Anonymous ID: a1465d Jan. 31, 2020, 8:52 a.m. No.7978125   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8205 >>8308

“A Deranged Human Being… Pathological Liar… Lied for Two-and-a-Half Years” – Newt Gingrich Says What Everyone Is Thinking About Adam Schiff


Former US Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich was on the Ingraham Angle on FOX News on Thursday night. Newt said what we all have been thinking for some time about Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff.


Former Speaker Newt Gingrich talked about the Democrats unconstitutional impeachment this past week and in particular about Adam Schiff. He said what we all are thinking.


Laura Ingraham: The man is pathological, it is a reflexive Pavlovian response to Trump. You have to just make stuff up. You can’t argue the case you have to make it up.


Newt Gingrich: I think it is also a comment on Schiff. I mean Schiff is obviously a person a deranged human being. This is about Schiff. You know, Schiff is a guy who is a pathological liar. He seems to have no ability to distinguish between the truth and falsehood. He lied for two-and-a-half years about the Russian collusion. It all disintegrated. You look like a fool, you learn nothing… And you’re right. Here we are at the end of a cycle and he goes back and decides to lie again. At some point people have to decide Adam Schiff is a compulsive, uncontrollable liar and should be dealt with that way.


That about sums it up.


Per the Ingraham Angle on FOX News:

Anonymous ID: a1465d Jan. 31, 2020, 8:54 a.m. No.7978149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8298 >>8606 >>8713

Turkey ‘will not hesitate to use military force’ if attacks by Syrian govt forces don’t stop in Idlib – Erdogan


Ankara will not sit idly by as the Syrian Army carries out an offensive in northeastern Idlib province, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned, saying all options, including the most extreme ones, are on the table.


“We will not watch the situation in Syria… We will not hesitate to do whatever it takes, including using military force,” Erdogan said on Friday in Ankara. He claimed that attacks by the “Syrian regime” causes an influx of migrants into Turkey.


We will do what is necessary when someone is threatening our soil. We will have no choice but to resort to the same path again if the situation in Idlib is not returned to normal quickly.


On Tuesday, Syrian government forces entered a town south of Idlib city and had significant success in their fight against militants. Turkey warned that it would retaliate if any of its 12 observation posts around the city were caught in the crossfire.


Earlier this week, Erdogan claimed the Syrian offensive in Idlib – the last remaining militant stronghold in Syria – violates the ceasefire agreement brokered by Ankara and Moscow last year in Sochi. He also suggested that Russia should persuade Damascus to stop the attacks.


The Kremlin responded to his appeal on Friday, with presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov insisting that Russia “fully complies with all obligations under the Sochi agreements regarding the Idlib zone.” In the meantime, he said Moscow regrets “that the situation there leaves much to be desired.”


He said Damascus’ troops are targeting militants “who constantly carry out offensive actions against the Syrian Armed Forces as well as the Russian base in Khmeimim.”

Anonymous ID: a1465d Jan. 31, 2020, 8:58 a.m. No.7978192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8199

Republicans Demand Information From IRS After Finding Millions In EV Tax Credit Abuse


Republican senators are demanding answers from the IRS about how it enforces its EV tax credits after a watchdog for the Treasury Department found millions of dollars in "erroneously claimed" credits.


IRS Commissioner Charles Retting received a letter on Monday from senators who want information about "what appear to be systemic problems," according to The Hill.


Fifteen senators signed the letter, including Senate Finance Committee Chariman Chuck Grassley and Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson.


In September, the Treasury inspector general for tax administration (TIGTA) released a heavily redacted report finding that "the IRS has taken steps to address some of TIGTA’s previous recommendations to improve the identification and prevention of erroneous credit claims, many of the deficiencies previously identified still exist."


It claimed there were more than $70 million worth of potentially erroneous plug-in credits claimed between 2014 and 2018. Back in 2011, the same watchdog found $33 million worth of plug-in and alternative vehicle credits that were claimed erroneously.

