Anonymous ID: f73127 Jan. 31, 2020, 9:47 a.m. No.7978785   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8800 >>8815 >>9116 >>9317 >>9415

South Dakota House passes bill outlawing transgender medical procedures on children


The South Dakota House of Representatives passed a bill outlawing transgender medical procedures on children Wednesday — the Vulnerable Child Protection Act — by a 46-23 vote, Inforum reported, adding that it now heads to the state Senate.


House Bill 1057 deems it illegal — a Class 1 misdemeanor — for doctors to perform gender-affirming operations or surgeries or prescribe hormone replacement therapy to assist gender transitions for anyone under the age of 16, the outlet said, adding that the penalty for a Class 1 misdemeanor is a year in jail and a $2,000 maximum fine.

Here's what would be outlawed, Inforum noted:


Performing the following surgeries: castration, vasectomy, hysterectomy, oophorectomy, metoidioplasty, orchiectomy, penectomy, phalloplasty and vaginoplasty.

Performing a mastectomy.

Prescribing, dispensing, administering or otherwise supplying the following medications: Puberty-blocking medication to stop normal puberty, supraphysiologic doses of testosterone to females, supraphysiologic doses of estrogen to males.

Removing any otherwise healthy or non-diseased body part or tissue.


Nurses would be exempt from prosecution, the outlet added.


The sponsor of the legislation — Republican state Rep. Fred Deutsch — likened such procedures to "bizarre" medical experiments conducted by the Nazis.

"To me, that's a crime against humanity when these procedures are done by these so-called doctors … that dance on the edge of medicine," Deutsch told Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council recently. "You know, I'm the son of a Holocaust survivor. I've had family members killed in Auschwitz. And I've seen the pictures of the bizarre medical experiments. I don't want that to happen to our kids. And that's what's going on right now."

At first Deutsch doubled down on his controversial comments with the caveat that he wasn't likening doctors who treat transgender children to Nazis: "I've been to a whole bunch of Holocaust museums all over the world. It's very personal to me. It's just a simple reflection that the pictures seem similar to me."

But he soon told CNN he regretted the comparison: "Comments I made based on my history of being the son of a Holocaust survivor are regrettable."

Anonymous ID: f73127 Jan. 31, 2020, 9:48 a.m. No.7978790   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8823 >>8892

A Well Known Liberal Professor Who Is Expert on Digital Matters Says Google and Social Media Can Easily Throw Elections to the Candidates Preferred by the Elite


Dr. Robert Epstein, a Hillary Clinton supporter who happens also to be an honest expert, told Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Tuesday that Google and social media can manipulate votes by using tools that they have at their disposal exclusively. In the absence of regulation, no one can counteract Google and social media or even know that they have reversed an election outcome.


Epstein warned Senator Cruz of big tech election meddling during his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on “Google and Censorship through Search Engines” on Tuesday.


Dr. Epstein said that Google and social media were confident of Hillary’s win in the last election and did not use their power to throw the election her way. It will be different in 2020, Dr. Epstein predicted.


Election meddling is home based, not in distant Russia.


Clearly, among its many victims, the Digital Revolution has murdered democratic voting.


The digital revolution has turned people into ciphets. The American people have zero say in everything.


I wonder if the Russians, Chinese, Iranians, and Europeans know that Americans have less voice than Russians had under Stalin. If these countries are relying on democracy to restrain the US government, they are deluded.

Anonymous ID: f73127 Jan. 31, 2020, 9:49 a.m. No.7978805   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8897

The United States: a Record-Holder in Political Assassinations


The crowing by Donald Trump that he “terminated” the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Quds Force, Major General Qaseem Soleimani, simply because Trump believed, mobster-style, that he had it coming, should remind the world that the United States government stands as the world’s record-holder in either directly carrying out or coordinating with other parties the assassination of political leaders, American and foreign.


In most cases in the past, assassinations ordered by the U.S. intelligence infrastructure had the veneer of “plausible deniability.” Even with the release of millions of formerly classified intelligence documents, the Central Intelligence Agency continues to manage to hide behind the plausible deniability façade. The recent order by Trump for the U.S. military to assassinate Soleimani was not only made public, but it also involved a major international assassination program that also successfully targeted Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the Iraqi commander of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF), the closest thing Iraq has to a National Guard. Al-Muhandis and Soleimani were traveling in the same motorcade at Baghdad International Airport when their vehicles were struck by a drone-launched missile. In another attempted assassination by missile, the chief treasurer for the Quds Force, General Abdul Reza Shahlai, escaped being targeted by a U.S. missile aimed at what believed to have been his location in Yemen.


