Anonymous ID: 9326f8 Jan. 31, 2020, 9:28 p.m. No.7987253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7300

This is not a game.

Dems are playing a game.

Schiff and co. are all lawyers and therefore know exactly what they're doing. They're never caught off guard by decisions made by Republicans because everything has been planned since Trump got elected (Dems plotting impeachment).

>By the way, this is 40,000 feet for normies that don't know about the Q movie.


Schiff and Co. KNEW that the White House would block subpoenas if they came from an unlawful request. Therefore the house subpoenaed without a house vote to proceed with impeachment intentionally. Why?


The House Dems know that they can't win an impeachment in the Senate even if there was a crime committed, an impeachable offense. Trump's law team isn't letting him make such moves anyway.

>This has been brought up in the public eye. Trump wanted to do something but his legal team advised against it. I believe it was Trump firing Mueller.


So the Goal of House Dems was to win by losing in the Senate. Ultimately, why?

The Dems have no candidate to compete against Trump, so they had to create one. How? Pick the most valuable name on D side with authority/experience. Biden, fresh, most recent VP for Ds.


Swamp uses media and Mueller to win the House. Swamp uses House to exercise government authority in the eyes of the people. Dems purposefully use their powers incorrectly to cause Trump to optically appear guilty.

>Trump blocks all subpoenas.

>House Dems use Trump's block and public ignorance of Trump's legal argument to push Monarch conspiracy theory.

>Dems use that optical sign of guilt to justify not allowing Trump due process.

>Dems use their own justification for not allowing him due process to paint optically, Trump's guilt.

>Dems use mainstream media coverage to smear Trump in two hearings.

>Dems use hearings to paint a narrative of Trump worth impeaching. They wouldn't have any support for impeachment proceedings without the weeks of committee "investigations" for forming the narrative.


The ultimate situation in the Senate is a logic loop trap of shit.

>Tyrannical Trump can't determine House rules.

Covers up House errors in proceeding.

>Tyrannical Trump blocked House over rules he can't enforce on the House.

>Tyrannical Trump had to be met with swift action, hence rushed House process.

>Any attempt on the Senate to rush to acquit appears like collusion and bias.


Make impossible demand which tricks American public's poor logic skills.

>Trials need witnesses and documents as seen on tv.

This binds Republicans to negative optics because R's know the house process was illegal.


The chess like attacks on R's and Trump is meant solely to lose, to outrage ignorant voters.

At the same time, the delay in bringing the articles to the Senate was to confine Sanders, Klobuchar, and Warren to the senate where they can't campaign for the Iowa Caucus. This enables Biden to not only appear as the opposition to Trump, the leading opposition to Trump (because Sanders, Warren, and Klob act as pawns in the D army, pushing for an extended losing trial against their own campaign interests, acting non-effected), and gets Biden ahead of the narrative on his own corruption. Trump appears like the dirty player.


Dems are acting like they're many steps ahead of everyone in the game in Washington, but it's not a game because Trump's successes enable enough of the American public to support him.


All the while, nobody in government can talk about anything other than the talking points because of active ongoing investigations.


>Trump tweets "TREASON?"

>Trump interviews "I caught them all, you just watch."

>Trump assurances "It's a witchhunt, we'll do fine."

et al.

Anonymous ID: 9326f8 Jan. 31, 2020, 9:35 p.m. No.7987300   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Trump legal team simply refers Senate and public to their decisions based on the law. Legal team dicks with the logic trap. They have no other move necessary to make because Dems cashed in tons of political clout, just to get one name on the ballot that can even remotely compete against Trump.

Biden is completely dependent on the powers of the Media and the House fags that sink into a trance repeating themselves ad nauseam.


The only resolution in sight comes from voters voting R in 2020. Trump continues his rallies sharing the news on his successful actions. 401Ks keep growing, jobs keep coming, bad things keep going away. The R's just appear attacked and place their hope in the voters. Voters rise to the occasion in taking back their country.