of its functions.

We must also be vigilant. If we don’t put forward what we want, we will get what someone else wants. Old boss meets new boss? Calling POTUS GEOTUS is dangerous. You are elevating someone over yourself and giving him your power. It’s time to claim our power. Giving it away is how we got here.


Just an observation, but I don’t see how owning a gun helps us. Don’t get me wrong, I have no issues with second amendment, but, unless our military is on our side, having a gun won’t help. That goes for alphabet agengies too. Just ask the Branch Davidians. So I think the whole second amendment thing is just more division and distraction.


“‘Challenge: you have a magic wand to be used to fix this mess. What do you do?’”

We aren’t all experts in everything and this is too big for one person. Stick to what you know and give it a whirl.

I’ll start:

The only functions of the federal government should be creating and maintaining infrastructure (roads, bridges, energy) and representing our interests internationally (trade, treaties). We now have the capability to communicate instantaneously so we should return to the basis for a Republic: one person, one vote. Big issues should be taken up with the people directly after being clearly and fairly explained. No tax on income, only trade (as outlined in the constitution). Federal government should not be making laws, this should be handled locally (i.e. a return to States Rights and the sovereignty of the states).

The more local the government, the more power, that is the people should decide what they will and will not abide by. Basic needs should be supplied locally insofar as is possible.

I don’t know anything about economics so someone else should tackle the problem. I will say that if the government is going to have money (and it seems some sort of exchange is needed) then the government should print its own money, not a private company (federal reserve). I don’t quite see how having gold backing helps. Bankruptcy is bankruptcy whether the money is shiny or not. But I don’t know anything.


“‘It would be good to have a separate thread on here called SOLUTIONS where we can post and discuss ideas.’”