Trump’s assassination program was eerily similar to a plan the CIA developed in 2001 as a result of strong pressure from Vice President Dick Cheney. Although Cheney’s CIA operation supposedly targeted Al Qaeda leaders for assassination, it came dangerously close to violating a series of presidential orders from Presidents Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, and Ronald Reagan prohibiting the targeting of foreign government officials for assassination. Reagan’s Executive Order 12333, which updated those of Ford and Carter, stipulated: “No person employed by or acting on behalf of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, assassination.” Executive Order 12333 was weakened by follow-on orders signed by Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. The relaxed presidential orders permitted the assassination of specially designated terrorist leaders.


In June 2009, CIA director Leon Panetta canceled the assassination program because of its potential illegality and the fact that Cheney had hidden its existence from congressional overseers. The Cheney program had relied on armed drones to carry out assassinations of presumed terrorist leaders. With the Trump-ordered assassinations of Soleimani and al-Muhandis, both of whom cooperated with U.S. and other forces in the battles against the Islamic State and other Sunni jihadist groups in Iraq and Syria, the old Cheney program appears to have been reinstated.


There is a big difference between assassinating Al Qaeda and Islamic State leaders and the commanders of government military forces of United Nations member states like Iran and Iraq.

Anonymous ID: f73127 Jan. 31, 2020, 9:50 a.m. No.7978819   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Coronavirus Halts Flow Of Latin American Oil To China


The flow of oil traveling from Latin America to China has stopped in the wake of the deadly outbreak of the coronavirus that has sunk oil prices to three-month lows, with no oil making its way from Brazil or Colombia to China since last week, according to Bloomberg.


Chinese refineries are responsible for taking one-third of all oil from Brazil, Colombia, and other Latin American countries.


The demand for jet fuel and gasoline stemming from travel restrictions that have been put in place in an effort to stop the virus from spreading is expected to fall sharply, which will inevitably catch up to the refineries who are expected to cut back production at some point.


Brazil is the main Latin American supplier of crude oil to China–particularly to the independent refiners known as teapots, who are most exposed to the effects of reduced demand.


According to Bloomberg, the death toll from the virus has climbed to 170, with more than 8,000 infected with the coronavirus in China.


So much so is the fear surrounding the effect on oil demand and prices that OPEC announced yesterday that it is considering moving up its March meeting as the effects of the deadly coronavirus continues to exert strong downward pressure on oil prices.


The cartel was said to already be discussing an extension of the current production cut agreement, and that all options were on the table.


Even with Libya’s oil production plummeting by nearly 1 million barrels per day (bpd) due to the port blockade by forces loyal to General Khalifa Haftar, oil prices have seen downward pressure over the past week and a half as fears of oil demand destruction currently outweigh supply outages.


Earlier in the week, Petrobras said it had suspended all employee travel to China due to the virus, but was quick to add that shipments of oil to China would continue.

Anonymous ID: f73127 Jan. 31, 2020, 9:52 a.m. No.7978861   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8887 >>8958 >>9512

The Deliberate Destruction of Gaza’s Agriculture: Severe Damage to Crops Following Aerial Herbicide Spraying by Israel


Damage caused by aerial herbicide spraying conducted by Israel on three consecutive days (January 14-16) along Gaza’s perimeter fence has become visible on crops in the Strip. Individuals working with London-based research agency Forensic Architecture collected samples from fields located east of Jabalya, in northern Gaza, at distances of 100, 200, 400 and 600 meters from the fence. The damage to the crops is clearly visible on the samples they collected. According to local farmers, dunams more of parsley, peas, wheat, barley, spinach and other produce were destroyed entirely. The effect of the spraying appears several days after the spraying is conducted.


Riad Al Nisar, a farmer from Al Bureij Refugee Camp, who cultivates more than 20 dunams (about five acres) of parsley and zucchini crops about 300 meters away from the fence, reported that the effects of the spraying in the area on Wednesday and Thursday appeared on the crops clearly on Sunday. Al Nisar has suffered from significant financial losses caused by the spraying in previous years as well. In late 2018, he assessed that losses he had sustained amounted to at least 10,000-15,000 USD.