Anonymous ID: a1465d Jan. 31, 2020, 9:01 a.m. No.7978217   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Republicans are ‘actual demons,’ ‘zombies,’ says New York Times Nobel Prize-winning columnist


New York Times columnist and Nobel laureate Paul Krugman has doubled down on denouncing the Republican Party as “bad people,” insisting that there’s nothing wrong with “demonizing” opponents who “actually are demons.”


Krugman refused to budge from his declaration that “Republicans are bad people” during an interview with PBS’ Firing Line on Thursday. When interviewer Margaret Hoover pressed the Nobel Prize-winning economist on the risks inherent in “demonizing” political opponents, he only doubled down, taking his ad hominems into the mythical realm.


Is it demonizing if they already actually are demons?


While Krugman stressed he was referring to “professional Republicans,” and not “someone I might meet over lunch who declares herself a Republican [who] can perfectly well be a perfectly nice person,” he stood firm in his attacks on a party he described as “irredeemable, devoid of principle or shame” in a Times opinion column last month.


Nor were demons the only horror-movie monster Krugman saw in the GOP. He likened debating Republicans to “arguing with zombies,” declaring that “zombie ideas about fiscal policy, about climate change, about a whole range of ideas – healthcare policy – have completely taken over official Republican discourse.”


While he admitted the party’s calcified platform “doesn’t mean that every Republican in America is like that,” he maintained that “to be a serving Republican member of Congress right now” supporting the Trump administration “makes you a bad person.”


Krugman has been wearing his hatred for Republicans on his sleeve for years. Regular readers of his column will recall that he has blamed Republicans for everything from climate change to antisemitism, and has insisted that “good people can’t be good Republicans” since at least 2018.


Projection overload

Anonymous ID: a1465d Jan. 31, 2020, 9:05 a.m. No.7978249   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Like storming the beaches all over again’: Brexit Party evokes WWII rhetoric as MEPs leave Brussels to sound of bagpipes


Brexit Party MEPs have left the European Parliament in Brussels for the final time, accompanied by a cacophony of noise from a marching bagpiper and holding a huge Union Jack as they celebrated the UK’s imminent exit from the EU.


The group of jubilant Brexiteers – led by former Tory MP Ann Widdecombe – marched across the Place du Luxembourg in the Belgian capital on Friday morning, accompanied by a bagpiper playing the military tune ‘Cock o' the North’ to add to the triumphalist atmosphere.


They momentarily stopped to pose for the TV cameras and photographers, putting up their Brexit Party umbrellas, before Widdecombe waved goodbye in a taxi, Union Jack in hand.


One of Widdecombe’s colleagues in Brussels, Nathan Gill, was heard telling the bagpiper Ben Buckland, a former UKIP candidate: “It was like storming the beaches all over again.” Gill's comment evoked rhetoric from wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who famously declared in 1940 “We shall fight on the beaches."

Anonymous ID: a1465d Jan. 31, 2020, 9:08 a.m. No.7978277   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8298 >>8308 >>8441 >>8606 >>8713

MIRACLE! Joe Biden was broke in 2017—now he’s RICH—where did those millions come from?


“When Biden ended his term as vice president in January 2017, he filed another financial disclosure form, listing assets and liabilities worth somewhere between negative $897,000 and positive $489,000”. In other words, they were underwater.


Then a miracle happened. The floodgates opened and money came pouring in. Again from this Forbes 2019 article: “But over the next 23 months, the Bidens earned more than $15 million, according to tax filings.


also see: 5th Biden Family Member Caught in Money Scandal — Ashley Biden Organization Received $166K Federal Grant While Dad was VP


Biden Cash

James Biden’s Firm Got $1.5 Billion in Government Contracts


Joe Biden’s Brother Frank Linked to Projects That Received $54 Million from Obama Administration


Biden Crime Family’s Latest: Valerie Biden, Joe’s Sister, Sent Million$ from Campaign Funds to Her Own Consulting Firm


Attorneys at Custody Hearings: Hunter Biden Helped Defraud Native Americans Out of $60 Million, Also Involved in $150 Million Ukraine Counterfeiting Scheme


Court Filing Accuses Hunter Biden of $156 Million Ukraine Money Laundering Scheme


Bombshell: Hunter Biden NEVER Worked in Ukraine Despite Five Years on Burisma’s Board, While Being Paid $50,000 a Month


