Anonymous ID: 95d4ed Jan. 31, 2020, 2:52 p.m. No.7982615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2648 >>2684 >>3131 >>3288



Coronavirus mark of the beast via hegelian dialectic


  1. Spread corona virus.

  2. Initially lie about severity

  3. Allow those effected to travel WW at the time of Chinese New Year to ensure maximum distribution.

  4. Use MSM to push huge amount of fear porn

  5. Use fear porn to scare the masses then start locking down cities.

  6. Start controlling narrative about origins of virus, claim conspiracy theories about patents Bill Gates and co are false.

Anti-vaxxers push crazy coronavirus conspiracy on social media

Australian anti-vaccine activists have seized on debunked conspiracy theories to spread misinformation about the source of the deadly coronavirus outbreak, sharing false claims to suggest the disease was engineered in order to boost vaccine sales. Many of the posts being shared falsely connect the disease outbreak to a 2015 patent for an entirely different disease in the coronavirus family.

  1. Reliable facefuck starts hiding the truth.

Facebook says it will start removing fake posts and conspiracy theories about coronavirus

  1. Next claim figures are far worse and in fact a lot more people are infected.

  2. Whether they choose to kill a few million people next is still up for debate but I'm guessing they will or at least tell us that to ensure full compliance. Projection.

Bill Gates thinks a coming disease could kill 30 million people within 6 months – and says we should prepare for it as we do for war

  1. The rush for a vaccine, which mind you is already ready to go, used to stall roll out to allow pandemic to fester and grow.

  2. Push for full vaccine saturation WW.

  3. Those vaccinated have to receive the invisible tattoo, on hand or forehead???.

Bill Gates’ Plan to Use Invisible Ink to Tattoo Vaccination Status

  1. Those without the vaccine tattoo are not allowed to buy and sell, cause they might infect others which has long been the bullshit excuse behind the mandatory vaccine scheduling pushed by governments WW.. No t many question how such a retarded argument works.

  2. Tattoo on your hand most likely.

  3. Mark of the beast.

  4. Everyone is expecting an RFID chip something invented decades ago, no one is expecting a nano chip.

  5. People are now active on the 5G grid.

  6. Now your chipped you can be controlled, gene edited and will no longer be human.

  7. Your eternal soul lost forever.

  8. Be non-compliant they will just zap you from within warning or cause heart failure brain aneurysm you name it instant death if you really piss the AI control system off.

  9. Welcome to 1984.


I Pray to God in the name of the son, Christ, that this never happens.

Anonymous ID: 95d4ed Jan. 31, 2020, 2:53 p.m. No.7982631   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3017 >>3072 >>3232 >>3396

Senate Votes Against Impeachement Witnesses 51-49


The US Senate is voting on impeachment witnesses for their impeachment trial.


18 witnesses were already called in the House.


The Republicans were not allowed any of their requested witnesses in the US House sham impeachment.


Senators Romney and Collins voted with Democrats.


The US Senate then went on recess.


Right Side Broadcasting is showing the entire trial today from the US Senate.


No witnesses so vote on the impeachment now FFS

Anonymous ID: 95d4ed Jan. 31, 2020, 3:02 p.m. No.7982789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3017 >>3232 >>3396

It’s official: Britain leaves the European Union as ‘transition period’ comes into effect


A deeply divided United Kingdom has officially ended its 47 years of European Union membership as the clock strikes 11pm in London and midnight in Brussels — and the slated 11-month ‘transition period’ has formally begun.


The long and rocky road to the divorce began three-and-a-half years ago when 52 percent of Brits voted to cut their losses and take their country out of the 28-member bloc (now 27).


Three prime ministers, two general elections, and plenty of national anxiety and rancor later, the day has finally arrived, in a moment long-awaited by some and desperately dreaded by others.

What are the immediate changes?


While Britain’s exit from the EU is a seismic political event which will eventually transform London’s relationship with the bloc, at first, not a huge amount will actually change in practice for citizens.


The UK, for now, will keep some of the benefits and obligations associated with membership. British citizens will continue to enjoy free travel around the union, but they will no longer be EU citizens. The UK will remain an integrated part of the single market, but British MEPs will head home and will no longer have any say in decision-making processes. EU citizens residing in the UK must apply for Britain’s ‘settled status scheme’ allowing them to remain in the country post-Brexit.


Things like driving licenses, pet passports, and European Health Insurance cards will all continue to be accepted. For the time being, trade will also continue uninterrupted without any new checks or charges.


A commemorative Brexit coin bearing the date January 31 and the words “Peace, prosperity and friendship with all nations” will also come into circulation on Friday.

‘Transition period’ changes


More changes will come into effect over the coming months. British passports, for instance, will switch back to the old blue and gold design (though the burgundy ones will still be recognized).


Politically, the focus will now switch from debates over Leave vs. Remain and the specifics of the withdrawal agreement to how British Prime Minister Boris Johnson can secure advantageous trade deals with the EU — and, he hopes, the US.

Anonymous ID: 95d4ed Jan. 31, 2020, 3:43 p.m. No.7983473   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I am sure it's a bunch of nothingness…….


Whether this is true or not is irrelevant IMO, what the MSM/cabal tell the masses is the real issue