Anonymous ID: 76df8f Jan. 31, 2020, 6:04 p.m. No.7985347   🗄️.is 🔗kun


He's 100% in damage control mode - this whole thing has been about bringing society into a completely new era of infrastructure. "the old guard", the old double-speak/manipulative way of doing things has got to stop. That is why this SHOW is playing the way it is. It's all about the twist and turns, how the boomerang is coming back, its by their own design. "what goes around comes around".


things have already been set in motion for this to end - what we're witnessing is the death rattle of the old guard, they have been running things for 8500+ years here, so they really had no idea this was coming.


The beauty of it is every single one of their weapons they created to us on their cattle is being turned and used against them.


The symmetry is breathtaking.


All I can keep smiling and thinking about is how God wins ;)

Anonymous ID: 76df8f Jan. 31, 2020, 6:10 p.m. No.7985409   🗄️.is 🔗kun


few things/theories

1) occult symbolism

2) pertains to third eye / enlightenment status

3) unification/taming of "4 horsemen" in the spiritual realm

Anonymous ID: 76df8f Jan. 31, 2020, 6:17 p.m. No.7985495   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Thread from


The Entire Global Framework has been Redesigned, The Military NEEDS you to understand it before they Implement it : Must Read !!! (QRV)


submitted 4.4 hours ago by 3428131?


The Entire System has been established in order for 'We The People' To break out of our enslavement which has been done with Wordcraft and Lawfare in a Global Cage we are now in. POSTMASTER Russell-Jay : Gould and Special Operations Marine Sgt. Robert Horton have gone public on 9-11-2019 to begin sharing with the world this development. 9-11-2001 is significant as a second event horizon in direct respons to 1913 and 1999 , the third date of the Bankruptcy of the U.S.A.


This material is all about legal construct and legal syntax, so it gets very complex and you will need to study and read things more than one time. Your dealing with the entire construct and lies that came with it. Q Describes this process in Drop 3038 show below. Please read it first.


I will then link the first video of the 9-11-2019 transmission with a time stamp where Sgt. Robert Horton at the end of the charged transmission thanks the United States Military involved with him and his research (thousands of them) including Q Team and President Trump/supporters of. Don't watch this video YET from the start. Watch the one below with Sgt. Steve Horton giving his War board presentation. It must be watched in its entirety to even get started, its complicated and its in order of the timeline. How we got here, clearly unrolled, and after this we will get into how we are going to get out, using the currently established 'cleansed' framework. Free of lawfare and word games that enslave us.


Below that I will include resources as well. I've been heavily attacked trying to put this material out there in its entirety and as you will hear, hundreds of millions of dollars are being spent to keep Gould and Horton from being heard and that same nefarious force has its boot on our neck as well.


Please take this Q downtime to understand 'The Plan' and the Framework, and the hard road that was taken to get here.


Thanks in advance for your time. SD


Q # 3038


The Power of Free Thought


Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 12 Mar 2019 - 2:55:14 PM


Decide for yourself (be free from outside opinion).


Decide for yourself (be objective in your conclusions).


Decide for yourself (be true in your own beliefs).


Decide for yourself (be open to following the facts).


Decide for yourself (be strong in defending your beliefs).


Decide for yourself (be resistant to blindly accepting fact-less statements).


Decide for yourself (be free)


Those who attack you.


Those who mock you.


Those who cull you.


Those who control you.


Those who label you.


Do they represent you?


Or, do they represent themselves (in some form)?


Mental Enslavement.


The Great Awakening ('Freedom of Thought’), was designed and created not only as a backchannel to the public (away from the longstanding ‘mind’ control of the corrupt & heavily biased media) to endure future events through transparency and regeneration of individual thought (breaking the chains of ‘group-think’), but, more importantly, aid in the construction of a vehicle (a ‘ship’) that provides the scattered (‘free thinkers’) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment).


When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or the stable.


When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’.


"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.


When you are awake, you are able to clearly see.


The choice is yours, and yours alone.


Trust and put faith in yourself.


You are not alone and you are not in the minority.


Difficult truths will soon see the light of day.








9-11-2019 Live Transmission ( 1:03:00 is the parting thanks to Q and Marines SO & SIG INT )


==Start Here with Info Data War Board Presentation w/ Sgt. Horton : Then Watch ^^Above transmission AFTER ! Important

Anonymous ID: 76df8f Jan. 31, 2020, 6:27 p.m. No.7985601   🗄️.is 🔗kun

on the symbolism for the number 23


Properties of the number 23



Represent "the principle of organization 3, acting on the differentiation of the world in spirit and matter 20, to allow precisely the incarnation of the spirit in the matter, 2 + 3 = 5", according to R. Allendy.




The Roman Catholic Church counts on the whole 23 dogmas: twelve are included in the symbol of the apostles and eleven have been defined by the Church. The last is that of the Assumption - 1950. The Virgin Mary, in her appearances in Amsterdam at the Netherlands, 1945 to 1984, prophesied however that a last "final dogma of Mary" would be adopted by the Catholic Church that would proclaim her "Co-Redeemer, Mediator and Advocate", which would summarize and explains the theology of Mary and "would crown" Our Lady. This last dogma, added to the 23 others to give 24, would summarize the whole of the doctrine of the Church.