The Millions The Bidens Took From Ukraine Pale in Comparison to The $130 Million Rip Off They Pulled on AMERICANS


here is one of the payout sheets


The Bidens Made Nearly Twice As Much In 2017 Than Previous 19 Years Combined

Michela Tindera

Michela TinderaForbes Staff

Money & Politics

Anonymous ID: a1465d Jan. 31, 2020, 9:10 a.m. No.7978297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8365 >>8434

Electronic patient records systems used by thousands of doctors were programmed to automatically suggest opioids at treatment, thanks to a secret deal between the software maker and a drug company


To doctors opening patients’ electronic records across the U.S., the alert would have looked innocuous enough.


A pop-up would appear, asking about a patient’s level of pain. Then, a drop-down menu would list treatments ranging from a referral to a pain specialist to a prescription for an opioid painkiller.


Click a button, and the program would create a treatment plan. From 2016 to spring 2019, the alert went off about 230 million times.


The tool existed thanks to a secret deal. Its maker, a software company called Practice Fusion, was paid by a major opioid manufacturer to design it in an effort to boost prescriptions for addictive pain pills — even though overdose deaths had almost tripled during the prior 15 years, creating a public-health disaster. The software was used by tens of thousands of doctors’ offices.


Its existence was revealed this week thanks to a government investigation. Practice Fusion agreed to pay $145 million to resolve civil and criminal cases, according to documents filed in a Vermont federal court. Practice Fusion admitted to the scheme with an unnamed opioid maker, though the details of the government case closely match a public research partnership between Practice Fusion and Purdue Pharma Inc., which makes OxyContin.


Representatives for Purdue Pharma and the Vermont U.S. attorney declined to comment. Health-software company Allscripts Healthcare Solutions Inc., which bought Practice Fusion for $100 million in 2018, said in a statement the conduct predated the deal and it has “further strengthened” compliance at Practice Fusion, but didn’t answer specific questions about the settlement.


As deaths from opioid overdoses mounted, states and citizens accused manufacturers in lawsuits of pushing drugs while downplaying risks. Many millions of pills were dispensed at pain clinics in rural areas, fueling a vigorous street trade.


The Practice Fusion case shows a more subtle method of reaching drug consumers. Employees estimated internally that the drug company could add almost 3,000 patients and bolster opioid sales by as much as $11.3 million through the partnership. Under the contract, the drugmaker paid Practice Fusion almost $1 million.

Anonymous ID: a1465d Jan. 31, 2020, 9:12 a.m. No.7978323   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Nasty Secret Behind Aramco, ISIS and Trump in Syria


The Saudi Arabian oil company, Aramco, is now hiring oil workers throughout Deir Ezzor Province inside Syria as part of a joint effort, nominally with an unknown American entity and with full partnership with both ISIS and the United States Army.


Thousands of unemployed Syrian engineers and oil workers are being asked to apply for jobs paying $3000 per month.


No one knows who they will be working for.


This is the story we will be examining, how it began and where it is going now.


In 2017, soon after Trump took office, Aramco, the Saudi owned oil conglomerate, opened offices in Deir Ezzor province in Syria.


Under the protection of both ISIS and the United States Army, Aramco began an exploration of 12 new oil and gas deposits recognized by American SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) military satellites, retasked for this purpose.


These oil and gas fields represent significant finds, equaling the Kirkuk field in Iraq and the largest of Saudi Arabia’s oil finds.


Similarly, as early as 2012, massive oil and gas deposits were discovered in the Mediterranean Sea, some off Gaza, others off Cyprus, but the largest traversed inland, into Syria, across Latakia and Idlib Provinces, areas now held by ISIS and al Qaeda with US support.


We know that prior to the Russian Aerospace Forces eliminating oil trafficking by ISIS from both Syria and Iraq, the famous satellite photos of 12,000 oil trucks four abreast that the American led coalition never saw, a massive theft of oil was going on under the guise of terrorism.


We also know that when the US went into Iraq, its oil fields were looted for year after year, a process that continues unabated under the partial American occupation of Iraq.


In November 2018, Trump announced the US was going to “secure Iraq’s oil” in order to develop the oil fields and bring in American companies.