Another local farmer, Salah Al Najjar, has farmland located 300 to 600 meters from the fence in an area stretching east of Khan Yunis. His spinach fields were completely destroyed. He said his brother’s fava bean field, about a kilometer away from the fence, is also showing signs of damage. Al Najjar’s crops have been severely impacted as a result of previous spraying.

Anonymous ID: f73127 Jan. 31, 2020, 9:54 a.m. No.7978899   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8935 >>8953 >>9116 >>9169 >>9317 >>9415

EPA Reapproves Glyphosate, Claims Pesticide Poses No Human Health Threat


Decision Disregards Independent Science Linking Glyphosate to Cancer


Relying on confidential industry research, the Environmental Protection Agency issued a final interim decision today to reapprove glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto/Bayer’s Roundup and the world’s most heavily used pesticide.


The EPA’s assessment contradicts a 2015 World Health Organization analysis of published research that determined glyphosate is a probable carcinogen.


“The Trump EPA’s assertion that glyphosate poses no risks to human health disregards independent science findings in favor of confidential industry research and industry profits,” said Lori Ann Burd, the Center for Biological Diversity’s director of environmental health. “This administration’s troubling allegiance to Bayer/Monsanto and the pesticide industry doesn’t change the trove of peer-reviewed research, by leading scientists, that’s found troubling links between glyphosate and cancer.”


While today’s decision is called interim, the EPA’s practice is to issue interim, rather than final, decisions in its registration-review process for pesticides, which means this is akin to a final decision.


In addition to the World Health Organization’s conclusion, multiple U.S. federal agencies have acknowledged evidence of a link between glyphosate and cancer. This includes the EPA’s Office of Research and Development and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.


Earlier this week the EPA’s Office of Inspector General announced it’s starting an audit to assess whether the EPA’s pesticide regulatory office adheres to pesticide registration risk assessment regulations, policies and procedures.


“The EPA’s pesticide office is clearly willing to bend over backwards, including disregarding its own guidelines for evaluating cancer risks, to give the industry what it wants,” said Burd. “This pesticide is heavily used on food crops, landscaping and even playgrounds, and the public deserves unbiased answers to the basic question of whether it’s safe.”


Emails obtained in litigation brought against Monsanto/Bayer by cancer victims and their families have uncovered a disturbingly cozy relationship between the EPA and the company on matters involving the glyphosate risk assessment.


In one example, when the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced it would be reviewing glyphosate’s safety, an EPA official assured Monsanto he would work to thwart the review, saying, “If I can kill this, I should get a medal.”


The Health and Human Services review was delayed for three years and only recently released.


Monsanto/Bayer also enjoys broad support from the Trump White House. A domestic policy advisor in the Trump administration stated, “We have Monsanto’s back on pesticides regulation.”

Anonymous ID: f73127 Jan. 31, 2020, 9:56 a.m. No.7978930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9174

Harvey Weinstein says he hired Israeli firm Black Cube ‘for days like this’


Disgraced producer, on trial for rape, questioned about use of private investigators to track and silence journalists and accusers


NEW YORK (AP) — Harvey Weinstein offered an unscripted defense Thursday of his use of private undercover investigators who allegedly tried to silence his accusers, saying he did it “for days like this.”


The remark came as the former Hollywood producer left his New York City rape trial and a reporter asked him why he hired Black Cube, a firm founded by former intelligence analysts from the Israel Defense Forces.


Prosecutors say the firm’s investigators used fake identities to meet with journalists and track the accusers to thwart publication of stories about Weinstein’s alleged sex offenses.


The jury heard testimony about the Black Cube deal on Thursday from a lawyer who helped arrange it. Weinstein hired the firm in 2017, as reporters from The New Yorker and The New York Times were looking into his behavior with women.


Those stories, published in October 2017, ushered in the #MeToo movement as scores more women came forward with allegations against Weinstein and other prominent figures in industries from Hollywood to Wall Street.


The jury of seven men and five women saw an email from Weinstein to someone at Black Cube reading: “Red flags are the ones of interest” — what prosecutors say was a reference to list of names marked in red to identify accusers.


