Anonymous ID: bfc355 Jan. 31, 2020, 3:27 p.m. No.7983227   🗄️.is 🔗kun


An educated comment from that post.

More specifically, his "NOTE"



Alex Crits-Christoph • an hour ago

All four of the identified amino acid insertions are extremely short and are found in the genomes of many other organisms, not just HIV. In other words, the primary finding of this work are entirely a highly expected coincidence.


All organisms contain a DNA code that has the genetic instructions for development, functioning, and growth - this is known as the "genome". You can imagine each genome as a book of instructions. What these authors did is look in the genome book of the 2019 novel coronavirus and identified 4 sets of letters that aren't found in the genome book of SARs, a related coronavirus. They then compared these letters to the genome book of HIV, and found some places where they looked somewhat similar - but not even identical. However, because these sets of letters were so short, they are often found in many genome books by chance - they way you might search for the phrase "can be there" in Google Books and find that thousands of books contain those words - but this is not an example of plagarism.


Note here: We call these sets of letters "insertions" because they are in one genome, but not in a close relative - "insertion" does not imply human interference or engineering - it is an evolutionary term and refers to a natural evolutionary mutation.


Here are the four insertions:










These four insertions are protein sequences, that are encoded by a DNA sequence (which you may know uses molecular "letters" of A, G, C, and T to encode for proteins, which uses 20 molecular amino acid "letters").


You, dear reader, do not have to take anybody's word for it that these letters are a concidence - you can do the bioinformatics yourself!


If you would go to:


Anonymous ID: bfc355 Jan. 31, 2020, 3:36 p.m. No.7983368   🗄️.is 🔗kun


possible neighboranon here.

in reading through

i'm assuming they are contacting folks associated with emergency/military backgrounds, to some degree.

also likely to be geographically based targeted mailings


i haven't seen anything in my box, yet