Anonymous ID: 2894ef Jan. 31, 2020, 5:54 p.m. No.7985201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5266 >>5505 >>5514 >>5529 >>5671 >>5790

Roberts Dashes Democrats’ Hopes, Tells Schumer He Will Not Cast Tie-Breaking Votes in Impeachment Trial (Video)


When it rains it pours. Having lost the main vote for new witnesses and documents Friday afternoon during the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump on a narrow, near party line vote of 51-49, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) hopefully asked presiding officer Chief Justice John Roberts Friday evening if he was aware of a precedent for him casting tie-breaking votes as the Senate prepared to cast more votes to table several Schumer resolutions on witnesses and evidence.


Roberts Dashes Democrats’ Hopes, Tells Schumer He Will Not Cast Tie-Breaking Votes in Impeachment Trial (Video)

Avatar by Kristinn Taylor January 31, 2020


When it rains it pours. Having lost the main vote for new witnesses and documents Friday afternoon during the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump on a narrow, near party line vote of 51-49, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) hopefully asked presiding officer Chief Justice John Roberts Friday evening if he was aware of a precedent for him casting tie-breaking votes as the Senate prepared to cast more votes to table several Schumer resolutions on witnesses and evidence.


Schumer cited the 1868 Senate impeachment trial of President Andrew Johnson presided over by Chief Justice Salmon Chase in which he cast two tie-breaking votes.


Roberts was ready for the question and carefully read his reply:


I am, Mr. Leader. Uh, the one concerned a motion to adjourn, the other concerned a motion to close deliberations. Uh, I do not regard those isolated episodes a-hundred-and-fifty years ago as sufficient to support a general authority to break ties. If the members of this body, elected by the People and accountable to them, divide equally on a motion, the normal rule is that the motion fails. I think it would be inappropriate for me, an unelected official from a different branch of government, to assert the power to change that result so that the motion would succeed.


.@SenSchumer's parliamentary inquiry and Chief Justice John Roberts' response


Watch live on C-SPAN2 —


— CSPAN (@cspan) February 1, 2020

Anonymous ID: 2894ef Jan. 31, 2020, 5:58 p.m. No.7985249   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Britain Exits EU Technocracy For Own Brand


Nigel Farage did a masterful job of exiting the EU while bashing it one last time. Note that The Daily Telegraph openly calls the EU a Technocracy but Americans have no idea of what that means.


However, as Farage rode the populist party wave to victory, Britain will almost certainly fall into the techno-populist mentality that establishes their own brand of Technocracy. In other words, same outcome in the end: Technocracy. ⁃ TN Editor


As Britain prepares to leave the European Union tonight, it continues to emote division and debate.


Far from being the end of the story, some commentators believe it is just the start. Brexit day has dominated yesterday’s media opinion pages.

The Daily Telegraph


Allister Heath writes “we must hope that over time, more countries choose – and are allowed – to leave, that there will one day be a Frexit and a Danexit, that the euro will be dissolved in an orderly fashion and that the entire project will wither away, replaced instead by looser, liberal co-operation. Euroscepticism was never a selfish ideology. It was never just about returning self-government to Britain.

Anonymous ID: 2894ef Jan. 31, 2020, 6:01 p.m. No.7985297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5479

New protest reports from various cities of Iran


Iran, January 31, 2020—Locals in the Afsaran district of Gorgan, a major city in northern Iran, rallied on Thursday, January 30, protesting the incompetence and indifference of the regime’s municipality officials. People were seen gathering in the streets and blocking roads with tires, demanding officials finally live up to their pledges of launching an initiative known as the “Gorgan Gulf” plan.


For years regime officials have been claiming to seek measures to revive the local bay area in Gorgan, yet their words have never been met with actions. Locals are accusing regime officials of lies after lies in this regard.


The bay depth has decreased to three meters, and in some areas to just 1.5 meters, due to lack of necessary measures by the municipality needed to maintain the area up and running. Experts are forecasting a major environmental disaster if the water channels of this bay are cut off with the Caspian Sea.


However, despite many years and numerous sessions held in this regard, regime officials have failed to take any measures and are more interested in plundering the budgets allocated for such measures to fund their own interests. If the Gorgan Bay area is destroyed, all cities, towns, and villages in this vicinity will be devastated.


Reports from Ahvaz, southwest Iran, indicate that municipality workers have been on strike since last Saturday. This protest rally continues to this day, according to Mohammad Reza Izadi, a member of the regime’s city council.

