Anonymous ID: 9861cc Jan. 31, 2020, 4:51 p.m. No.7984463   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4488 >>4780 >>4795 >>4905 >>4988 >>5038

>>7984152 PB

Who is Heather Sawyer (DiFi's grim-looking asst)?

All the info below from, big flurry of activity 15 months ago after Kavanaugh hearing:


>>3379465 Suspected leaker heather sawyer/DiFi also involved in GPS transcript leak. Oct 2018









Senate Judiciary Committee Interview of Glenn Simpson/By Ms. (Heather) Sawyer (1)


Senate Judiciary Committee Interview of Glenn Simpson

by the United States Senate Judiciary Committee


First Examination by heather sawyer (Chief Oversight Counsel for Democrat Dianne Feinstein)


Despite objections of @ChuckGrassley & other @senjudiciary Republicans, @SenFeinstein decided to #ReleaseTheTranscript of Fusion GPS Glenn Simpson's testimony!!



>>3378649 CBF Leaker heather sawyer supposedly authority on Civil Liberties; worked on HCFA subcommittee

Oct 2018


heather sawyer was council for the House Committee on Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties.


May just be an honest mistake or may be fuckery - IDK, but the document does not have the usual markings of an FOIA document - there is no date, case number, document number, etc. The search window does not have that information either. (NB - there was only one document but it seems like there should be more for someone with constitution, civil rights and liberties responsibilities.)




Dig on the CBF leaker, heather sawyer


>>3376108 (LB)

Some sauce I dug up on Leakersteins staffer heather sawyer. Sawyer is also well known in the Chicago LGBT world. Also, if you just DuckDuckGo her name, almost all articles point at her as the infamous leaker starting at the end of September.




Anonymous ID: 9861cc Jan. 31, 2020, 4:53 p.m. No.7984488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4495 >>4502 >>4795 >>4988 >>5038


Heather Sawyer, con't



Name Emerges Of Feinstein Staffer Thought To Have Leaked Kavanaugh Allegations, Insider Says - heather sawyer



So sources are saying heather sawyer is the Feinstein staffer who leaked the CBF letter.

She gets around


Here's a video of her - matches up with the person sitting in the background during the CBF circus.

Fast forward to 25 minutes or so



#3270259 at 2018-10-01 01:08:23 (UTC+1)



Name Emerges Of Feinstein Staffer Thought To Have Leaked Kavanaugh Allegations: Heather Sawyer


A staff member for Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) is thought to have been responsible for leaking Christie Blasey Ford's allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, according to a Washington insider.

In a tweet, The Federalist's Sean Davis wrote that "according to multiple sources familiar with Judiciary's Kavanaugh investigation, Feinstein staffer heather sawyer leaked Ford's letter to the media in violation of Senate Rule 29(5)."


Last week, a spokesperson for Feinstein denied that the leaks came from the senator's office, according to a report from CNN.

"Only after the details of her experience were leaked did Dr. Ford make the reluctant decision to come forward publicly," lawyers for Ford said in a letter last week to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Davis continued by noting that the Senate rule that he referenced in his initial tweet "was passed following a special counsel investigation of Senate leaks of confidential information about Anita Hill" and "calls for expulsion of any Senators or staff who violate the ban on leaks of confidential committee information."


"If the Senate is serious about protecting its investigative process-and especially those who provide highly personal confidential information to its committees-it must immediately investigate how Ford's confidential document addressed to Dianne Feinstein was leaked to media," Davis wrote.




Anonymous ID: 9861cc Jan. 31, 2020, 4:54 p.m. No.7984495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4795 >>4988 >>5038


Heather Sawyer, con't


#2952772 at 2018-09-10 03:13:50 (UTC+1)




In December 2016, Mr. Ohr met with Mr. Simpson. He made note of Mr. Simpson, saying: "The New York Times story on Oct. 31 downplaying the connection between Alfa servers and the Trump campaign was incorrect. There was communication and it wasn't spam."