We now know that process began 18 months earlier, but the company wasn’t American, it was Saudi. In fact, that 18 months was spent identifying new oil deposits on both sides of the border, in Iraq as well as Syria and in securing the ability to explore and service these new finds through the cover of anti-ISIS operations.


In fact, we find that there were, in fact, no ISIS operations at all but rather mercenaries hired by Saudi Arabia and the US, operating in conjunction with American air and artillery cover, to hide oil exploration in the region.


By late December 2019, the security situation across Syria had changed dramatically. Russian forces had taken over many of America’s oil bases in the North of Syria and had moved toward the Turkey, Iraqi border.


They were unaware, at that time, that the real moves were coming from the South, from al Tanf, and the US occupied zone on the Jordanian border.


Then, in early January 2020, an inexplicable resurgence of ISIS capabilities blocked highways from Palmyra to al Bukamal and across the region, forces that should not exist. Those ISIS forces were deployed from American training camps in the US occupied zone of Southern Syria.


Their job was to secure transit routes for oil drilling equipment to be transited from Saudi Arabia, some transiting Iraq as well, under US protection in order to comply with Trump’s policy of “seize the oil.”

Anonymous ID: a1465d Jan. 31, 2020, 9:16 a.m. No.7978368   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8380 >>8606 >>8713

US GDP Rose by $850 Billion in 2019 as US National Debt Surged by $1.2 Trillion. Debt-to-GDP Ratio Hit 108%


The dreams of 3%-plus economic growth in the US remained dreams in 2019, despite tax cuts and ballooning federal government spending, which are a stimulus. But the resulting budget deficit caused the gross national debt to balloon far faster than GDP grew.


In the fourth quarter, the economy as measured by inflation-adjusted “real” GDP grew at an annual rate of 2.1% from the third quarter. This brought the total growth of real GDP for all of 2019 to 2.3%, which is the average annual GDP growth since 2012:



Anonymous ID: a1465d Jan. 31, 2020, 9:19 a.m. No.7978397   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Researchers Find That CBG and CGC Can Kill Gastrointestinal Cancer Cells


Preliminary studies have found that two non-psychoactive cannabinoids can induce necrosis in human gastrointestinal cancer cells.


Two relatively unexplored cannabis compounds could help kill gastrointestinal cancer cells in humans, according to a new research study.


Cannabics Pharmaceuticals, an American medical cannabis firm with an Israeli R&D department, recently released the results of a pre-clinical trial suggesting that the cannabinoids CBC (cannabichromene) and CBG (cannabigerol) can help destroy tumors. The tests, which were conducted at the company's High Throughput Screening (HTS) lab facilities in Israel, found that CBC and CBG can induce significantly higher rates of necrosis in human gastrointestinal cancer cells compared to other cannabinoids.


"Gastrointestinal cancers are amongst the leading and most wide-spread causes of cancer-related deaths worldwide,” said Dr. Eyal Ballan, CTO and co-founder of Cannabics, in a statement. “We are intrigued by the results we have obtained in the lab, and our aim is to consider placing an emphasis on this organ system, and to further explore the differential anti-tumor properties of cannabinoids."


The study also found that CBG had a stronger anti-tumor effect on human stomach and bone cancer cells than CBGA, the acidic form of CBG. Dr. Yaakov Waksman, head of cannabidiol research at Cannabics, believes that “CBC and CBG, as neutral cannabinoids,” have an attribute “which allows the cannabinoid molecule to penetrate a cancer cell's membrane, whereas their acidic form (CBCA and CBGA) do not. This could explain the difference in anti-tumor activity rates demonstrated.”


Most people are aware of THC and CBD, the most widely-researched cannabinoids, but there are a host of other natural compounds within the cannabis plant — many of which exhibit unique health benefits. CBC, a non-psychoactive compound, occurs mostly in younger cannabis plants, but often in small quantities. Preliminary studies have found that CBC can have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties.

Anonymous ID: a1465d Jan. 31, 2020, 9:20 a.m. No.7978403   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Democrats Begin to Meltdown as Their Loss Looms


There was lots of drama on the Senate floor on Thursday as it began to dawn on Democrats that their years long campaign to drive President Trump from office was falling apart.


