Anonymous ID: 1167cf Jan. 31, 2020, 5:46 p.m. No.7985109   🗄️.is đź”—kun

The mask conveys to the 'congregation' that the priest channels the spirit of a deity. These priests have control over certain 'indigenous technologies' otherwise known as physics.

Anonymous ID: 1167cf Jan. 31, 2020, 6:01 p.m. No.7985302   🗄️.is đź”—kun

"One of the most important ways of taking care of your body is to have a good bath. There is no doubt that a good bath cleans and refreshes your body but it can be relaxing for the mind as well. It is important to have a bath everyday in order to maintain good hygiene as well. A bath in the evening or night removes all the dust, grime and sweat that you have gathered throughout day. A bath early in the morning refreshes you and makes you ready for the whole day. Bathing can be made a relaxing and enjoyable experience. Bathing is known as "Snanam” (in Sanskrit language).


In the Hindu Religion, taking “bath” is considered as the most important daily ritual. “Bathing” is defined in almost all Vedas, Upanishads, Suthras, etc. in many ways. The early morning 4 O’ clock is considered as the most auspicious time in the Hindu Religion. It is known as “Pratha Kala” or “Brahma Muhoortham” or the most auspicious time. Most of the “Rishis” (Saints) in Olden days used to take bath in this hour and attained the sainthood. “Parasara Smirithi” explains this very well as “rusheenaam rusheetha nityam prathas snanath na sam sayaha” i.e Saints always take bath well before early morning and start their daily rituals.

Vedas say, “Snana Moola Kriya: Sarvaa:” The Vedas and Upanishads further advise the Married people to take bath twice daily and insist Saints for bathing thrice a day. However, the bachelor is allowed for bathing once a day.

The Kurma Purana says that without taking the pratah-snana [bath before sunrise] one remains impure and cannot perform any of the daily activities a civilised person must perform such as japa, homa, and Deity worship. If a person eats without having bathed, he is said to be eating only filth, for everything he touches becomes as impure as he. The Padma Purana declares that one who does not bathe in the morning is a sinner fit to suffer on lower planets. Pratah-snana is compulsory for all, except those who are ill. In Vedic culture bathing is considered a sacred act to be accompanied by meditation on the Lord and recitation of prayer.The scriptures describe the benefits of taking a cold bath early in the morning. Such a bath can purify even a sinner, for it has the power to wash away all external and internal contamination. Whereas a warm water bath cleanses physically, cold water revitalises the subtle body, removing the influence of sleep and dreams as well as of evil-minded persons. The cold bath also gives strength, sensitivity, longevity, effulgence and purity. Taking an early morning cold bath increases one’s knowledge and determination and affords peace of mind. It removes unhappiness, lamentation, degradation, and bad thoughts. In short, it counteracts all the ill effects of sin.

At night the nine holes of the body become filled with waste products, which are continuously produced as we sleep. The early morning bath most effectively removes all of this dirt so that the body can begin its daily activities in a fresh state. In this way the early morning bath has positive physical, mental and spiritual effects, and is therefore highly glorified in the scriptures.


The Garuda Purana extols the virtues of snanam in the following manner,Water nourishes and sustains the spirit as well as the body. Water is high among the elements, as it purifies and uplifts the individual from the mundane to the transcendental. Mountain water, spring water, and rainwater collected are highly beneficial and considered noble by the wise.


Taking a bath in spring water, rainwater or river water can bring benefits to both body and mind. These benefits can be further multiplied if you were to chant a Sanskrit mantra called the snaman mantra before taking a bath."