Anonymous ID: bceb3f Jan. 31, 2020, 2:15 p.m. No.7982094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2127

>>7979638 (pb)


>>Biden / Burisma investigation? No. Poroschenko / Klitschko — from which you can flip on Biden and others. Pasternak — Pinchuk — Danylyuk — Puribiy — Tyahnybok.


In reviewing the transcript - Burisma wasn't specially mentioned in the 2nd Trump-Zelensky call.


Trump mentioned Crowdstrike.

Trump mentioned Biden's son.

Trump mentioned Biden.

Trump mentioned Yovanovitch.

But Trump did not mention Burisma.


Zelensky makes a reference to "the company you mentioned". The only company Trump mentioned was Crowdstrike.


Rudy was investigating the 2016 election, which would have involved Crowdstrike. Nothing to do with Burisma.


Trump was intentionally vague. Incomplete sentences/thoughts at key times.


This let Dems jump to conclusion Trump wanted Burisma/Hunter/Biden investigated, which was not about the 2016 election.


Is there a Hunter/Biden connection to Crowdstrike? Unknown.


Is there a Hunter/Biden connection to Burisma? Yep. They handed themselves up through a "denial is confirmation" media blitz.


Looks like the conversation was phrased in a way for the Dems to take the BAIT, and use it as a basis for bogus impeachment.


Burisma was not mentioned in the second call.

Yet, Trump talks about Biden getting a prosecutor shut down. Which prosecutor?