If Mr. Ohr's note-taking is accurate, then Mr. Simpson was clearly pushing the Alfa narrative.


But Mr. Simpson told the Senate Judiciary Committee, led by Sen. Chuck Grassley, Iowa Republican, a different story eight months later.


He was questioned on Alfa by heather sawyer, chief oversight counsel for Sen. Dianne Feinstein, California Democrat. Ms. Feinstein later released the transcript without committee approval.


Ms. Sawyer asked: "Do you have any information there have been reports about potential communications between a server at [Alfa] Bank and potentially servers that belong to the Trump organization or Trump - some entity associated with Donald Trump? Do you have any information about those particular reports?"


Mr. Simpson responded: "That's kind of an open-ended question. I think what I said is we were asked about that and it wasn't - that information wasn't generated by us and I'm happy to say it's beyond our competence to have generated, but in the course of being asked about it, you know, people gave us information. I don't know what else to say."


'Evidence of misleading testimony'


Mr. Simpson went on to say that he didn't draw any conclusions: "I mean, we were shown like do you know what this would mean, does this mean, and it's beyond - it's really - it's certainly beyond my competence."


Ms. Sawyer: "So the data that you were shown, you could not draw any conclusions from it?"


Mr. Simpson: "I did not draw any conclusions from the data."


He said he was asked by journalists about the server story, "but the information didn't come from us." He made no mention of the December meeting with Mr. Ohr and discussing Alfa. At that meeting, he told Mr. Ohr that he knew there was a Trump server used to communicate with Alfa.


Mr. Ohr's notes also show that Mr. Simpson provided the name of a lawyer he believed was an intermediary between Alfa and the Trump campaign.


Mr. Ohr's notes also show he discussed Alfa, one of Russia's largest commercial banks, with Mr. Steele. In one session, Mr. Steele told the associate deputy attorney general that he was "desperate" to sink the Trump campaign.


"Alfa server in US as link to campaign," Mr. Ohr quoted Mr. Steele as saying.


Mr. Steele didn't include the server conspiracy in his dossier. He did accuse Alfa's partners of being in a conspiracy with Mr. Putin to influence the election.


Alfa has denied it had a dedicated server to the Trump Organization or that it interfered in the election.


Mr. Simpson was unhappy with The New York Times' Oct. 31, 2016, story for reasons other than the Alfa Bank exoneration. At the time, he was desperately trying to get Mr. Steele's collusion charges into the newspaper. But the story came to an opposite conclusion, saying the FBI had not discovered a Trump-Kremlin conspiracy.


Hours after The New York Times debunked the server story, the conspiracy theory was revived in an article in the liberal news website Slate.


Mr. Simpson's attorney didn't return messages from The Washington Times.


Mr. Ohr testified in secret on Aug. 28 before two House committees investigating how the FBI conducted its probe into Trump associates.


"In the first hour of testimony, and it's either Bruce Ohr is lying or Glenn Simpson is lying," Rep. Matt Gaetz, Florida Republican, told reporters.


Mr. Grassley disclosed in a letter to the Justice Department that the FBI debriefed Mr. Ohr 12 times from Nov. 22, 2016, to May 2017 as he conveyed Fusion anti-Trump material. Mr. Grassley wants Justice to declassify the interview reports, known as 302s.


Mr. Ohr has since been demoted. He was the fourth-ranked Justice official, with an office a few doors down from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Mr. Rosenstein took office in April 2017 after Mr. Ohr completed most of his FBI debriefings on his wife's and Fusion's work.

Anonymous ID: 9861cc Jan. 31, 2020, 5:21 p.m. No.7984844   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4857 >>4866


It's a war zone, man. What do ya expect? Everyone was a newfag once. Just lurk, listen and learn the culture, and you'll be fine. for months, i only asked q's after getting a notable or some other pat on the back. Gotta earn it.