Developments during the day included:


In his opening remarks Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell sent a subtle message to his fellow GOP Senator from Kentucky, Rand Paul. He told him to back off on CJ John Roberts. Roberts had the day before squelched a Paul question that named CIA informer Eric Ciaramella.Rand Paul didn’t listen and did the same thing in the first GOP question of the day. Roberts cut him down. Paul was upset and walked off the floor of the Senate. But not much later in the day Roberts allowed almost the same question, just not from Paul and not naming Ciaramella by name. At such, the Democrats, most notably Schiff, went into their victim act and fake indignation shtick.

The GOP team focused on the dichotomy of Democrat statements that contended that keeping the president in office was an “urgent” threat to national security and the nation itself, yet they delayed moving ahead for a month.


RELATED: Impeachment Trial Could Be Over Friday Night


Possible swing votes Democrat Senators Manchin of West Virginia and Jones of Alabama signaled they would be voting against Trump at least on witnesses. If Schumer doesn’t give them a waiver, for state political viability, to vote for acquittal he is insane. Another possible swing, GOP Senator Lamar of Tennessee, will stay with the president. That should hold the GOP defections to 2-3, not the 4 the Democrats need to win. It could be over by Friday night, possibly Saturday morning.

The Democrats attempted to use the words of Professor Jonathan Turley, a GOP House witness, in their Senate case. It didn’t work.

A main GOP message, well articulated by all GOP lawyers, was to implore the Senate to let the people, not impeachment, decide who inhabits the Oval Office.

Sensing victory on the general question, GOP Senator Toomey of PA dropped his one witness for each side deal.


RELATED: Bolton Video Guts Democrat Witness Strategy


After Democrats accused Trump of somehow cheating in the 2020 election before the first vote is cast, Trump lawyer Pat Cipollone hit them with, “Talk about cheating, you won’t even face him,” meaning they are afraid to face Trump in an election again.


Indeed they are. The late day and night got even more amusing. Details to follow in the next article…

Anonymous ID: a1465d Jan. 31, 2020, 9:22 a.m. No.7978425   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8456

FBI probes use of Israeli firm’s spyware in personal and government hacks


The FBI is investigating the role of Israeli spyware vendor NSO Group Technologies in possible hacks on American residents and companies as well as suspected intelligence gathering on governments, according to four people familiar with the inquiry, Reuters reports.


The probe was underway by 2017 when Federal Bureau of Investigation officials were trying to learn whether NSO obtained from American hackers any of the code it needed to infect smartphones, said one person interviewed by the FBI then and again last year.


NSO said it sells its spy software and technical support exclusively to governments and that those tools are to be used in pursuing suspected terrorists and other criminals. NSO has long maintained that its products cannot target US phone numbers, though some cybersecurity experts have disputed that.


The FBI conducted more interviews with technology industry experts after Facebook filed a lawsuit in October accusing NSO itself of exploiting a flaw in Facebook’s WhatsApp messaging service to hack 1,400 users, according to two people who spoke with agents or Justice Department officials.


NSO said it was not aware of any inquiry.


“We have not been contacted by any US law enforcement at all about any such matters,” NSO said in a statement provided by Mercury Public Affairs strategy firm. NSO did not answer additional questions about its employees conduct but previously said government customers are the ones who do the hacking.


A spokeswoman for the FBI said the agency “adheres to DOJ’s policy of neither confirming nor denying the existence of any investigation, so we wouldn’t be able to provide any further comment.”


Reuters could not determine which suspected hacking targets are the top concerns for investigators or what phase the probe is in. But the company is a focus, and a key issue is how involved it has been in specific hacks, the sources said.


Part of the FBI probe has been aimed at understanding NSO’s business operations and the technical assistance it offers customers, according to two sources familiar with the inquiry.

Anonymous ID: a1465d Jan. 31, 2020, 9:24 a.m. No.7978464   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel lobby prompts federal investigations over Palestine events


The US Department of Education has opened two separate investigations into the University of California at Los Angeles because of events that discussed advocacy for Palestinian rights.