Those names included “Sopranos” actress Annabella Sciorra, who testified last week that he overpowered and raped her after barging into her apartment in the mid-1990s.


Weinstein, 67, is charged with forcibly performing oral sex on Mimi Haleyi, at the time a “Project Runway” production assistant, in 2006, and raping another aspiring actress in 2013. That woman could testify Friday.


Weinstein has insisted any sexual encounters were consensual.

Anonymous ID: f73127 Jan. 31, 2020, 9:59 a.m. No.7978976   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Report Details $174 Million in Foreign Funding to D.C. Think Tanks


Foreign governments gave the top 50 think tanks in the United States $175 million to influence Washington policy and public opinion from 2014 to 2018, but don’t for a second think that is the extent of their giving.


In fact, since there is virtually no transparency when it comes to foreign influence in our think tanks, that number could easily exceed $500 million, noted Ben Freeman, director of the Foreign Influence Transparency Initiative at the Center for International Policy, which released its much anticipated study of think tank funding on Wednesday.


“This is a floor, not a ceiling,” he said of the total figures. There are a number of reasons for this. First, think tanks are not required by law to disclose anything about their donors, foreign or otherwise, period. Freeman found out the hard way how difficult this would make his task when he set out to dig a year ago. The New York Times had already laid some important groundwork in this area in 2014, identifying some $92 million in international funding to U.S. think tanks from 2011-2014.


Freeman’s team expanded the scope from 28 think tanks to 50, and ascertained funding from 80 foreign governments, up from the Times’s list of 64 government sources. Combing through 990 tax forms, open source material like investigative news reporting, and good old-fashioned phone calling, the painstaking process eventually paid off.


The picture that emerged was that foreign sources are investing a ton of money to get a hand in our foreign policy. In addition to direct lobbying and investing in academic institutions, foreign interests see think tanks as a way to shape legislation on Capitol Hill, turn public opinion, and pad budgets for military and other aid assistance. The list of countries include allies and democracies with benign missions, but also “authoritarian regimes whose aims often diverge significantly from U.S. interests,” according to the report.


A few highlights:


– The top five U.S. recipients for foreign funding were the World Resources Institute ($63 million), the Center for Global Development ($37.5 million), Brookings Institution ($27.3 million), Atlantic Council ($12.1 million) and the Aspen Institute ($8.4 million).


– The top five donor countries were Norway ($27.6 million), United Kingdom ($27.1 million), the United Arab Emirates ($15.4 million), Germany ($12.5 million) and Sweden ($9.3 million).


A few major elephants in the room — countries with typically outsized influence operations, like China, Saudi Arabia, and Israel — didn’t even crack the top 20.

Anonymous ID: f73127 Jan. 31, 2020, 10:01 a.m. No.7979017   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Georgia Church Vandalized With Satanic Messages TWICE in January


Christian Center Church in Roswell, Georgia, was vandalized with satanic images twice in January.

Satanic vandalism was first discovered by a groundskeeper on January 20 — but the church was targeted again on Wednesday.

The vandals painted lewd images, a pentagram and the words “get out” on the side of the building.


“There appeared to be a satanic symbol and several other lewd drawings on the wall and grass,” Roswell police spokesman Officer Sean Thompson told AJC. “That’s obviously supposed to be a sacred place.”


The church had not even completed cleaning up the previous graffiti when they were hit again.

The vandalism was not captured on the church’s security cameras.


Police are now seeking help from the public to identify those responsible. Anyone with information is being asked to contact the Roswell Police Department.

Anonymous ID: f73127 Jan. 31, 2020, 10:02 a.m. No.7979032   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli defense contractor turning US reservation into a total surveillance prison camp


The story that’s not being told


Lots of hysteria about the border,


Here’s a story that’s not being told.


Israeli defense contractor turning US reservation into a total surveillance prison camp.


“Field proven” on Palestinians.


This reservation is first – and you’re next.


Great comments from YouTube:


“All this super surveillance technology the U.S. government has but strangely the cameras in Epstein’s cell block didn’t work.”


“Buy our surveillance products. We tested them on the Palestinians while Israeli snipers were massacring them.”

