Anonymous ID: 80c4b2 Jan. 31, 2020, 2:39 p.m. No.7982387   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2405

Evangelical Charity Knowingly Funded Group Sanctioned For Funding Terrorism


World Vision International, an international evangelical Christian humanitarian aid, development, and advocacy charity that is active in nearly 100 countries paid funds to a Sudan-based organization, the Islamic Relief Agency (IRA), that allegedly provided financial support to the late Osama bin Laden.


The U.S. Department of Treasury sanctioned Islamic Relief in 2004 for giving support to Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda’s Sudanese affiliate. Islamic Relief goes by several acronyms namely, IRA, ISRA and IARA


Cliff Smith, Washington Director for the Middle East Forum, and Sam Westrop, Director of the Islamist Watch Program at the Middle East Forum, revealed their findings in an interview with The Investigative Journal this week. In February 2014, World Vision received a grant of over $723,405 from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and part of that money was earmarked for IRA.

Anonymous ID: 80c4b2 Jan. 31, 2020, 2:41 p.m. No.7982418   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump to expand travel ban, targeting immigrants from 6 more countries


US President Donald Trump will issue an updated version of his controversial travel ban, acting Homeland Security head Chad Wolf said Friday. The existing ban will remain in place, having been okayed by the Supreme Court in 2018.


Speaking to reporters by phone, Wolf said that the updated ban will suspend immigrant visas for nationals of Eritrea, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar and Nigeria. Non-immigrant visas from these countries will not be affected.


‘Diversity Visas’ – handed out by lottery to boost immigration from countries with low rates of immigration to the US – for nationals of Sudan and Tanzania will also be restricted.


Wolf said that the countries in question have failed to meet American security and information sharing standards, citing poor passport security and inadequate terrorism screening

Anonymous ID: 80c4b2 Jan. 31, 2020, 2:44 p.m. No.7982488   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Geert Wilders: There Has Been a Legal Coup in The Netherlands

Posted on January 31, 2020 by Baron Bodissey


In the following video Geert Wilders, the leader of the Party for Freedom (Partij voor de Vrijheid, PVV) in the Netherlands, addresses a government minister in parliament about a recently revealed scandal. Information has surfaced that culture-enrichers at a refugee center had been discovered with porn and torture videos on their phones, that the government knew about it, and hid the findings because an election was coming up.


Video transcript:


11:39 Mr. Wilders, on behalf of the PVV. —Madam Speaker,

11:42 this ministry of justice is rotten through and through.

11:45 They lie and cheat, sweep things under the carpet.

11:49 We’ve seen how civil servants were influenced during my fake trial,

11:53 and now we see it again with the inspectorate. We’ve seen that refugee shelters, madam Speaker,

11:58 were housing Muslim terrorists who had on their phones not just disgusting child pornography,

12:03 but also footage of torture. And, Speaker, nothing was done about this.

12:08 And when the inspector wanted to write this in a report, he was told this was not allowed.

12:13 and parliament wasn’t informed, Speaker. Why not?

12:16 Because of upcoming elections. This is some kind of legal coup by corrupt civil servants

12:22 and ministers who implemented this, and I’m asking the minister, I’m telling the minister:

12:27 As we speak, Islamic terrorists are walking around in the Netherlands

12:30 because you and your predecessors didn’t allow this to be reported in the Netherlands.

12:36 You are responsible, and all those civil servants, all those ministers, Rutte and his gang,

12:39 can draw only one conclusion, which is: step down and get out of here!

Anonymous ID: 80c4b2 Jan. 31, 2020, 2:49 p.m. No.7982581   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Nuances of the Islamization of Sweden


A new Islamic political party has been launched in Sweden. For some reason it calls itself the “Nuance Party”. One of its goals is to criminalize “Islamophobia” in Sweden.


Based on the news report below, it seems to be mainly a Turkish operation.


Many thanks to Kronans Martell (Ullis News) for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


00:00 A new Islamic Party

00:04 A new party and a new leadership is needed…

00:07 An anti-racist party is needed in both the Swedish Parliament and in the County Councils.

00:12 The social issues we see nowadays…

00:15 It’s easy to point fingers against specific groups.

00:19 The Nuance Party is established in order to mobilize such groups.

00:23 The party wants Muslims to be [legally] recognized as a distinct minority group,

00:27 and the so-called “Islamophobia” will have its own classification as a legal offense.

00:31 According to the party, an example is the debate about the ban of the Islamic headscarf in schools.

00:36 The headscarf shouldn’t be countered, but the oppression.

00:40 And parents have, at the same time, the right to raise their children

00:45 according to their culture and religion.

00:48 Before the last parliamentary elections, Mikail Yüksel was enlisted as the top candidate

00:51 for the Center Party in Gothenburg, but he was forced

00:54 to step down due to accusations of concealing his collaboration

00:57 with the Turkish right-wing extremist organization the Grey Wolves.

01:02 Mikail Yüksel says that he was public about meeting [them],

01:06 but refused to establish a local branch in Sweden.

01:08 I renounce connections with all the political parties in Turkey.