The investigations have been prompted by complaints filed by Israel lobby groups, which allege that Palestine-related education or advocacy on campus is inherently anti-Semitic and discriminates against Jewish students.


They follow US President Donald Trump’s executive order, signed in December, which allows mere accusations of anti-Semitism against campus critics of Israel to result in lengthy inquisitions by the government.


Israel lobby groups recently filed similar complaints against Columbia University and Georgia Tech.


In November, before the executive order, the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights opened an investigation into New York University, after an Israel-aligned student claimed that the presence of Students for Justice in Palestine created a “hostile atmosphere.”


The Middle East Studies Association’s committee on academic freedom has called on NYU’s president to reject “all efforts to weaponize allegations of anti-Semitism in order to advance a political agenda.”


An investigation that was previously closed by the US government against Rutgers University in 2014 was re-opened in 2018 by the Office for Civil Rights.


That office is led by Kenneth Marcus, who as an Israel lobbyist working outside the government pioneered the strategy of filing complaints to the Department of Education under Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.


The complaints typically allege that universities fail to protect Jewish students by not cracking down on Palestine solidarity activism or teaching about Palestine.


Marcus developed this lawfare strategy when he was head of the Brandeis Center for Human Rights, an Israel lobby group unaffiliated with Brandeis University.


Marcus will adjudicate the findings of these new investigations. He could determine if universities like UCLA will lose federal funding for not suppressing student advocacy for Palestinian rights.

Anonymous ID: a1465d Jan. 31, 2020, 9:25 a.m. No.7978485   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli forces storm Al-Aqsa Mosque, 10 Palestinians injured, 3 detained


January 31, 2020 at 9:45 am


Israeli police injured 10 worshippers and detained three others after storming Jerusalem’s flashpoint Al-Aqsa Mosque Friday morning, an official said, Anadolu reports.


The Israeli police forced their way into the mosque and shot rubber-coated metal bullets at the worshipers, the official with Jerusalem Islamic Waqf, an organization responsible for overseeing the city’s Islamic and Christian sites, told Anadolu Agency.


This is the third Friday in a row that Israeli police stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque and attacked worshippers after morning prayer.


Thousands of Palestinians perform morning prayer at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, to affirm their devotion to it and their refusal to the Israeli incursions.


Israel had occupied East Jerusalem during the 1967 Middle East war.


In a move never recognized by the international community, Israel annexed the entire city in 1980, claiming it as the self-proclaimed Jewish state’s “eternal and undivided” capital.


Sacred to Muslims, Christians and Jews, Jerusalem is home to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which for Muslims represents the world’s third holiest site. Jews refer to the area as the “Temple Mount,” claiming it was the site of two prominent Jewish temples in ancient times. The complex also includes Church of the Holy Sepulchre, one of the most sacred Christian sites in the world.

Anonymous ID: a1465d Jan. 31, 2020, 9:26 a.m. No.7978499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8541

FBI Probing Israeli Firm That Could Have Supplied Tools to Spy on Amazon’s Jeff Bezos


The US-based advisory firm that investigated the hacking of Jeff Bezos’s phone concluded that it was likely compromised through a WhatsApp chat with an account allegedly used by the Saudi Crown Prince. They also suggested that the malware that targeted Bezos came from an Israeli company. Both Saudi Arabia and the Israeli company denied any role.


The Federal Bureau of Investigation is conducting a probe into whether Israeli spyware has been used to eavesdrop on governments and hack American companies and residents, including Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Reuters reports, citing several sources familiar with the matter.


It is understood that the FBI has been looking into NSO Group, an Israeli-based surveillance firm best known for its flagship mobile hacking app Pegasus, since 2017.


At the time, US investigators were reportedly trying to find out whether NSO received any code from American hackers that can be used to infect smartphones.

Facebook's lawsuit


In October 2019, Facebook accused NSO in a lawsuit of helping unidentified spies break into the phones of about 1,400 users in 20 countries, including Mexico, the UAE and Bahrain, via a vulnerability in the Facebook-owned WhatsApp messaging service.


Among those targeted in the hacking spree, Facebook claimed, were journalists, diplomats, government officials and human rights activists. NSO denied those allegations, which prompted the FBI to interview more technology industry experts.