Anonymous ID: f73127 Jan. 31, 2020, 10:03 a.m. No.7979049   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Marginalization of White People


This morning (Januay 27, 2020) on NPR I heard a white female novelist describe her difficulty in getting her novel published. The problem was not that her novel was uninteresting or badly written. Her problem was that one of the characters was black. Unbeknownst to her, it is now considered cultural imperialism or cultural trespassing—some such term—for a person with white skin to write about even fictional people of color.


Publishers liked her novel, but were afraid to publish it. They told the novelist that publishing her book would bring them charges of insensitivity toward blacks and be regarded as a sign of their disrespect of the maxim that only blacks can know about blacks. Her problem was not that she was writing insensitively about blacks, but that it is now considered insensitive for a white person to invade black culture by having a black character in a novel.


The novelist seemed to agree with this perspective. Her defense was that as she had lived with a black man for many years, she was familiar with blacks and thereby qualified to have a black character in her novel.


Another woman on the program said that the way publishers are dealing with this new problem is to send the manuscript to a “sensitivity checker” who can make suggestions that if implemented gives the book a “sensitivity approval.” She did say that even with this safeguard, the subjective nature of what is considered insensitive can still rise up and bite the publisher.


Thinking about this new constraint on the creativity of white writers, I realized that little of the great literature that we have could have been written under this rule. For example, Shakespeare could not have written Othello.


One wonders if this is a two-way street. Are black writers banned from having white characters in their novels? Would this also be cultural intrusion, trespassing or imperialism? Probably not. This seems to be yet another offense of which only white people can be guilty.


The program brought to mind what I had recently read about white professors and administrators at Cambridge University in England being assigned a person of color as their monitor to make certain that language, lectures, reading lists, and university policies did not offend a sensitive student of color.


The report did not say whether black professors and administrators at Cambridge have white monitors to prevent blacks from calling whites “racist,” “white supremacists,” and so on. If so, there will be big changes in “black studies” programs.


All of the constraints seem to be for whites only. They alone are marginalized and have their voices muzzled and creativity limited.


One assumes that feminists will want to get in on this and that this road also will be a one-way street. It will be gender imperialism or gender trespassing for male novelists to have female characters.


Just as whites are not blacks and cannot be trusted to write about blacks, men are not women and can’t be trusted to write about women.

Anonymous ID: f73127 Jan. 31, 2020, 10:10 a.m. No.7979171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9219 >>9245

The Secret Agenda Behind the Trump Mideast Peace Plan



The Culmination of a 125-Year Long

Zionist Conspiracy to Rule the World


Armenian Genocide,

World War I,

Spanish Flu Genocide,

The Great Depression,

World War II,

The Holocaust,

9/11 Terrorist Attacks,

and the War on Terror

all have one thing in common.

Each of the listed cataclysms was stealthily carried out to create the modern State of Israel and/or to greatly advance the covert Greater Israel project.

*The long-planned World War III has the very same goal: the further advancement of the Yinon Plan (aka the Greater Israel project) in order to establish a totalitarian

One World Government headquartered in Jerusalem.


As difficult as it will be for many folks to embrace the hard truths contained in the preceding indictment, when the skeleton is sufficiently fleshed out, there will be no doubt in anyone’s mind about the existence of an extremely complex and convoluted multi-decade Zionist conspiracy to rule the world.


SOTN Editor’s Note: An excellent introduction to this highly controversial topic of discussion can be found in the following exposé which was also researched and written by the Revisionist Historians for World Peace: The Hidden Powers Behind the Destruction of America. The hard evidence presented therein is so compelling and voluminous that even the lifelong skeptics will agree that a damning conviction is in order.

First Zionist Congress


It all began with the First Zionist Congress “that was the inaugural congress of the Zionist Organization held in Basel, Switzerland, from August 29 to August 31, 1897. 208 delegates and 26 press correspondents attended the event. It was convened and chaired by Theodor Herzl, the founder of the modern Zionism movement.”[1]


With that single catastrophic event was the entire planetary civilization transformed into a forever changing war zone. Between the various global and regional wars, the world community of nations has been victimized by an unending series of surreptitiously engineered booms and busts marked by stock market crashes and real estate collapses, economic depressions and financial breakdowns.


