Anonymous ID: 466c1e Jan. 31, 2020, 2:05 p.m. No.7981989   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2374 >>2445

Huge oil discovery on Golan Heights


Estimates are that the amount of oil found will make Israel self sufficient for very many years to come.


After more than a year of round-the-clock drilling, large amounts of oil have been found on the Golan Heights. Estimates are that the amount of oil discovered will make Israel self sufficient for very many years to come.


Afek Oil and Gas chief geologist Dr. Yuval Bartov told Channel 2 News, "We are talking about a strata which is 350 meters thick and what is important is the thickness and the porosity. On average in the world strata are 20-30 meters thick, so this is ten times as large as that, so we are talking about significant quantities. The important thing is to know the oil is in the rock and that's what we now know."


Three drillings have so far taken place in the southern Golan Heights which have found large reserves of oil. Potential production is dramatic - billions of barrels,

which will easily provide all Israel's oil needs. Israel consumes 270,000 barrels of oil per day.


Although the existence of the oil in the ground is a fact, the critical phase now is to check how easily it can be extracted and whether it involves high production costs. In a period of very low oil prices, extraction will have to be relatively cheap to make exploitation of the field profitable.


Just as Israel's offshore Mediterranean gas discoveries have created an entire energy industry, so the Golan oil find could also generate a new industry around it. But while the gas has been found dozens of kilometers from Israel, the Golan find is much closer.


The drilling on the Golan Heights has aroused fierce opposition from environmental groups and local residents who fear irreversible damage to the region's natural landscapes, flora and fauna. This is likely to make any potential extraction from the ground and production a more protracted process lasting very many years.


Above and beyond the bureaucratic and environmental problems of pushing ahead with oil production, there are also the geopolitical considerations. The international community considers the Golan Heights, which was captured from Syria in 1967, as occupied territory and does not recognize Israeli sovereignty over the region.


Bartov said, "There is enormous excitement. It's a fantastic feeling. We came here thinking maybe yes or maybe no and now things are really happening."



Anonymous ID: 466c1e Jan. 31, 2020, 2:09 p.m. No.7982033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2063

Texas Democrat Embraced by Beto and Top 2020 Candidates Loses in Landslide


Democrat Eliz Markowitz suffered a major loss in Tuesday's special runoff election for Texas House District 28, despite a flood of support from liberal groups and top Democrats like Beto O'Rourke.


Republican Gary Gates beat Markowitz by 16 points in the suburban Houston race Democrats hoped would be a bellwether for flipping the state House to Democratic control. Markowitz badly underperformed O'Rourke, who lost the district by three points in 2018 to Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas), and even Hillary Clinton, who lost it by 10 points in 2016 to President Donald Trump.


O'Rourke campaigned heavily for Markowitz, making it his "second home" over the past month. The race was an early test of his political strength following his disappointing 2020 presidential campaign, which he suspended in November.


His new political action committee, Powered by People, founded in an effort to turn the Texas legislature blue, brought 1,000 people to the district to help in the contest. Outside liberal groups such as Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas, Moms Demand Action, and EMILY’s List endorsed Markowitz and poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into the race.


2020 hopeful Michael Bloomberg stumped alongside Markowitz in December, and she also received endorsements from Joe Biden and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.). Former presidential candidate Julián Castro campaigned for her as well.


"Guess what? This will set the tone for the entire general election in 2020," Biden said in a video alongside Markowitz on Jan. 16.

Anonymous ID: 466c1e Jan. 31, 2020, 2:11 p.m. No.7982053   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Follow the Real Money Behind the New Green Agenda


Within little more than a year everyone imaginable seems to have jumped on the bandwagon of the new green agenda of radical measures to “stop” climate change. Now the bastion of corporate economic globalization, the Swiss Davos World Economic Forum, has made its main theme this year, “Stakeholders for a Cohesive and Sustainable World,” with major focus on such notions as “How to Save the Planet.” Of course, featured speaker was the young Swedish activist Greta Thunberg. What few realize is how carefully all this is being orchestrated to prepare a massive shift in global capital flows where a handful of financial giants stand to gain.


From Greta to Bonnie Prince Charles, the themes at Davos 2020 were dominated for the first time by the climate change agenda. What comes through the interstices of the meeting of some 3,000 of the world’s corporate giants, is that a major global campaign is being orchestrated and it includes the world’s largest capital investment fund heads and the world’s major central bankers.


Davos trustees


It was no accident that Davos, the promoter of globalization, is so strongly behind the Climate Change agenda. Davos WEF has a board of appointed trustees. Among them is the early backer of Greta Thunberg, climate multi-millionaire, Al Gore, chairman of the Climate Reality Project. WEF Trustees also include former IMF head, now European Central Bank head Christine Lagarde whose first words as ECB chief were that central banks had to make climate change a priority. Another Davos trustee is outgoing Bank of England head Mark Carney, who was just named Boris Johnson’s climate change advisor and who warns that pension funds that ignore climate change risk bankruptcy (sic). The board also includes the influential founder of Carlyle Group, David M. Rubenstein. It includes Feike Sybesma of the agribusiness giant, Unilever, who is also Chair of the High Level Leadership Forum on Competitiveness and Carbon Pricing of the World Bank Group. And perhaps the most interesting in terms of pushing the new green agenda is Larry Fink, founder and CEO of the investment group BlackRock.

Anonymous ID: 466c1e Jan. 31, 2020, 2:13 p.m. No.7982073   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Millions Could Die" - Bill Gates Warned In 2018 That The World Needs To Prepare For Pandemics Like War


Should a deadly pandemic comparable to the 1918 influenza outbreak reach the US in the relatively near future, the US government would be powerless to stop it. And in all likelihood, hundreds of thousands - if not, millions - of Americans will die.