It appears that neither Facebook nor the FBI suspect NSO of hacking anyone directly, but rather suggest the firm could be supplying hacking tools – something that could lead to prosecution under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.


The firm said in response to Facebook’s legal action that it only provides technology to “licensed government intelligence and law enforcement agencies” to help them fight terrorists and other criminals, and considers any other use of its products to be a crime.


NSO maintains that its products cannot be used to target US phone numbers, although some tech experts have disputed that.


Per Reuters, a senior cybersecurity official, said at an FBI briefing in November that “if Americans were being hacked, investigators would not distinguish between criminals and security companies working on behalf of government clients.” NSO said it was not aware of any FBI inquiry.


The Bezos phone hack


The FBI is also said to have met with Jeff Bezos, whose private photos and communications were leaked to the media last year after an apparent phone hack in 2018.


A digital forensics team from the business-advisory firm FTI Consulting, commissioned by Jeff Bezos, has concluded with “medium to high confidence” that his iPhone was infiltrated by a poisoned WhatsApp message from an account allegedly used by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.


The firm said Bezos’s phone started transmitting significantly more data after receiving the file and there is a possibility that mobile spyware such as NSO’s Pegasus was used.


NSO has denied this, and Saudi Arabia said the reports that it was behind the hacking were “absurd”.–report/

Anonymous ID: a1465d Jan. 31, 2020, 9:29 a.m. No.7978551   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Thanks to Liberal No-Bail Law, 6 Men Accused of Running $7 Million Fentanyl Ring Go Free


Ok. It’s time we all came clean. When you first heard mutters last year that the New York state legislature intended to pass a near-blanket ban on cash bail for roughly 400 “nonviolent” crimes, misdemeanor or felony, you rolled your eyes.

In fact, chances are when the 1st of the year hit, you kicked back and waited for your “I told you so” moment — the moment one of the accused individuals, potentially apprehended on such “nonviolent” charges as criminally negligent homicide, turned an alleged crime or two into a full-blown spree upon release.

And don’t be too ashamed of yourself just yet, because you were absolutely right. From repeat bank robberies to alleged abuse, there were more than enough of those sad moments to go around. I would know. We at The Western Journal made it a point to cover one of the first ones.


But this week’s latest slew of New York “no bail” releases more than proves the time for eye rolls and “I told you so”s is already long past.

This new law is undoubtedly endangering everyday citizens.


According to the New York Post, six suspects arrested for the alleged operation of a $7 million drug ring were released without bail Wednesday following arraignment in Manhattan Criminal Court.

Anonymous ID: a1465d Jan. 31, 2020, 9:33 a.m. No.7978628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8639

Secret Israeli Document Reveals Plan to Keep Arabs Off Their Lands


A document unsealed after 60 years reveals the Israeli government’s secret intentions behind the imposition of a military government on the country’s Arab citizens in 1948: not to enhance security but to ensure Jewish control of the land


Israel’s defense establishment has for years endeavored to conceal historical documentation in various archives around the country, as was revealed in an article in Haaretz last July.


That article, which followed up on a study by the Akevot Institute for Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Research, noted that for closed to 20 years, the staff at Malmab – the Defense Ministry’s secretive security department (the name is a Hebrew acronym for “director of security of the defense establishment”) – had been visiting public and private archives and forcing their directors to mothball documents relating to Israeli history, with special emphasis on the Arab-Israeli conflict. This was done without legal authority. The article sparked a furor, and dozens of researchers and historians urged the defense minister at the time, Benjamin Netanyahu, to halt the clandestine illegal activity. Their appeal received no response.


What sort of documents did Malmab order the directors to hide away in their archives’ safes? The many and varied examples include: thick files kept by the military government under which Israel’s Arab citizens lived for 18 years; testimony about the looting and destruction of Arab villages during the Independence War; cabinet ministers’ comments on the Arab refugee situation, following that war; evidence of acts of expulsion and testimony about camps set up for captives; information about Israel’s nuclear project; documents relating to various foreign policy issues; and even a letter sent by the poet and Holocaust survivor Abba Kovner about his own anti-Arab sentiments.