Each of these manufactured crises was carried out with precision. None of them would have occurred were it not for the calamitous Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Calamitous because that single betrayal of the American people by the political class and banking cartel forever turned the citizenry into indentured servants. It also empowered the Federal Reserve System to use taxpayer dollars to fight wars that were specifically started to found the apartheid state of Israel and return it to the ‘biblical boundaries’ indicated by the map of Ersatz Israel.


While the First Zionist Congress did not lay out all the grim details of the Zionist blueprint of world conquest, which has in fact transformed much of the Middle East into a dystopian post-apocalyptic wasteland, it commenced a new century marked by apocalyptic wars and devastating armed conflicts, systematic financial terrorism and economic sabotage as well as the deceptive use of Pax Americana justified by American Exceptionalism.


Part 1

Anonymous ID: f73127 Jan. 31, 2020, 10:14 a.m. No.7979219   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9245 >>9248



Which brings us to the absurd Trump Peace Plan that has no equivalent in the modern era. Truly, Trump could not have conjured up a worse peace plan than the one that was fabricated by hardened Jewish Zionist Jared Kushner, his globe-trotting son-in-law.


How, pray tell, does Trump expect the Palestinians to accept such a one-sided peace plan. Who doesn’t know that the Kushner Crime Family works closely with the Khazarian Mafia in Tel Aviv. Who doesn’t know that PM Benjamin Netanyahu is the operational head of the Israeli Branch of the Khazarian Mafia. See: The Khazarian Mafia 2.0

Federal Reserve Act


It’s of paramount importance to understand that whoever controls the money supply controls the nation.


Well, that’s precisely how the Ashkenazi banksters completely took over the United States. With the passing of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the International Banking Cartel effectively owns and operates the U.S. Corporation. It was that silent coup d’état that really signaled the end of the American Republic, only very few citizens ever knew it. Even today with the Internet running at full tilt many more Americans know full well that Israel owns this country lock, stock and barrel, but there’s very little that can be done about it.


The great state of Virginia has recently succumbed to the furtive Israeli state-by-state strategy to take over each state in the union by stealth and cunning. See: Israeli Takeover of the State of Virginia Almost Complete


By running the U.S. Treasury for so many decades, the Zionists (both Jewish and Christian) were able to steal a sufficient amount of money to fund their slow-motion takeover of planet Earth. They were also able to strategically position over 800 U.S military bases around the globe under cover of Pax Americana. These numerous occupations alone have cost the American taxpayer of an obscene amount of wealth. See: $21 Trillion of US Government Undocumented Transactions


So, it should be clear that the treasonous Federal Reserve Act was the act of betrayal that preceded all the global cataclysms listed at the top of this exposé. That was 1913, just before the start of World War 1 and the Armenian Genocide. Without that masterstroke of Zionist machinations and skullduggery, much of the past 100 plus years would have evolved in a radically different way. American history, in particular, would have unfolded in a manner more consistent with the original intent of the great Founding Fathers.


Now, with Trump in the White House, the United States is firmly in the hands of the Neocon Zionists who rule both here and in Israel. Every foreign policy decision that’s made must first be approved by Trump’s Zionist handlers in the West Wing and his masters in Tel Aviv. Mideast foreign policy revolves primarily around how American blood and treasure can be put in the service of MIGA not MAGA.


Part 2

Anonymous ID: f73127 Jan. 31, 2020, 10:16 a.m. No.7979248   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Is there a better year than 2020 for the American people to start seeing all of these things with clear vision, which were previously hidden from US? It’s high time that We the People see with our 20/20 vision so that we can stop the madness.


Truly, US Govt insane asylum is being run by the craziest among US. The government has literally been taken over by political cliques of criminally insane psychopaths. These Neocon Zionist warmongers are paid by the US taxpayer to wage unprovoked wars of naked aggression around the world IN THEIR NAME. And yet very few even care enough to register a legitimate complaint with their elected representatives or join a protest movement or voice a sober, sane opinion in polite company or start an anti-war Internet petition.


Well, we have finally reached a point of no return.


What happens next is anyone’s guess. However, because things are presently so dynamic and unpredictable, without precedent and unstable, the black swans will soon be flying out of nowhere just like this one just did: WUHAN CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC BIOENGINEERED: Who’s behind it, why now and why China?


If nothing else, people everywhere can start their own 2020 VISION QUEST: A Global Movement Destined to Reshape the Planetary Civilization. The window of opportunity to do so may close forever come Election Day 2020.