Anonymous ID: 2894ef Jan. 31, 2020, 6:04 p.m. No.7985340   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5371 >>5433 >>5514 >>5790


‘More effective than other drugs’: Russian company says it has revolutionized cancer treatment

22 Mar, 2016 17:23


Russian pharmaceutical group Biocad has introduced a breakthrough new cancer drug, with early tests suggesting it is more effective in battling the disease than foreign analogues, the company says.


The new drug activates inner powers to fight cancer, the company’s press release said. It was created on the base of monoclonal antibodies, and blocks interactions between the proteins PD-1 and PD-L1, which mask tumor cells as healthy ones. After the neutralization of PD-1, the organism starts to recognize cancer cells and eliminate them.


“The development of drugs for immunotherapy is an innovational approach to curing oncological diseases,” said Roman Ivanov, Deputy CEO for Biomedical Studies and Development, according to a press release published on Biocad’s website.


“Such drugs have a systematic effect on the whole tumor process, destroying not only the tumor itself but also its metastases including remote ones,” he added, stressing that unlike chemotherapy, such treatment does not damage healthy body tissue.


There are currently only two anti-cancer medicines based on monoclonal antibodies – developed by MSD and Bristol-Myers Sqibb – but both of them are not available in Russia. Moreover, clinical tests revealed that Biocad’s drug is more effective than its foreign analogues, the company claimed

Anonymous ID: 2894ef Jan. 31, 2020, 6:08 p.m. No.7985389   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Holy See Press Office Communiqué: Audience with the President of the Republic of Argentina, 31.01.2020


This morning in the Vatican Apostolic Palace, His Holiness Pope Francis received in audience His Excellency Mr. Alberto Fernández, president of the Argentine Republic, who subsequently met with His Eminence Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, accompanied by Monsignor Mirosław Wachowski, Under-Secretary for Relations with States.


During the cordial discussions, satisfaction was expressed over the good relations that exist between the Holy See and the Argentine Republic. Afterwards, the situation in the country was examined, with particular reference to problems such as, the economic-financial crisis, the fight against poverty, corruption and drug trafficking, efforts to build up society, and the protection of life from conception. In this context, it was noted the significant contribution of the Catholic Church in favour of all in Argentine society, especially the more vulnerable sectors of the population.


Discussions continued and focused on themes of common interest regarding the regional context.

Anonymous ID: 2894ef Jan. 31, 2020, 6:11 p.m. No.7985423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5514 >>5790

Wonder Why…Dirty FKers


Roman Catholic Diocese of Buffalo: Bankruptcy imminent


BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) — The Roman Catholic Diocese of Buffalo faces near certain bankruptcy after posting a $5 million loss in 2019, and with a barrage of lawsuits from the clergy misconduct scandal still pending, according to a financial report released Thursday.


“In response to the magnitude of the number of claims, lawsuits and alleged damages, the (Central Administrative Offices) has determined that a filing of a voluntary petition for reorganization under Chapter 11 of the Federal Bankruptcy Code is imminent,” the diocese’s 2019 financial report said.


The diocese would become the second of New York’s eight dioceses to seek bankruptcy protection. The Rochester diocese filed for Chapter 11 protection in September. Nationwide, more than 20 dioceses have sought bankruptcy protection in a sexual misconduct reckoning that has spanned nearly two decades.


The report cited lower revenue from donations and investments as hundreds of alleged child victims of clergy abuse have come forward with claims.

Anonymous ID: 2894ef Jan. 31, 2020, 6:14 p.m. No.7985462   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Best Buy Opens Probe Into CEO's Personal Conduct


The board of Best Buy Co. is investigating allegations that Chief Executive Corie Barry had an inappropriate romantic relationship with a fellow executive, who has since left the electronics retailer.


The allegations were sent to the board in an anonymous letter dated Dec. 7. The letter claims Ms. Barry had a romantic relationship for years with former Best Buy Senior Vice President Karl Sanft before she took over as CEO last June.


“Best Buy takes allegations of misconduct very seriously,” a spokesman told The Wall Street Journal. The Minneapolis company said its board has hired the law firm Sidley Austin LLP to conduct an independent review that is ongoing.

Anonymous ID: 2894ef Jan. 31, 2020, 6:17 p.m. No.7985496   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5622


I do remember reading about it years ago ..about how Russia was going to get the credit for the Cancer cure…unfortunately it was years and years ago kek and …don't remember where I read it…Otherwise I would find it…..

