Anonymous ID: f7e013 Jan. 31, 2020, 6:34 p.m. No.7985673   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5731



>interdasting dubs o/

More pressing matters than haxx0r¡ng the earth grid?

Meh, i understand. Sexual reproduction is, admittedly, more important than anything else. This is why boomers cuck and transexualize their children so much: so that they can have an ample supply of melanated obedient slaves catering to their every whim because they believe in opioids and nihilistic sex more than they believe in ancestors and posterity. How do i know? I grew up in a drug house. But who knows, fren. maybe one day parents and jocks will quit beating the shit out of nikola tesla-tier geniuses who are motivated by altruism. will women be attracted to us then?