Common Thread


The list of manmade calamities shown at the top of this post is as incomprehensible as it is inconceivable. Just because a tribe of Jewish fundamentalists, who have both LOTs of money and power, desperately covet a small patch of land in the Middle East, the rest of humanity suffered unimaginable adversities and great tribulations. Were the perps held accountable, this whole world would change in a day and a night.


However, only when the millions upon millions of human beings, who have been murdered and victimized by the various Zionists scheme for world domination are acknowledged and honored for their sacrifices, will this civilization change for the better. See: STRATFOR Chief Reveals Zio-Anglo-American Plot For World Domination


So, to be clear, each event on that list was perpetrated by the same group of Zionist zealots who decided to steal the ancestral land of Palestine from those who lived there for centuries. The Ashkenazi Jewry who has relocated to Israel from around the globe are not even a Semitic people; they are descended from the incorrigible tribes of Khazaria whose king purposefully adopted Judaism as a way of taming such an unruly group of thieves, murderers and warmongers.


This is the common thread that runs through the most destructive and deadly events of the 20th century and all the up to today.


Part 3



Anonymous ID: f73127 Jan. 31, 2020, 10:19 a.m. No.7979295   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Palestinians, troops clash in West Bank; thousands protest Trump plan in Jordan


Temple Mount prayers end quietly; 48 Palestinians, 1 soldier reported injured in West Bank; demonstrations in Gaza, Turkey and Lebanon, ‘Death to Israel’ chants in Amman


Hundreds of Palestinians clashed with Israeli soldiers in the West Bank on Friday in protests over US President Donald Trump’s newly released peace plan, but Friday prayers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the flashpoint Temple Mount passed peacefully.


The Palestine Red Crescent Society said that 48 Palestinians were wounded Friday during clashes with Israeli troops in the West Bank, while an IDF soldier was lightly hurt by a rock thrown amid rioting near the Vered Yericho settlement.


Palestinians burned tires and threw rocks at troops who responded with tear gas and other riot control means.

Anonymous ID: f73127 Jan. 31, 2020, 10:21 a.m. No.7979327   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How Viral Pandemic Benefits The Globalist Agenda


The world today suffers from highly fragile economic and geopolitical conditions. This is not news to most people in the liberty movement that have been tracking the downward spiral for years, but it is news to a majority of average Americans who rarely venture to get in-depth information on any issue. The fact of the matter is, even though there are millions of us who are aware of the danger, we are still in a minority.


This creates a serious set of frustrations. When the common citizen is oblivious to the existence of a threat, trying to explain to them the source of that threat becomes a waste of time. How can they see the root of the problem if they don’t even know the problem is there?


Yes, the world is on the verge of a violent sea-change, but this is not the most important issue. The most important issue is that this precarious situation is not the product of random chance, simple greed, base human frailty or an “overly complex” system as mainstream experts will predictably claim; it is a deliberately engineered chaos box designed to serve the interests of a select few.


The globalist agenda is complicated in design but simple in its goals: Order out of chaos. Create or exploit every crisis to manipulate the public into consenting. But consent for what?


As Richard N. Gardner, former deputy assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations under Kennedy and Johnson, and a member of the Trilateral Commission, wrote in the April, 1974 issue of the Council on Foreign Relation’s (CFR) journal Foreign Affairs (pg. 558) in an article titled ‘The Hard Road To World Order’:


“In short, the ‘house of world order’ will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great ‘booming, buzzing confusion,’ to use William James’ famous description of reality, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.”


Global pandemic, whether a natural event or deliberately engineered, actually serves the purposes of the globalist establishment in a number of ways. First and foremost, it is a superb distraction. The general public, overcome with fears of an invisible force of nature that can possibly kill them at any moment, will probably forget all about the much bigger threat to their life, liberty and future – the subsequent collapse of the massive ‘Everything Bubble’ and the globalist “solution” that a pandemic can trigger.


The coronavirus is only a moderate threat in comparison to economic crisis. That said, I want to confront a few issues concerning the virus itself before we get to the economic question.