Anonymous ID: 2894ef Jan. 31, 2020, 6:19 p.m. No.7985516   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Another heavy blow to Tehran’s nuclear weapons ambitions


Iran, January 31, 2020—On January 30, the U.S. Treasury expanded its sanctions on the Iranian regime’s Atomic Energy Organization (AEOI) and its chief Ali Akbar Salehi. The new sanctions will freeze any assets that Salehi has within U.S. jurisdiction.


“The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran has played a big role in Iran breaching its key nuclear commitments. It has exceeded the limits on its uranium stockpile and enrichment levels," said Brian Hook, the U.S. envoy to Iran. Hook added that Salehi personally inaugurated the installation of new advanced centrifuges to expand Iran's uranium enrichment capacity.


The newest round of sanctions is part of the U.S. administration’s maximum pressure campaign aimed at reining in the multitude of hostile activities Iran’s regime carries out in the Middle East and across the globe.


This is another devastating blow to one of the strategic goals of the Iranian regime, which is to obtain nuclear weapons for its survival. According to some estimates, until now, the Iranian regime has spent well over $100 billion of the Iranian people’s wealth on nuclear weapons research and development.



Some believe the #Iran|ian regime's Rouhani & FM Zarif are moderates.

"The truth is, they are merely polished front men for the Ayatollah’s international con-artistry. Their nuclear deal didn’t make them moderates, it made them wolves in sheep’s clothing," said Sec Pompeo.


— People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) (@Mojahedineng) July 23, 2018

Anonymous ID: 2894ef Jan. 31, 2020, 6:29 p.m. No.7985618   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Well Lookie Here


The National Security Agency's general counsel is leaving his position


Glenn Gerstell, the National Security Agency’s general counsel, is leaving the agency, CyberScoop has learned.


“It was truly an honor to be able to serve this agency and play a part in keeping our nation safe. This has easily been the best job I have had,” Gerstell said in an email. “My earlier private sector legal career was fulfilling, but nothing compares to the satisfaction of public service, especially confronting some of the most critical challenges facing our country – terrorism, aggression by overseas authoritarian regimes and cyber maliciousness.”


After nearly five years spent advising two NSA directors, former NSA Director Adm. Michael Rogers and current NSA Director Gen. Paul Nakasone, Gerstell will be a senior adviser at the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) starting next month. There, he will write on “the role of technology, coping with a rising China and privacy in the digital era,” he said in the email.

Anonymous ID: 2894ef Jan. 31, 2020, 6:35 p.m. No.7985683   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5759

Greece Ratifies New US Defense Agreement


The Greek Parliament on Thursday approved an updated defense agreement with the United States, allowing the use of Greek military facilities, including the airbases at Larissa and Stefanovikio.


The agreement was ratified with 175 votes for, 33 against, and 80 declaring “present” out of a total of 288 MPs voting.


U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo welcomed the Greek Parliament’s ratification of the updated Greece-US cooperation agreement.


“I welcome the Greek Parliament’s ratification of our updated Mutual Defense Cooperation Agreement, a strategic touchstone in our defense relationship. Greece is a key NATO ally, and we’ll continue to build on our strong partnership and promote stability in the region,” Pompeo posted on his personal Twitter account.


Supporting the Mutual Defense Cooperation Agreement (MDCA) were the parties of ruling New Democracy and Movement for Change (KINAL). Main opposition Syriza voted “present,” while all the other parties — Communist Party of Greece (KKE), Greek Solution and MeRA25 — voted against it.

Anonymous ID: 2894ef Jan. 31, 2020, 6:42 p.m. No.7985749   🗄️.is 🔗kun

After they were just hacked their gonna use Wechat kek



Banks aim to reach more Asia FX clients with Symphony/WeChat app

Main benefit of Symphony on WeChat is ease of communication on a platform traders use regularly, says BNPP


Participating banks are expecting to reach more foreign exchange clients in Asia with a Symphony/WeChat partnership, which allows users to communicate in real time within a regulatory compliant framework.


Symphony, a financial market messaging services provider, launched an application within Chinese app WeChat in November 2019.


Four banks – BNP Paribas, Citi, Deutsche Bank and Goldman Sachs – have started offering pre-trade services such as RMB exchange rates via WeChat. The collaboration