Anonymous ID: f78eb8 Jan. 31, 2020, 11:40 a.m. No.7980357   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0397

EXCLUSIVE: Internet Abuzz – Schiff’s Ukrainian Hoax Linked to Members of Obama’s NSC Including Eric Ciaramella and Charles Kupchan

4 months ago DeepStateUncovered


A retired CIA officer told the Washington Examiner, “From everything we know about the whistleblower and his work in the executive branch then, there is absolutely no doubt he would have been working with Biden when he was vice president.


We have identified a some connections to Adam Schiff’s fake Ukrainian hoax and they lead back to Obama’s NSC.


West Wing officials confirmed to Cernovich Media that Eric Ciaramella, who worked closely with Susan Rice while at NSC, was recently promoted to be H.R. McMaster’s personal aide. Ciaramella will have unfettered access to McMaster’s conversations with foreign leaders.


Also, others have noted Ciaramella was Obama’s NSC Director for the Ukraine. This connects him and his team at the NSC to Joe Biden. Biden was Obama’s lead in the Ukraine so it’s implausible that Ciararmella and his team were not connected to Biden. Schiff’s leakers are connected to Biden also.


And, we also know that Ciaramella attended a dinner in DC with James Clapper, James Comey, Italy’s former Prime Minister Renzi who is connected to Obama and the Russia Collusion hoax, John Kerry and others. Were the origins of the Schiff hoax concocted at this meeting


There appears to be many connections between Obama’s NSC to the Ukraine and the center point of the fake Ukrainian hoax in place to remove President Trump from office in a CIA coup.

Anonymous ID: f78eb8 Jan. 31, 2020, 11:47 a.m. No.7980441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0718


The Analysis: Methods and Tools

The data collection and analysis environment was based primarily on open source tools. I’ve also utilized several commercial packages to fill-in the gaps in the framework. The following are the solution components:


OS – Windows Server 2016

Big Data Stack – Hadoop, Zeppelin, Kafka, Storm, and Spark frameworks

Scripting – VisualBasic.Net and Python

Speech to Text – Google Cloud Speech-to-Text API

OSINT and Forensic Tools– Buscador, FOCA, Maltego, and Metagoofil

Orchestration – Metasploit Framework with custom payloads

Web Crawler and Scraper – RCrawler with an R package

Network link analysis and Graph – Open Sementic Search with a Neo4J plugin

Writing style analysis – JStylo-Anonymouth, stylo R package, and JGAAP

Reporting – Microsoft Access 2016

EXIF data viewer – Opanda PowerExif and Photoshop CS6 SDK

IP Address and Port Verification – ViewDNS.Info (API edition)

Face recognition, facial Indexing, image reconstruction, and object detection – Sentinel AI Platform

Network device scanner – Shodan

Network Mapper – Nmap


The Analysis: Data Sources

To identify the entities and build the dossier network I’ve used the following publically available sources (see above architecture diagram for more details):


Server and computer logs

Network scans and maps

Federal, state, media, and news archives

Email, forum, websites, blog, and message archives and backups

Publically accessible IoT devices and cams

On-line image and file depositaries

Social media postings by friends, neighbors, and family

LinkedIn profiles

Twitter profiles

FB profiles

Corporate and court filings

Commercial BR sources


The Analysis: Data Processing

The total data storage was about 7TB, the loading time for the data was about 6 hours, and the processing time (entity creation, enrichment, linkage, and anomaly detection) was about 36 hours. I also spent about 2 hours writing scripts to FR, LPR, and OCR some of the PDFs and images before they could be loaded into the database. The operation was executed on a Dell PowerEdge R630 server with a 4 x 4TB array of SSD Intel P4500 series drives, a quad Intel Xeon E5-4669 2.1GHz processor, and 64GB of RAM.


Anonymous ID: f78eb8 Jan. 31, 2020, 11:58 a.m. No.7980581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0879 >>0970 >>1004

Another Major Clue: Documents Reveal Schiff Staffer Met with Key Impeachment Inquiry Witness on August Ukraine Trip


In March, I wrote a post in which I asked, “What is the connection between James Clapper, Victor Pinchuk, and the chief technology officer of CrowdStrike, which was the only company the DNC allowed to access their server?” This post jumped into my head the moment I saw a Breitbart article reporting that one of Adam Schiff’s staffers had met with diplomat William Taylor on a trip to Ukraine which was organized by The Atlantic Council.


The Atlantic Council is a super liberal think-tank which receives much of its funding from Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian natural gas company where Hunter Biden had served as a board member.


Breitbart’s Aaron Klein obtained a copy of travel documents which showed that, twelve days after the “whistleblower” submitted his complaint to the Intelligence Community Inspector General, one of House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff’s staffers, Thomas Eager, held a meeting with acting U.S. ambassador (or Charge d’Affaires) to Ukraine William Taylor. The two were on a trip to Ukraine which had been organized by The Atlantic Council. It was “billed as a bipartisan Ukraine Study Trip in which ten Congressional staffers participated.”


Eager is a member of The Atlantic Council and Taylor has a “close relationship” with the organization as well.

Anonymous ID: f78eb8 Jan. 31, 2020, 12:09 p.m. No.7980718   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Mechanics of Deception


This is an amazing read.

This guy, using publicly available data, open source software tools, and computer equipment that any middle class American could buy for themselves, performed this feat of Intelligence Analysis that correctly analysed the Trump dossier and puts the entire Democrat Party and Washington DC establishment to shame.


If the Trump campaign had even one guy like this, they could easily beat Hillary

Oh wait, they did beat Hillary, and pundits lambasted them for travelling to out of the way states and the Trump campaign even told people that they were doing their own polling.


There are lessons here.

  1. If you want to create another conservative party so that voters have a choice in elections, you need folks with tools like this on your team.

  2. Thinking of emulating Judicial Watch and setting up some kind of an oversight organization? Maybe Pharma Watch or Medical Insurance Watch or Food Watch? Then you need people and tools just like this. And probably some forensic analysis equipment as well.


The people have all the power. We could have done something like this years ago. All of this software, and publicly available data has been around for at least 20 years.

Anonymous ID: f78eb8 Jan. 31, 2020, 12:18 p.m. No.7980823   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0926


A tool from Barnes and Noble

To help College Faculty decide what textbooks

To adopt and use in their courses.


Let's hope it is fair….

Anonymous ID: f78eb8 Jan. 31, 2020, 12:35 p.m. No.7981005   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I think that somebody out there

Is trying to change this

By making the process of choosing the course textbook

More open and transparent.


That way, if the prof does try this SCAM

Of using his own text, revised every year

It will be obvious, and even DOCUMENTED


That way students can win a class-action lawsuit.


We, The People, Have All The Power!