That was the message Microsoft founder Bill Gates sent to the world before the Massachusetts Medical Society in April 2018.


If a highly contagious and lethal airborne pathogen like the 1918 influenza were to take hold today, nearly 33 million people worldwide would die in just six months, Gates noted in his prepared remarks, citing a simulation done by the Institute for Disease Modeling, a research organization in Bellevue, Wash.


Specifically, Gates said the U.S. government is falling short in preparing the nation and the world for the "significant probability of a large and lethal modern-day pandemic occurring in our lifetimes."


Gates discussed his efforts to convince the Trump administration to set aside more funding for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and to prioritize the creation of a national response plan that would govern how resources are deployed during a pandemic or biological weapons attack.


"So we need to invest in other approaches, like antiviral drugs and antibody therapies that can be stockpiled or rapidly manufactured to stop the spread of pandemic diseases or treat people who have been exposed," he said in his speech.


Gates said he believed “the world needs to prepare for pandemics in the same serious way it prepares for war.” He added,


“This preparation includes staging simulations, war games, and preparedness exercises so that we can better understand how diseases will spread and how to deal with responses such as quarantine and communications to minimize panic,” Gates said.


That was not the first time the billionaire had warned the world.


At the 2017 Munich Security Conference, Gates asked world leaders to “imagine that somewhere in the world a new weapon exists or could emerge that is capable of killing millions of people, bringing economies to a standstill, and casting nations into chaos. If it were a military weapon, the response would be to do everything possible to develop countermeasures,” he said at the NEJM event, adding that a “sense of urgency is lacking” when it comes to biologic threats.


This should concern everyone said Gates, “because history has taught us there will be another deadly global pandemic.


“We can’t predict when, but given the continual emergence of new pathogens, the increasing risk of a bioterror attack, and the ever-increasing connectedness of our world, there is a significant probability that a large and lethal modern-day pandemic will occur in our lifetime,” Gates said.


Furthermore, as's Mac Slavo notes, last October, Gates was involved in Event 201 when a then-imaginary and deadly virus spread around the globe killing 65 million people.


The fictional coronavirus at the center of the Event 201 simulation — a collaboration between the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the World Economic Forum, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation — was called CAPS, and it started with pigs in Brazil before spreading to farmers, not unlike how 2019-nCoV reportedly began with animals before spreading to people.


In the simulation, CAPS infected people all across the globe within six months, and by the 18-month mark, it had killed 65 million people and triggered a global financial crisis. –Futurism

Anonymous ID: 466c1e Jan. 31, 2020, 2:15 p.m. No.7982099   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2135 >>2294

Trump’s deal is bid to complete the evil “Plan Dalet”


After 70 years of pissing on the Palestinians America and Israel suddenly want to “improve” their lives. But when you look closer at the so-called “Peace to Prosperity” [Trump’s “deal of the century”] it’s all about thieving more Palestinian land, stripping these good people of what remains of their self-respect and grinding them further into the Holy Land dust.


The Trump document’s 180 pages is devoted to the self-aggrandisement of Israel and military domination of the Middle East, by proxy, by the warmongers of the US. And to achieve its aims Trump shamelessly circumvents international law, ignores existing UN resolutions and makes daft and insupportable claims.


How fitting that the unveiling ceremony was graced by an American president facing impeachment and an Israeli prime minister facing multiple corruption charges. Another party to the farce was Benny Gantz, Netanyahu’s election rival, who commanded the infamous Operation Pillar of Defence (2012) and Operation Protective Edge (2014) onslaughts against Gaza and is no doubt wanted in many quarters for war crimes.


“This is clearly a serious proposal, reflecting extensive time and effort,” said Dominic Raab, the UK’s foreign minister, in a statement. “We encourage them [the leaders] to give these plans genuine and fair consideration, and explore whether they might prove a first step on the road back to negotiations.”


Prime Minister Boris Johnson in the House of Commons said: “No peace plan is perfect, but this has the merit of a two-state solution. It would ensure Jerusalem is both the capital of Israel and the Palestinian people.”


Can he not read? Trump’s plan says:


Jerusalem will remain the sovereign capital of the State of Israel, and it should remain an undivided city. The sovereign capital of the State of Palestine should be in the section of East Jerusalem located in all areas east and north of the existing security barrier, including Kafr Aqab, the eastern part of Shuafat and Abu Dis, and could be named Al-Quds or another name as determined by the State of Palestine.

Anonymous ID: 466c1e Jan. 31, 2020, 2:16 p.m. No.7982112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2193


Anonymous ID: 466c1e Jan. 31, 2020, 2:19 p.m. No.7982151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2198 >>2225 >>2242

Weinstein Rape Trial Gets Graphic As Accuser Describes Penile Injection, Depraved Acts


Harvey Weinstein's rape trial got graphic on Friday after aspiring actress and hairdresser, Jessica Mann, described a degrading sexual encounter in which she testified that the disgraced movie mogul used a penis injection before raping her, according to The Wrap.



In graphic testimony that left her sobbing in the New York courtroom, the key prosecution witness described her “manipulative” encounters with the former Hollywood mogul and how she “faked an orgasm” after she said he orally sexually assaulted her in an L.A. hotel room in order to end the experience as quickly as possible. Her accusations represent at least two of the five felony counts that Weinstein faces; he has pleaded not guilty. -The Wrap


Mann, who met Weinstein at a Hollywood Hillls party in late 2012 or early 2013, described how Weinstein took advantage of her when she was struggling to make it in L.A. - inviting him to his hotel room after a series of meetings in which he asked her increasingly personal and private questions.