>The Cabalists affirm that, in the present times, a letter is missing in the Torah. This letter of the alphabet does not appear at all in our "eon" and also is not used in the Torah. The primitive divine alphabet and all the Torah also would base on a series of 23 letters, and not 22, which one is become invisible for us and will reappear only during a next terrestrial period. And it is only because this letter misses now everywhere that we read in the Torah the positive and negative precepts. Each negative aspect is in relation with this missing letter of the primitive alphabet.


At the moment of his assassination, Caesar was stabbed 23 times.


The circulation of the blood through all the human body takes 23 seconds.


The number of articulation in the human arm is 23.


The 23 axioms of the geometry of Euclid.


The 23 days of the "physical" cycle in the biorhythm.


The ovule and the spermatozoon are composed both of 23 chromosomes.


Anniversary of marriage: weddings of clock.




The number 23 is used 14 times in the Bible, the 14 times in the OT.


The words leprous, dragon and blasphemy are used 23 times in the Bible.



read this again:


>The Cabalists affirm that, in the present times, a letter is missing in the Torah. This letter of the alphabet does not appear at all in our "eon" and also is not used in the Torah. The primitive divine alphabet and all the Torah also would base on a series of 23 letters, and not 22, which one is become invisible for us and will reappear only during a next terrestrial period. And it is only because this letter misses now everywhere that we read in the Torah the positive and negative precepts. Each negative aspect is in relation with this missing letter of the primitive alphabet.

Anonymous ID: 76df8f Jan. 31, 2020, 6:39 p.m. No.7985725   🗄️.is 🔗kun


According to book “The Oracle of Kabbalah” a 13th center kabbalistic text, “Sefer HaTemunah” (The Book of the Image) teaches that one letter is missing from the Hebrew Alphabet and that every defect in our present world stems from the absence of this letter. When this letter is revealed, then all of the defects will disappear and it will create new words, new worlds. Finally all will be complete. A Talmudic legend tells that this 23rd Letter appeared on the original set of tablets upon which the ten commandments were inscribed. When the tablets were broken all letters flew off the tablets and ascended to Heaven. The other letters eventually returned but the 23rd Letter had vanished from this world.


When the Missing Letter appears, the world will be balanced once again. Then, the letter of the mothers, lost for so long, will combine with all of the others letters to create a universe of harmony and peace. This will be the “Messianic Age” and will be marked by the harmonious blending of the masculine and the feminine. Then, the Skekhinah, the feminine aspect of the Divine will be united with the masculine and a new Eden will flourish. The Talmudic legend says that when the 23rd letter of the Hebrew Alphabet came into being that the world could be healed and all defects will disappear.


This missing letter also signifies that sound beyond all sounds. It represents the last word, the word beyond all words. When choosing this letter perhaps the best response is to just keep quiet according to “The Oracle of Kabbalah. I find this very interesting because when this energy is in motion, that is what you hear is the “Quiet”. This energy is beyond space, beyond time in the Presence of God.


Adolphina was given The missing 23rd Letter five years ago that represents the Letter of the Mothers. This 23rd Letter is also a new Name of God, it has the numerical value of 1,000 and it is the new Energy of God that aligns the masculine side of God with the feminine side of God. The symbol for YATUVAY is on the cover of Adolphina's new book, "YATUVAY ~ The Manual" - "How To Perform Miraculous Healing Through Energy Medicine". According to “The Oracle of Kabbalah” where this information was found and quoted from, this age would be the Messianic age. Adolphina was given this letter/symbol for YATUVAY in preparation of this time, this age.


  1. Where did it come from- A new system of thought on how to heal the whole you occurred through the Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost who had graduated Adolphina from earthly education to further her education in the realm of esoteric healing and teaching. Adolphina had to pass many lessons, tests and initiations before being released to bring these methods to mankind. These methods have been revealed to Adolphina Shephard to assist mankind in their ascension process in time for the galactic convergence in 2012, and to help purge the Earth and mankind of their inequities through the Holy Trinity. YATUVAY is a culmination of Adolphina’s knowledge from her various studies and training in this life, former lives and higher knowledge given to her by the Trinity.


It is administered by The Father’s Universe, The Office of the Christ, The Office of Mother Mary, Ascended Masters, our Angels, Specialists and other Holy Beings. The YATUVAY Practitioner acts as a conduit from God to take place. YATUVAY originated through Adolphinas personal experiences in healing self and others of their spiritual inequities on a mind, body and spiritual basis which then grew into formal teaching methods. Adolphina formulated her early training in energy work through studying methods such as The-Laying-on-of-hands on a Christian basis as well as learning others modalities such as Frequency Balancing and on a larger scale, Feng Shui. Hundreds of aura photography sessions further enhanced her knowledge of the Electromagnetic Body since an Aura photograph is in many ways like an X-Ray of the components of our Electromagnetic Body. Additionally as Adolphina’s consciousness expanded, memories from past lives of being a healer were reborn from ancient mystery schools in Egypt, India, Greece and Israel.