Anonymous ID: f73127 Jan. 31, 2020, 10:22 a.m. No.7979336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9356 >>9372 >>9374

Bolton says Trump told him to set up Giuliani meeting in Ukraine: report


President Trump urged former national security adviser John Bolton last May to put Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in contact with Rudy Giuliani, according to a report on the unpublished manuscript of Bolton's forthcoming book.


The New York Times reported that Trump gave Bolton the directive during an Oval Office meeting in May 2019. Acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and White House counsel Pat Cipollone, who has been leading the president's defense in the Senate impeachment trial, were also present, Bolton wrote. Bolton wrote that he did not make the phone call.


The latest allegation from Bolton's unpublished book, which is due out in March, comes as the Senate appears ready to acquit Trump in an impeachment trial focused on allegations he used his office to pressure Ukraine to investigate his political rivals.


Trump reportedly told Bolton to call Zelensky and ensure he met with Giuliani, who is the president's personal attorney and who has been accused of conducting a shadow foreign policy in Ukraine focused on pursuing damaging information about former Vice President Joe Biden.


The May meeting would mark the earliest known instance of Trump's involvement in the Ukraine pressure campaign that sparked off the impeachment inquiry.


In a statement obtained by The Hill, Trump denied the latest allegation from his former national security adviser, who left the White House in September.


“I never instructed John Bolton to set up a meeting for Rudy Giuliani, one of the greatest corruption fighters in America and by far the greatest mayor in the history of N.Y.C., to meet with President Zelensky," Trump said in a statement. "That meeting never happened.”


Giuliani told the Times in a brief interview that the claim about the meeting involving Mulvaney and Cipollone was "categorically untrue."


Reports on allegations contained in Bolton's unpublished manuscript have leaked out in recent days, adding to the drama surrounding Trump's impeachment trial.


Cipollone's involvement in meetings about the pressure campaign on Ukraine would place additional scrutiny on the White House counsel. While leading Trump's defense in the impeachment trial, Cipollone has insisted there is no evidence of wrongdoing by the president and argued that the Senate does not need to hear from Bolton.

Anonymous ID: f73127 Jan. 31, 2020, 10:25 a.m. No.7979389   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Missouri Committee Passes Bill to Legalize Raw Milk Sales; Foundation to Nullify Federal Prohibition Scheme


JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (Jan. 30, 2020) – Yesterday, a Missouri House committee passed a bill that would legalize retail sales of raw milk in the state and take a step toward nullifying a federal prohibition scheme in effect.


Rep. Ann Kelley (R-Lamar) filed House Bill 1335 (HB1335) in December. The legislation would legalize retail sales of raw milk or cream produced in Missouri at grocery stores, restaurants, soda fountains, or similar establishments, as long as the milk is clearly marked with a specified warning label.


Currently, Missouri law only allows the sale and delivery of raw milk directly from farm to consumer.


On Jan. 29, the House Agricultural Policy Committee approved HB1335 with a do-pass recommendation.


Final passage of HB1335 would not only take another step toward opening up the raw milk market in the state; it would also move forward efforts to nullify a federal raw milk prohibition scheme.

Impact on Federal Prohibition


FDA officials insist that unpasteurized milk poses a health risk because of its susceptibility to contamination from cow manure, a source of E. coli.


“It is the FDA’s position that raw milk should never be consumed,” agency spokeswoman Tamara N. Ward said in November 2011.


The FDA’s position represents more than a matter of opinion. In 1987, the feds implemented 21 CFR 1240.61(a), providing that, “no person shall cause to be delivered into interstate commerce or shall sell, otherwise distribute, or hold for sale or other distribution after shipment in interstate commerce any milk or milk product in final package form for direct human consumption unless the product has been pasteurized.”


Not only do the feds ban the transportation of raw milk across state lines; they also claim the authority to ban unpasteurized milk within the borders of a state.


“It is within HHS’s authority…to institute an intrastate ban [on unpasteurized milk] as well,” FDA officials wrote in response to a Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund lawsuit against the agency over the interstate ban.


The FDA clearly wants complete prohibition of raw milk and some insiders say it’s only a matter of time before the feds try to institute an absolute ban. Armed raids by FDA agents on companies like Rawsome Foods back in 2011 and Amish farms over the last few years also indicate this scenario may not be too far off.


When states allow the sale of raw milk within their borders, it takes an important step toward nullifying this federal prohibition scheme.